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View Full Version : This useless POS is a certified RINO..

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-12-2022, 05:53 AM
Chris Christie Hits Trump Where It Hurts Most With Scathing Twitter Retort
Josephine Harvey
Wed, May 11, 2022, 10:21 PM
In this article:

Donald Trump
Donald Trump
45th President of the United States

Chris Christie
Chris Christie
Governor of New Jersey

Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) poked a sore spot of Donald Trump’s on Wednesday after the former president attacked him and two sitting GOP governors as “RINOs” for supporting Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp (R).

“Insightful commentary about three Republican Governors who were overwhelmingly re-elected by their people from a former president who lost to Joe Biden,” Christie tweeted. “Maybe the “R” in RINO really stands for re-elected.”

RINO, one of Trump’s favorite insults for conservatives who don’t support him, stands for “Republican in name only.”

Trump used the term in a statement Wednesday attacking Christie as well as Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey and Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts for their allegiance to Kemp in his reelection campaign.

Trump has had a vendetta against Kemp since the governor’s decision to certify Georgia’s 2020 election results, hindering Trump’s relentless efforts to flip the presidential vote count to his favor under false pretenses of fraud at the polls. Trump’s latest statement accused Kemp of being the “worst election integrity governor in the country.”

Christie, Ducey and Ricketts are campaigning for Kemp in his primary challenge against former Sen. David Perdue (R-Ga.), whom Trump has endorsed. Perdue has peddled Trump’s lies that the election he lost to Biden was “rigged and stolen.”

Christie, who ran for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016 and appears likely to do so again in 2024, was a longtime ally of Trump’s. He has been deeply critical of the former president over his role in inciting the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol by Trump supporters.

Christie, a total POS, he is a certified snake in the grass , worthless sumbiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatccccchhhhh, imho.
If only a very well-placed lightning bolt would rid us of that ffing vermin.
I'd spit on him in a heartbeat..-Tyr

05-12-2022, 07:33 AM
When loyalty runs thin don't expect loyalty.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-12-2022, 07:45 AM
When loyalty runs thin don't expect loyalty.

He has only ever been loyal to himself.
These RINO'S are nothing but worthless scum, imho.
And they are seeded into the Republican party only to serve themselves and back-stab at the right moment, usually on the most important issues.
In my opinion, dumbed down American idiots keep on voting them in over and over ...--Tyr

05-12-2022, 10:17 AM
He has only ever been loyal to himself.
These RINO'S are nothing but worthless scum, imho.
And they are seeded into the Republican party only to serve themselves and back-stab at the right moment, usually on the most important issues.
In my opinion, dumbed down American idiots keep on voting them in over and over ...--Tyr

Are you talking about trump now? Prior to about 6 or 7 years ago RINO is the best thing that could have been said about trump. Prior to him becoming POTUS a RINO was a big government Republican, now a RINO is someone who has crossed trump in any way. FWIW small government conservative has not really been his calling card.

Is Kemp here in GA a RINO as well? If so, why?

05-13-2022, 11:04 AM
Are you talking about trump now? Prior to about 6 or 7 years ago RINO is the best thing that could have been said about trump. Prior to him becoming POTUS a RINO was a big government Republican, now a RINO is someone who has crossed trump in any way. FWIW small government conservative has not really been his calling card.

Is Kemp here in GA a RINO as well? If so, why?For definition see: "Democrats calling everyone but themselves racist and using it to silence any opposition".

Trump and his "peeps" can re-label everyone that doesn't buy their fantasy anything they want, but their labels bely their behavior. Shallow, ill-mannered people with nothing but insults for substance are what they are.

I don't like Christie. I like dividing the Republican party at the worst time possible even less.

05-13-2022, 11:49 AM
Christie, a total POS, he is a certified snake in the grass , worthless sumbiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatccccchhhhh, imho.
If only a very well-placed lightning bolt would rid us of that ffing vermin.
I'd spit on him in a heartbeat..-Tyr

Christie may be a RINO, but not because he supports Kemp. Even more ridiculous is referring to Pat McCrory as a RINO.

05-13-2022, 12:20 PM
Christie may be a RINO, but not because he supports Kemp. Even more ridiculous is referring to Pat McCrory as a RINO.
More supporting Kemp:


05-13-2022, 12:21 PM
More supporting Kemp:


Even those that were unfailingly loyal until came to ignoring the Constitution are not "RINOS".

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-13-2022, 02:07 PM
In my reply I did not mention a single ffkking word about Christie in regards to either his loyalty or lack of in regards to Trump.
Anybody referencing that about me can fukking kiss my ass!
I do not take kindly to SOB's that try to put words into mouth..
Christie is a fat bastard, lying self-serving piece of work and that was what my comment was based upon.

05-13-2022, 03:34 PM
In my reply I did not mention a single ffkking word about Christie in regards to either his loyalty or lack of in regards to Trump.
Anybody referencing that about me can fukking kiss my ass!
I do not take kindly to SOB's that try to put words into mouth..
Christie is a fat bastard, lying self-serving piece of work and that was what my comment was based upon.

Isn't that what this thread is about?