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View Full Version : 4th grade students - "they are queer because I am queer"

05-15-2022, 03:06 PM
How the hell are you a 4th grade teacher and stating that you are teaching these students about being queer?

And then worse, going on tiktok and claiming that some of her students are queer as a result.

I attached the video below, for now until they remove it, if they do.

This is disgusting. She WAS fired, or they say they "agreed to end the relationship". She should be brought up on charges IMO.


4th Grade Utah Teacher No Longer Employed After Posting Viral TikTok Bragging About Having Inappropriate Conversations with Her ‘Queer Students’

Another groomer down.

A queer Utah teacher who posted a viral TikTok bragging about having inappropriate conversations with her “queer” students has ‘resigned.’

Jenna Hall was put on administrative leave from Renaissance Academy after she posted a viral TikTok claiming she talks about sex with her 4th graders.

Ms. Hall said she created a ‘safe space’ for her students to discuss their sexual orientation with her after class.

“A lot of them [students] are queer because I am queer,” Hall said in the viral video.

Watch Jenna Hall’s mental illness on display:


Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/05/4th-grade-utah-teacher-no-longer-employed-posting-viral-tiktok-bragging-inappropriate-conversations-queer-students-video/

Abbey Marie
05-16-2022, 01:30 PM
Are there no maturity/psychological tests for teachers? Apart from the gay agenda, she acts and sounds like a babbling 13 year old. I never thought I’d say this, but my grammar school nuns were actually pretty good teachers in comparison.