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View Full Version : Site closure by end of year

06-15-2022, 03:16 PM
Not sure of exact date yet, but this site will be shut down and converted to a simple memorial page by the end of the year sometime, in the honor of Merlin1047, Gaffer, Elessar & CSM. Something along the option of the following 2, or similar.

Absolutely nothing stunning as I'm not one who could do that anyway. It's just simple, but honoring the folks lost during our time and also honoring my word to always have those ribbons there in THEIR honor.



06-16-2022, 02:16 PM
Wait... What?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-16-2022, 03:52 PM
not sure of exact date yet, but this site will be shut down and converted to a simple memorial page by the end of the year sometime, in the honor of merlin1047, gaffer, elessar & csm. Something along the option of the following 2, or similar.

Absolutely nothing stunning as i'm not one who could do that anyway. It's just simple, but honoring the folks lost during our time and also honoring my word to always have those ribbons there in their honor.


what? ! !!!!!!!

06-16-2022, 04:32 PM
It's Not April Jim.

06-16-2022, 06:34 PM
I received several PM's that made me sad, and made me think more about what the site means to some people.

It's a small group here but it means much to some people. Hopefully others will have an opportunity to pop in and add in their 2 cents.

The problem is that even though it may mean a lot to some folks out there - the entire idea of the board isn't really being met. And I cannot say enough and say THANK YOU to the amount of people that out right and/or sent me a message offering to send money somehow to help the site along somehow so that things won't close down. That's no issue though and I don't need any funding from anyone. But man, I can't say enough again how much it then means to ME that folks do want to help me somehow, or want to fund in somehow to keep things going.

I will simply base things on folks showing up here, folks actually posting - even if not politics and they just want to shoot the breeze about anything, like Darin sinking Rick's 4 wheeler, or how cool the UFC is compared to other sports, or discussing animals in any manner, or discussing music along with posting some to go along with it, or ANYTHING that is outside the norm that draws your interest. We will see how things play out, but if the site does mean much to folks, they will be here, it's that simple.


06-16-2022, 09:58 PM
I have just recently gotten to a point where I could come and discuss things here on a regular basis. I hate to hear that it will be shutting down. There are some really great folks here.

06-17-2022, 12:28 PM
I have just recently gotten to a point where I could come and discuss things here on a regular basis. I hate to hear that it will be shutting down. There are some really great folks here.

Well, keep on coming here and keep on posting.

My decision was loosely made and made based on the obvious, members here and posting. It really is that simple.

This is NOT, NOT, NOT something I want. Based on deadness. I don't want to ever call out and/or list any names, but some great folks simply stopped coming here often. Or some folks still pop in here but then just don't participate. Everyone has their reasons and that's their business alone.

I wasn't planning on shutting down tomorrow. I was going to plan it over a few months period in order to allow folks to share things with one another. If somehow posting picks up again I will be more than happy to continue things! I ALWAYS called this place an adult family here. And many a time stressed that "small family". And that was true and still stands true. But it went from like a 20-30 group of great family members down to dwindling numbers. Whether that be from folks not coming around anymore to folks just not wanting to post much or at all anymore. I am happy to pay the bills and keep the structure going and handling any background issues as they may arise, domain stuff and all that happy jazz. But it's all for nuttin if folks don't post.

I'll play it day by day - but everyone sees the point it has gotten to, and unless something drastic changes, that's the direction. It's all up to all of us.

06-17-2022, 03:51 PM
It will be a sad day for all of us Jim. As for Gabby. Terrible memories of what all of us won't miss....

In a time when just the FEW of us find a place to meet...though not as often as in the past. YOUR D.P. has become somewhat of an OASIS or ISLAND where we can go to be away from the rest of the CRAZINESS, IGNORANCE, AND STUPIDITY that has invaded THE ONLY COUNTRY I, and MANY OTHERS HAVE EVER KNOWN.

I know it has to be difficult for you to make such a decision. But YOU have to do what your heart, and mind tells you to do. In either case. THANKS FOR THE LIBERTY!
(A line from the movie Mister Roberts.)

06-18-2022, 08:13 PM
Well, keep on coming here and keep on posting.

My decision was loosely made and made based on the obvious, members here and posting. It really is that simple.

