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View Full Version : Man Who Discovered Hunter Biden Laptop Sues Schiff & Media

05-05-2022, 12:51 PM
I'm sure nothing will come of this and the courts will help in Schiff walking unscathed.

But nice to see him get a little comeuppance. He's a POS liar.


Man Who Discovered Hunter Biden Laptop Sues Schiff & Media

John Paul Mac Issac, the Delaware computer repair shop owner who discovered Hunter Biden’s “laptop from hell” has filed a lawsuit against Congressman Adam Schiff, CNN, The Daily Beast and Politico for claiming that he was an agent of the Russian state who was spreading “Russian disinformation” by bringing the contents of the laptop public.

The America Project, a 501c4 non-profit founded by Overstock.com CEO Patrick Byrne and General Michael Flynn, are supporting Mac Issac’s legal action. TAP’s main focus is election integrity and training Americans on how to spot election fraud, which Byrne believes is directly related to how the mainstream media and congressional Democrats not only covered up the Hunter Biden laptop story.

“John Paul Mac Issac is a courageous patriot who tried to do the American people a great service in referring the hard drive from Hunter Biden’s laptop to the FBI in order for them to investigate the many crimes that were documented on the device.

Sadly, not only did the FBI decline to properly investigate and issue indictments, they also remained silent as talking heads in the mainstream media and Congressman Adam Schiff parroted outright lies about Mr. Mac Issac.

Elected representatives like Congressman Schiff and journalists have a duty to seek the truth, a duty they abandoned for vicious political posturing that put John Paul Mac Issac’s life at risk and framed him as a Russian conspirator working against the United States of America,” Byrne explained.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/05/exclusive-man-discovered-hunter-biden-laptop-sues-schiff-media-docs/