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View Full Version : ‘Biden’s Mistake Is … ‘: Musk Boils Down The White House, In One Tweet

05-15-2022, 05:33 PM
I said this a bunch of times already. I don't think Trump should run for president in '24. I still love him and support him, but him running again would immediately bring out the leftist media wackjobs and all of the drama would resurface almost immediately, along with tons and tons of lies. They would make the drama so unbearable that by the time election day rolled around, many simply won't vote for him just because they don't want to se the BS for the next 4 years. That's truly a shame.

AND AND because he burned a ton of bridges as well, I'm not naïve either.


‘Biden’s Mistake Is … ‘: Musk Boils Down The White House, In One Tweet

Billionaire Elon Musk claimed Thursday the only reason President Joe Biden got elected was because people “wanted less drama,” and he’s got a point.

“Biden’s mistake is that he thinks he was elected to transform the country,” Musk tweeted. “But actually everyone just wanted less drama.”


Rest - https://dailycaller.com/2022/05/13/elon-musk-joe-biden-presidency/

Abbey Marie
05-16-2022, 01:39 PM
I think I agree about Trump. Haven’t decided 100% though.

Doesn't Biden sound like an addled old man whose dentures are constantly slipping?

05-17-2022, 07:22 PM
I agree about Trump not running again. Better for him to be the kingmaker and rally giver. Let someone who's not as much of a lightning rod be President, although the Dems and liberal media would try to make Mother Teresa a lightning rod if she were the next Republican President.

I also agree with Elon. Biden imagines he has some kind of change-everything mandate, even though the Senate is 50-50. He may be basing his thinking of the liberal media's proclamation that Biden got the most votes ever, but that's just because of the mail-in voting. Trump go the the second-most votes ever in the same election. And half of Biden's votes were probably fraudulent mail-in votes.

Biden needs to stop trying to transform and just focus on fighting all the fires he created with all his stupid and bad policies.

05-17-2022, 08:28 PM
If he ran is 2024 the infighting would be worse than ever and the media would be insufferable. I already can't stand to watch these lying propagandist scumbags most of the time, I wouldn't be able to get a glimpse of the news at all (because it is all about what I want, right? LOL)

Musk is absolutely correct in that people did want less drama, but wrong in that I don't think people voted for pudding brains.

Just my 2 cents.

05-18-2022, 12:05 AM
If he ran is 2024 the infighting would be worse than ever and the media would be insufferable. I already can't stand to watch these lying propagandist scumbags most of the time, I wouldn't be able to get a glimpse of the news at all (because it is all about what I want, right? LOL)

Musk is absolutely correct in that people did want less drama, but wrong in that I don't think people voted for pudding brains.

Just my 2 cents.

Please don't insult PUDDING.
VACUUM is more easily accurate to the Sleepy Ice Cream Bandit.:laugh:

05-18-2022, 12:39 PM
Point taken, pudding does have value. So does a vacuum. We need to come up with a name that speaks to the lack of value provided by the Meanderon in Chief!

Please don't insult PUDDING.
VACUUM is more easily accurate to the Sleepy Ice Cream Bandit.:laugh:

05-18-2022, 03:40 PM
Let's not kid ourselves. The shuffling bumbling senile idiot is in the Whitehouse because there was rampant fraud.

Yeah, I'd agree that he received votes purely for the 'Not Trump' factor, but 2020 was not legit.

If Trump runs, I'll be voting for him. We'll need an ass kicker to rapidly turn this country around after the massive incompetence running amok right now.