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View Full Version : Warren pushes to eliminate filibuster over Roe v. Wade, says she's 'madder than hell'

05-06-2022, 11:23 AM

My day just got ever so brighter. Loony Fauxahontas meltdown ahoy! :laugh2:

Dems have zero respect for rules and/or law. Don't like the decision? Change the rules. First time Republicans used it on them they'd be crying to reinstate the filibuster.

They're so transparent :rolleyes:

05-06-2022, 01:23 PM
Does it seem Odd to anyone, as it does for me. How Warren is so mad
about ROE V. WADE NOW?
Most of America is MAD at her parents for NOT HAVING AN ABORTION for her.
What a GREAT PLACE it would be without....POCOHONTAS the MAD SQUALL.?

05-06-2022, 01:54 PM

05-06-2022, 03:27 PM
So the democrats, yet again, see something that they disagree with, and now it's Aok to create violence and disrupt everything and anything they can.

Proving their lies and hypocrisy over and over.

05-06-2022, 07:10 PM
What does the filibuster have to do with SCOTUS potentially overturning Roe?

"Mah dinner was late!!!! END THE FILIBUSTER!!!"

05-06-2022, 08:04 PM
What does the filibuster have to do with SCOTUS potentially overturning Roe?

"Mah dinner was late!!!! END THE FILIBUSTER!!!"

For some reason they think they can codify Roe into law before the Supreme Court rules on it if they nuke the filibuster. Not a bunch of reality going on with the fruitcake extremists.

05-06-2022, 11:52 PM
The best thing about this leak is it shows just how extreme the left has become.

05-07-2022, 10:30 AM
The best thing about this leak is it shows just how extreme the left has become.Become? Perhaps. The 1860s draft riots not to be forgotten, the current trend of escalating and one-upping themselves began in the 1960s when minorities/the left were left unchecked to riot, assault and destroy every time they didn't like the decision.

They can call it what they want and use alphabet soup in an attempt to smokescreen their actions, but they have a ready, willing and able bunch of semi-pro/pro thugs at the call of whatever the buzzword of the day is, and they know it. The establishment Dems will disavow any relationship to the goons, while turning a blind eye to their behavior.

Since they like to escalate and last time they took over cities, one can only imagine what they're going to one-up themselves with this time. One thing we can be sure of: it WON'T be called an "insurrection". Only rabid, violent rightwing extremists are capable of meeting that criteria :rolleyes: