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View Full Version : ‘Full Frontal’ Gives Thumbs Up to Protests at Justices’ Homes

05-14-2022, 06:25 PM
Whether lame comedy or not - the leftist media is having a full on assault on Okaying the illegal protesting.

Speaking of which, if illegal as it is, then why isn't anyone doing anything about it?


‘Full Frontal’ Gives Thumbs Up to Protests at Justices’ Homes

Samantha Bee once raised a ruckus over a gag targeting Hillary Rodham Clinton. Now, her signature show is cheering on protesters who are making life miserable, and worse, for five pro-life Supreme Court justices…at their homes.

Bee, host of TBS’s low-rated Full Frontal with Samantha Bee, shared a ghastly Tweet this week saying the pro-choice protesters are justified in their behavior.

Is there another way to decode this attempt at humor?


The protests are tied to an illegally leaked draft opinion suggesting the Supreme Court may soon overturn Roe v. Wade.

It’s worth noting the Biden White House initially gave the green light to this behavior when pressed on the issue late last week. White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki admired the protesters’ “passion” and couldn’t envision the obvious, nor did she caution against protesting at a justices’ home.

They gave the protesters their tacit approval. Period.

Sane souls understand protests at the home of public officials is tantamount to a threat, not to mention against the law in select states. It’s a line that shouldn’t be crossed for many on both sides of the aisle.

Not the hard Left, apparently.

Some pro-abortion forces already went far beyond words and placards in Wisconsin. They spray painted a direct threat to anyone who topples Roe v. Wade at an anti-abortion group’s office building. The vandals also set part of it on fire.

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/christian-toto/2022/05/14/full-frontal-gives-thumbs-protests-justices-homes

05-14-2022, 09:50 PM
It’s worth noting the Biden White House initially gave the green light to this behavior when pressed on the issue late last week. White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki admired the protesters’ “passion” and couldn’t envision the obvious, nor did she caution against protesting at a justices’ home.They gave the protesters their tacit approval. Period.Sane souls understand protests at the home of public officials is tantamount to a threat, not to mention against the law in select states. It’s a line that shouldn’t be crossed for many on both sides of the aisle.Not the hard Left, apparently.Some pro-abortion forces already went far beyond words and placards in Wisconsin. They spray painted a direct threat to anyone who topples Roe v. Wade at an anti-abortion group’s office building. The vandals also set part of it on fire.]Aren't you the ones that delighted in stalking the Governor of Michigan while plotting to kidnap her and sending death threats to anyone who spoke out against Herr Trump? -------------------- ----But this is nothing. We the people have not yet begun to practice civil disobedience. The marches are going to get larger. Conservative Republican candidates are going to be held accountable for their actions. WE have studied the actions of the "patriots" who invaded the U.S. Capitol hoping to "stop a steal" that never happened. And we will do things bigger and better. It's on. :cool:

05-14-2022, 11:15 PM
It appears that the only persons stalking Gov. Whitmer were the FBI. Try again, Gabs.

Aren't you the ones that delighted in stalking the Governor of Michigan while plotting to kidnap her and sending death threats to anyone who spoke out against Herr Trump? -------------------- ----But this is nothing. We the people have not yet begun to practice civil disobedience. The marches are going to get larger. Conservative Republican candidates are going to be held accountable for their actions. WE have studied the actions of the "patriots" who invaded the U.S. Capitol hoping to "stop a steal" that never happened. And we will do things bigger and better. It's on. :cool:

05-15-2022, 01:25 AM
Aren't you the ones that delighted in stalking the Governor of Michigan while plotting to kidnap her and sending death threats to anyone who spoke out against Herr Trump? -------------------- ----But this is nothing. We the people have not yet begun to practice civil disobedience. The marches are going to get larger. Conservative Republican candidates are going to be held accountable for their actions. WE have studied the actions of the "patriots" who invaded the U.S. Capitol hoping to "stop a steal" that never happened. And we will do things bigger and better. It's on. :cool:

I think you have your boards confused Gabs. In fact this post sounds more like that other person who posts under your name. This post sounds like an angry teenager threatening to go all out with civil disobedience. Another summer of burning it down. How tolerant of you.

05-15-2022, 09:48 AM
Aren't you the ones that delighted in stalking the Governor of Michigan while plotting to kidnap her and sending death threats to anyone who spoke out against Herr Trump? -------------------- ----But this is nothing. We the people have not yet begun to practice civil disobedience. The marches are going to get larger. Conservative Republican candidates are going to be held accountable for their actions. WE have studied the actions of the "patriots" who invaded the U.S. Capitol hoping to "stop a steal" that never happened. And we will do things bigger and better. It's on. :cool:

Your respect for civil disobedience is one-sided. If you want to see a liberal's idea of the civil obedience double standard, watch what Justin Trudeau did to the anti-COVID restriction protesters in Ottawa. Roe v Wade protesters don't even get it that all this does it turn the issue back to the states. California is already licking its chops to become to abortion what Las Vegas, NV is to gambling.

Here's where your "bigger and better" assertion leads: Full scale civil war. Such a mentality is prevalent in Latin America. Mexico's "bigger and better" are the drug cartels. Are you prepared to have mutilated dead bodies hanging from bridges to show that you're "the biggest and the best"?

05-15-2022, 02:31 PM
Aren't you the ones that delighted in stalking the Governor of Michigan while plotting to kidnap her and sending death threats to anyone who spoke out against Herr Trump? -------------------- ----But this is nothing. We the people have not yet begun to practice civil disobedience. The marches are going to get larger. Conservative Republican candidates are going to be held accountable for their actions. WE have studied the actions of the "patriots" who invaded the U.S. Capitol hoping to "stop a steal" that never happened. And we will do things bigger and better. It's on. :cool:

Ummm,no. You're just a confused idiot. You haven't begun nor will you ever. You are just 100% full of shit.


05-15-2022, 07:20 PM
I think you have your boards confused Gabs. In fact this post sounds more like that other person who posts under your name. This post sounds like an angry teenager threatening to go all out with civil disobedience. Another summer of burning it down. How tolerant of you.You are a bit out of touch. My daughter will turn 21 at the end of the month. She doesn't need to post under my name because she has her own thoughts. Which tend to be well thought out since she just completed her third year of college. Some people rant and rave despite not having an intelligent thought in their head. Perhaps you have forgotten that this country was founded on the premise of civil disobedience. It is a right of all Americans who believe they have been wronged. There have quite a few protests and marches so far. Nothing has been burned down. No federal or state buildings have been invaded or ransacked. Today's current under 25 crowd include a lot of activists on both sides. At least they are involved. I would rather my daughter be involved in that crowd rather than the spoiled and entitled millennials who spend all day watching TV, playing video games and posting on Instagram.

05-15-2022, 07:29 PM
You are a bit out of touch. My daughter will turn 21 at the end of the month. She doesn't need to post under my name because she has her own thoughts. Which tend to be well thought out since she just completed her third year of college. Some people rant and rave despite not having an intelligent thought in their head. Perhaps you have forgotten that this country was founded on the premise of civil disobedience. It is a right of all Americans who believe they have been wronged. There have quite a few protests and marches so far. Nothing has been burned down. No federal or state buildings have been invaded or ransacked. Today's current under 25 crowd include a lot of activists on both sides. At least they are involved. I would rather my daughter be involved in that crowd rather than the spoiled and entitled millennials who spend all day watching TV, playing video games and posting on Instagram.

You have lied about your own daughter here and were also busted with bullshit about your students. Nothing to be out of touch with - you were outright busted and lied - whether others forgot what went down or not. Usually, once a severe liar as such, always... So brag all you like, no one can trust a single sentence, not a single word. You more than earned that title and everything you tell us is now suspect.

05-15-2022, 09:48 PM
You have lied about your own daughter here and were also busted with bullshit about your students. Nothing to be out of touch with - you were outright busted and lied - whether others forgot what went down or not. Usually, once a severe liar as such, always... So brag all you like, no one can trust a single sentence, not a single word. You more than earned that title and everything you tell us is now suspect.

I haven't forgotten the doubt whether she's in Pasadena, California or Pasadena, Texas.

05-15-2022, 10:14 PM
You have lied about your own daughter here and were also busted with bullshit about your students. Nothing to be out of touch with - you were outright busted and lied - whether others forgot what went down or not. Usually, once a severe liar as such, always... So brag all you like, no one can trust a single sentence, not a single word. You more than earned that title and everything you tell us is now suspect.I have lied about no one. You, on the other hand, are an old hand at spreading misinformation. But instead of telling lies and pretending you "busted" my family, why not use this opportunity to brag about your own. As I remember, your son is a bright, intelligent young man who qualified to attend a very prestigious college. I am sure he has achieved great things since then. Why not live up to one of your parental duties and tell us about your kid. I promise not to "bust" you, since I have a much higher opinion of you than you have of me.

05-16-2022, 11:34 AM
I have lied about no one. You, on the other hand, are an old hand at spreading misinformation. But instead of telling lies and pretending you "busted" my family, why not use this opportunity to brag about your own. As I remember, your son is a bright, intelligent young man who qualified to attend a very prestigious college. I am sure he has achieved great things since then. Why not live up to one of your parental duties and tell us about your kid. I promise not to "bust" you, since I have a much higher opinion of you than you have of me.

You did lie, and I'm pretty sure that NightTrain nailed you quite a dozen times, and was also the one to find out your incessant lies about your location. You DID LIE about your daughter posting and it was well beyond proven right here.

I am not going to discuss my family in threads where someone is doing their best to troll instead of actually discussing subjects. If someone was ever truly interested in such discussions they would know how to go about it.

05-16-2022, 03:33 PM
You are a bit out of touch. My daughter will turn 21 at the end of the month. She doesn't need to post under my name because she has her own thoughts. Which tend to be well thought out since she just completed her third year of college. Some people rant and rave despite not having an intelligent thought in their head. Perhaps you have forgotten that this country was founded on the premise of civil disobedience. It is a right of all Americans who believe they have been wronged. There have quite a few protests and marches so far. Nothing has been burned down. No federal or state buildings have been invaded or ransacked. Today's current under 25 crowd include a lot of activists on both sides. At least they are involved. I would rather my daughter be involved in that crowd rather than the spoiled and entitled millennials who spend all day watching TV, playing video games and posting on Instagram.

I never said anything about your daughter.

Your posts today sound more like the Gabby I'm familiar with. Your first 2 posts since the RvW leak have long lines of dashes =================seems like a different posting style. Plus they didn't sound as well thought out as you usually are when you're here to troll us. As I said .. sounded like an immature temper tantrum. Could be you .... just having a bad day I guess.

05-16-2022, 05:03 PM
I have lied about no one. You, on the other hand, are an old hand at spreading misinformation. But instead of telling lies and pretending you "busted" my family, why not use this opportunity to brag about your own. As I remember, your son is a bright, intelligent young man who qualified to attend a very prestigious college. I am sure he has achieved great things since then. Why not live up to one of your parental duties and tell us about your kid. I promise not to "bust" you, since I have a much higher opinion of you than you have of me.

If I can turn down the temperature even with limited social capabilities, I'm sure that you can too. Your situation is like entering as a contestant in the Special Olympics and coming in last place. Do better!

05-17-2022, 01:55 AM
http://icansayit.com/pictures/gabby troll.jpg