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View Full Version : When You Know You Have Crossed the Stupid Line

05-03-2022, 08:06 AM
G20 invites Putin to summit.

Putin accepts.

What exactly does one have to be thinking to invite an assclown with zero regard for the sovereignty of other countries and threatening to use nukes? They're just going to sit around and shoot the shit about the climate like its halftime in a football game and nothing else is going on in the World? More to the point of that, I have already gotten the idea at least of these airhead bureaucrats think Ukraine is just some video game rather than reality. Then again, they think they can stop a cyclical change in the Earth's climate :rolleyes:

Can you imagine Churchill inviting Hitler to tea?:cuckoo:

On the other hand, Putin will be a bigger fool than I already think he is if he were to actually show up.