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05-12-2022, 07:20 PM
What "program" do you ask? Well, in Canada if you feel you are not living out your life with dignity, you can apply to have them euthanize you. WTF?


This Man Is So Anxious About the Climate, He Wants Medically Assisted Suicide

Howard Breen’s anxiety about the planet is so bad that he’s asked Canada to let him die. Will he be accepted into the program?

Howard Breen isn’t afraid to die to save the planet. In fact, he may just want to—in order to save himself.

The 68-year-old eco-activist and member of the global group Extinction Rebellion has spent almost his entire life trying to warn people about the climate crisis. He’s been arrested for super-gluing himself to log booms and stopping air traffic on tarmacs. He’s even gone on hunger strikes.

Then in 2017, Breen’s doctor diagnosed him with clinical eco-anxiety and biosphere-related depression. It’s an intense fear of entropy related to the existential threat of climate change, and it’s becoming more common. Breen is so genuinely worried about global climate chaos—which has led to destructive and deadly heat waves, floods, and fires around the world—that he often experiences depression, anxious malaise, and panic attacks.

“It becomes debilitating,” said Breen, who lives in Vancouver Island. “The depression that I'm feeling around the state of things, and my inability to not be apprehensive about the future of my children specifically, is a huge concern for me.”

If the world doesn’t immediately divest from fossil fuels and the climate crisis continues, Breen would rather not see what becomes of it. He wants a contingency plan. That’s why he said he’s applied for Canada’s Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID)—a program that allows citizens to take their own lives, under the care of a doctor, if they can’t cope anymore. The law was first adopted in 2016 for Canadians afflicted by grievous or incurable medical conditions but was eventually amended to include those determined to have a low enough quality of life. And next March, the program will be expanded even further to include people living with mental illness.

Breen feels he should be eligible. The first time he applied, in February 2021, he was denied. But he hasn’t given up. Later that same year, he started his fight again with the hopes that the Canadian government will recognize both his application and eco-anxiety, in general, as legitimate.

Rest - https://www.vice.com/en/article/k7wd4e/canada-assisted-suicide-climate-anxiety

Horror: Tyrannical Government of Canada Will Pay to Euthanize Those Who Are “Too Poor to Continue Living With Dignity”

Crippling inflation, homelessness, skyrocketing crime, supply shortages, and depression – all of which come hand in hand with radical liberal policies that promise to take care of the supposedly oppressed and the financially downtrodden.

However, in Canada, the public health ‘experts’ are trying out a more ghastly approach to solving people’s issues – and if people accept the evil proposal, their problems will be taken care of once and for all… quite literally.

As of last year, the Canadian government is now offering to pay to euthanize people who are “too poor to continue living with dignity.” Anyone who feels as such – the tyrannical state would like to foot the bill for their suicide.

Yes, really. Like things weren’t dystopian enough with the lockdowns and oppressive public health measures… Killing the poor because they lack enough “dignity” to live? That’s a far cry from the typical social programs that are championed by the radical left.

On Wednesday, Tucker Carlson discussed Canada’s grim euthanasia program with Author Charles Camosy, who has written a book on the subject and is one of the most vocal critics of self-assisted suicide in Canada.

According to Camosy, Canada’s policies speak for themself and “are seen for what they are” – pure evil.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/05/horror-tyrannical-government-canada-will-pay-euthanize-poor-continue-living-dignity-video/

05-12-2022, 10:43 PM
Yeah, I think Australia or New Zealand has some type of program like this.

05-13-2022, 07:15 AM
it's Eugenics Jim,
using Abortion & Euthanasia (and other means),
Euthanasia/Assisted Suicide is just another part of the same old eugenics program that billionaires and "thought leaders" have been pushing for over 100 years now. Eugenics got a bad rap in the mind of the public after Hitler but many Elites and Academics never gave up on it.

Seems there really is a portion of elites and Academics that believe that the world is overpopulated (& with the wrong kind of people). And are doing something about it.
They've managed to convinced a certain amount of the of the general population of the same.
Most stop short of promoting euthanasia but some Medical "professionals", "Bio-Ethicists", plus some politicians & bureaucrats are convinced that it's needed. And have quietly facilitated it in various ways around the world.

What's happening in Canada is just a part of that.

JOE BIDEN: So that’s why today I’ve named the COVID-19 Transition Advisory Board comprised of distinguished public health experts to help our transition team translate the Biden-Harris COVID-19 plan into action. A blueprint that we can put in place as soon as Kamala and I are sworn into office on January 20th, 2021. President-elect Biden Delivers Remarks on Coronavirus Pandemic (http://President-elect Biden Delivers Remarks on Coronavirus Pandemic)

...HOWARD MONROE: Philadelphia health commissioner Dr. Thomas Farley this morning on Eyewitness News. He praised president-elect Joe Biden's transition team for picking Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel to join his coronavirus task force. He is the chair of the Department of Medical Ethics and Health Policy at the University of Pennsylvania. UPenn Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel To Serve On President-Elect Biden’s Coronavirus Task Force (https://philadelphia.cbslocal.com/2020/11/09/upenn-dr-ezekiel-emanuel-to-serve-on-president-elect-bidens-coronavirus-task-force/)

