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10-04-2007, 10:29 PM

Wednesday, May 5, 2004
The Tactics of Dishonest Politics

Politicians are people too. However, upon election or appointment, they are invested with influence over a polity’s access to both Justice and Freedom, which are vital to Productivity and Achievement. Contrary to a conservative’s irrational preoccupation with the potential for human flaws, it is important to recognize a man’s capacity to choose either good or evil based upon his ideas.

Dr. Hurd provides some indicators of someone who seeks your agreement to his evil choices:

People might use manipulative tactics to prey upon your insecurities. Emotionally manipulative people will be skillful at intimidating you into thinking you are wrong, even in the absence of factual/logical evidence to prove you are wrong. They will substitute various psychological “tricks” in place of logic proof. These tricks are designed to scare and intimidate you rather than genuinely convince you. [M. Hurd, “Getting a Grip on Reality,” Grow Up America! Learning to Live the Happy, Responsible Life (Washington, DC: Living Resources, Inc., 2000), p. 19.]

He provides several examples of these tricks and describes them in detail: guilt, appeal to authority, mockery, appeal to faith, shouting (interrupting), and labeling. This political season be on the look out for these from those seeking your support and vote.

Dr. Hurd provides you two simple question as defense against these tactics. If the person is available to you directly ask them, otherwise you can analyze their position using these questions through an active process of study and introspection:

1. “Please tell me the facts which support your view.”
2. “Tell me how you reached your conclusions given these facts.” [Ibid., p20]
One other issue to check is what valid facts contradict this conclusion, because being reality focused requires an integration of all known relevant facts. In politics, this third point will protect you from choosing between two false alternatives (a.k.a. the lesser of two evils syndrome).