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View Full Version : Contreversial opinion or idea

10-04-2007, 10:25 PM
I think what we learned from the iraq war, and the media's coverage is.

We need to have higher scrutiny of the media, and the leaders in power be they republican or democrat. Americans need to decide for themselves if they want another war in the future. Im not talking about iran but in general.

People cannot be silenced or called names, regardless of whether they think a future war is a good idea or not.

If were truly a democratic society, we will shut up and let people talk and actually listen for a change.. and lord knows i need to do this just as much if not more then anyone on this board.

I hope when we look back at the run up to war with iraq, in our history books the next time were facing a war, we wont have this your not a patriotic american if you dont agree with me bullshit which is just as bad as if you dont support my beliefs your a biggot.

Your thoughts?