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View Full Version : Only Theory ‘That Makes Sense’ Is SCOTUS Leaker Is ‘Conservative’

05-08-2022, 01:24 PM
Sure, not even a remote possibility that a leftist clerk, for example for Sotomayor... No point even going there. The left would simply never...

So has to be a righty :rolleyes::rolleyes:


Only Theory ‘That Makes Sense’ Is SCOTUS Leaker Is ‘Conservative’

NPR reporter Nina Totenberg said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week” that she believed that a conservative law clerk was the likeliest suspect for the leak of Justice Samuel Alito’s draft majority decision overturning the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision.

Totenberg said, “It’s viewed it’s an earthquake, and I think within the court itself it’s an earthquake. There has never been a leak like this. There have been minor, little springs that have emerged from the court, reports of a tentative vote or misbehavior by one justice back in the ’50s, ’60s, ’70s. There were those kinds of leaks but never an entire draft of a majority opinion. That has never, ever occurred before. And it can only, in all likelihood, have come from a justice, I think that is less likely, perhaps one of the clerks. The leading theory is a conservative clerk who was afraid that one of the conservatives might be persuaded by Chief Justice Roberts to join a much more moderate opinion.”

She added, “There’s another theory that it was an outraged liberal clerk. But I think the only one that makes sense is that it came from somebody who was afraid that this majority might not hold. That Chief Justice Roberts might persuade one of the conservatives come over to him in a much more moderate opinion.”


05-08-2022, 03:26 PM
Interesting. How many suspected of being suspects and/or had a 3rd cousin that "knew someone" have been detained/arrested/harassed over Jan 6th?

But they can't find one person out of a small, limited number of personnel with access?

It really doesn't matter what the politics are, nor who the person leaking the info works for. Automatically assuming it's a clerk is leaving out 3 Dem Justices as suspects.

05-09-2022, 07:05 AM
My "only theory that makes sense" is Breyer. His last, or one of last, case and he's trying to cement a legacy or a last ditch effort.

This is fun. Make stuff up on national TV.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-09-2022, 09:03 AM
Sure, not even a remote possibility that a leftist clerk, for example for Sotomayor... No point even going there. The left would simply never...

So has to be a righty :rolleyes::rolleyes:


Only Theory ‘That Makes Sense’ Is SCOTUS Leaker Is ‘Conservative’

NPR reporter Nina Totenberg said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week” that she believed that a conservative law clerk was the likeliest suspect for the leak of Justice Samuel Alito’s draft majority decision overturning the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision.

Totenberg said, “It’s viewed it’s an earthquake, and I think within the court itself it’s an earthquake. There has never been a leak like this. There have been minor, little springs that have emerged from the court, reports of a tentative vote or misbehavior by one justice back in the ’50s, ’60s, ’70s. There were those kinds of leaks but never an entire draft of a majority opinion. That has never, ever occurred before. And it can only, in all likelihood, have come from a justice, I think that is less likely, perhaps one of the clerks. The leading theory is a conservative clerk who was afraid that one of the conservatives might be persuaded by Chief Justice Roberts to join a much more moderate opinion.”

She added, “There’s another theory that it was an outraged liberal clerk. But I think the only one that makes sense is that it came from somebody who was afraid that this majority might not hold. That Chief Justice Roberts might persuade one of the conservatives come over to him in a much more moderate opinion.”


Utter rot, that it was leaked by a Conservative. Utter bullshat too.
It was leaked by a worthless ffing liberal minded dem asshole, imho.
Maybe one of the leftist/liberal/dishonorable justices--like Kagan or the totally worthless Soto scum..
Leaked deliberately to gin up more support for abortion by those that support the murder of innocent babies, imho.
Imagine the horror if in the 1960's somebody had actually dared to predict that there would 63 million innocent babies murdered?
Why, hell that person would have been put into an asylum, imho....
Yet today we see that reality and yet we have millions of ignorant, blinded and utterly stupid Americans saying that is alright!!!!!!!
As if, no divine punishment will ever be meted out for such a massive ongoing horror, for such an atrocity...
These dems are not only anti-american, many of them are truly heartless, lying, spineless, filthy pieces of shit, imho.
So stated , so as to be no doubt as to my opinion on this dem endorsed murdering of innocent babies..
Which shows the true nature of these filthy, worthless, lying, totally dishonorable, ffing POS.-- :saluting2:--Tyr