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View Full Version : Parents suing TicToc

05-13-2022, 03:51 PM
While I can appreciate a parent's love for their children why do they feel they can sue TicToc because their children died from watching a challenge. Why do people allow their children to have access to TicTic if it's this bad?


05-14-2022, 09:55 AM
While I can appreciate a parent's love for their children why do they feel they can sue TicToc because their children died from watching a challenge. Why do people allow their children to have access to TicTic if it's this bad?


I can understand where they are coming from. Over the years there have been endless types of challenges on TikTok, and also all of the other media places where kids and others end up. Some of these challenges are stupid, some end up making the individual suffer a little for their stupidity & then there are the worse challenges where someone ends up injured.

But the problem is the idiots thinking these things up, and then daring others & then the idiots that take them up and actually try these garbage things with their friends.

Probably a lefty parent as they see no personal responsibility, nor from their child for being stupid.

I get that parents don't want their child suffering from these things - but that's why you teach kids not to do stupid things.

Some can just as easily post telling others to shoot themselves or jump off the Brooklyn bridge. It's not Tiktok's responsibility to ensure the reader isn't stupid.