That announcement meant very little to the general public, who likely only know Emanuel as a talking head on tv panel discussions or as the brother of former Obama chief of staff and ex-mayor of Chicago, Rahm Emanuel. But for those who have followed Ezekiel Emanuel's career as a bioethicist and his history of advocating controversial reforms of the American health care system, his appointment was an ominous sign of things to come.
He has argued (https://archive.is/F6dbb) that the Hippocratic Oath is obsolete and that it leads to doctors believing that they should do everything they can for their patients rather than letting them die to focus on higher priorities. He has argued that people should choose to die at age 75 (https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2014/10/why-i-hope-to-die-at-75/379329/) to spare society the burden of looking after them in old age. As a health policy advisor to the Obama administration he helped craft the Affordable Care Act (https://www.cnbc.com/2017/08/01/obamacare-architect-on-bringing-down-soaring-health-insurance-costs.html), which fellow Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber admitted was only passed thanks to the stupidity of the American public...

.But there are no "death panels".

Like sassy mentioned there's stuff going on like the Canadian law all over.

Switzerland has even legalised a 3d printed 'Suicide Machine'. The device promises a 'painless death' within a minute.
Assisted Suicide has been legal in the country since 1942, the 'Sarco Pod' is aimed at making the process easier.

I would post some items I've read & watched about whats been going on in Senior Facilities under the cover of Covid but i don't know if many would believe it.

But as far as I'm concerned, I'm convinced there are some people... who you'd think we should trust... who are working on killing a lot of people as quietly as possible. And convincing folks of BS climate stories is just one way to move that needle.

Again it looks like the crazy "conspiracy theorist" have been pointing out stuff like this for decades. Pointing out words spoken, documents written, facilities and programs created by those in power in to get it done.
It's starting to be in our faces now.

05-13-2022, 08:08 AM
just a little more background info
...research into the history of bioethics leads one to the doorstep of the Hastings Center, a nonprofit research center that, according to its website (https://www.thehastingscenter.org/who-we-are/), "was important in establishing the field of bioethics." The founding director of the Hastings Center, Theodosius Dobzhansky, was a chairman (http://www.all.org/abac/aes.txt) of the American Eugenics Society from 1964 to 1973, while Hastings cofounder Daniel Callahan—who has admitted (https://www.questia.com/library/journal/1G1-220561055/ethics-and-population) to relying on Rockefeller Population Council and UN Population Fund money in the early days of the center's work—served as a director (https://www.thehastingscenter.org/pdf/cv/cv_daniel_callahan.pdf) of the American Eugenics Society (rebranded as The Society for the Study of Social Biology (https://www.thehastingscenter.org/pdf/cv/cv_daniel_callahan.pdf)) from 1987 to 1992.
As previous Corbett Report guest (https://www.questia.com/library/journal/1G1-220561055/ethics-and-population) Anton Chaitkin has extensively documented (https://www.thehastingscenter.org/pdf/cv/cv_daniel_callahan.pdf), there is a line of historical continuity connecting the promotion of eugenics in America by the Rockefeller family in the early 20th century to the creation of the Hastings Center in the late 20th century. As Chaitkin points out, Callahan and his center was fostered by the Rockefeller-founded Population Council as a front for pushing the eugenics agenda—including abortion, euthanasia and the creation of death panels—under the guise of "bioethics."
As a result, many of the most prominent bioethicists working today come from the Hastings Center stable.
Take Peter Singer. If there is any bioethicist working today whose name is known to the general public, it's Hastings Center fellow (https://www.thehastingscenter.org/who-we-are/our-team/hastings-center-fellows/) Peter Singer, famed for his animal liberation advocacy. Less well known to the public are his arguments not only in favor of abortion but infanticide (https://www.thehastingscenter.org/pdf/cv/cv_daniel_callahan.pdf), including the belief that there is no relevant difference between abortion and the killing of “severely disabled infants."
Or take Ezekiel Emanuel. Another Hastings Center fellow, Emanuel is also a senior fellow at the shady (https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/secret-donors-behind-center-american-progress-and-other-think-tanks-updated-524/) Center for American Progress and a bioethicist who has argued (https://archive.is/F6dbb) that the Hippocratic Oath is obsolete and that people should choose to die at age 75 (https://www.thehastingscenter.org/pdf/cv/cv_daniel_callahan.pdf) to spare society the burden of looking after them in old age. He is also the lead author of that New England Journal of Medicine article advocating for rationing COVID-19 care that was adopted by the CMA.
What few would realize is that Emanuel's death panel proposal did not emerge in response to the current COVID-19 "crisis" at all, but has been a key part of his advocacy for decades. In his 2008 book, Healthcare, Guaranteed (https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/3343792-healthcare-guaranteed), Emanuel argued for the creation of a National Health Board to approve all healthcare payments and procedures in the United States, one whose life-and-death decisions would be final, with no possibility for objection from patients, healthcare providers, government officials or the taxpayers who funded the system....


but it's all for the good of humanity & to "save the planet".