This is NOT, NOT, NOT something I want. Based on deadness. I don't want to ever call out and/or list any names, but some great folks simply stopped coming here often. Or some folks still pop in here but then just don't participate. Everyone has their reasons and that's their business alone.

I wasn't planning on shutting down tomorrow. I was going to plan it over a few months period in order to allow folks to share things with one another. If somehow posting picks up again I will be more than happy to continue things! I ALWAYS called this place an adult family here. And many a time stressed that "small family". And that was true and still stands true. But it went from like a 20-30 group of great family members down to dwindling numbers. Whether that be from folks not coming around anymore to folks just not wanting to post much or at all anymore. I am happy to pay the bills and keep the structure going and handling any background issues as they may arise, domain stuff and all that happy jazz. But it's all for nuttin if folks don't post.

I'll play it day by day - but everyone sees the point it has gotten to, and unless something drastic changes, that's the direction. It's all up to all of us.:buttkick:


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-19-2022, 04:44 AM
Jim, this place of refuge if closed down would e a severe blow to some of us, definitely myself for sure. My friends made here are dear to my soul and my heart. Each one to me is a precious gem. I know you must do what you think best my friend, so Ipray this site does not vanish. Prayers are said for my dear friends here that have been a true godsend to this old and very tired soul. God bless.

06-19-2022, 12:28 PM
Seriously JIm? This place is an online home. People live here. Have for many years. If you are tired of running it -- a valid complaint after this many years -- you are entitled to say so. Why have people left? Perhaps DP became too combative and too far to the right. Politics has created a bigger social divide than ever in the age of Trump. But always remember that DP is like Hotel California -- you can check out any time you want, but you can never leave. :cool:

06-19-2022, 01:48 PM
Seriously JIm? This place is an online home. People live here. Have for many years. If you are tired of running it -- a valid complaint after this many years -- you are entitled to say so. Why have people left? Perhaps DP became too combative and too far to the right. Politics has created a bigger social divide than ever in the age of Trump. But always remember that DP is like Hotel California -- you can check out any time you want, but you can never leave. :cool:Look what the cat dragged in. Another dead bird with an empty head. And the poster child if ever there was one for the reason a board such as this one exists.

People are allowed to think for themselves here instead of being cancelled by the mobs on other boards full of bleating, fascist sheep that think the destruction of Law, the nation and society is a good thing. Everyone knows turning the US into a 3rd World shithole with the ultimate pussy for a President is what's best :rolleyes:

I owe an apology to Jimbob, Rick and Darin for EVER defending you. I still defend your Right to open your mouth in your quarterly drive-by's to remind us how f-ing stupid you and your ilk are, bur finding you humorous was a luxury afforded before you and your losers projected your worthlessness onto the rest of us.

Whether you are you or your daughter today, DO have a nice one :fu:

06-19-2022, 02:44 PM
Gunny, thanks for your sweet and thoughtful reply. But flattery will get you nowhere. Yes, my daughter does exist. Just like your daughter exists. My kids recently celebrated her 21st birthday. How's that for time moving forward? If she were home now, she would join me in wishing you a happy father's day. Never change your loveably crusty curmudgeon self.

06-19-2022, 06:43 PM
Gunny, thanks for your sweet and thoughtful reply. But flattery will get you nowhere. Yes, my daughter does exist. Just like your daughter exists. My kids recently celebrated her 21st birthday. How's that for time moving forward? If she were home now, she would join me in wishing you a happy father's day. Never change your loveably crusty curmudgeon self.Is it Gabby on meds? Or no? Have to wait for her to pretend to be her daughter or not to find out.

06-19-2022, 09:27 PM
Tell ya what Gunny. Why don't you post while pretending to be your daughter. Then I will put my daughter on and they can pretend to converse with each other. :rolleyes:

06-19-2022, 10:04 PM
Gunny, thanks for your sweet and thoughtful reply. But flattery will get you nowhere. Yes, my daughter does exist. Just like your daughter exists. My kids recently celebrated her 21st birthday. How's that for time moving forward? If she were home now, she would join me in wishing you a happy father's day. Never change your loveably crusty curmudgeon self.

I remember when you were predicting (hoping ?) that my sons would grow up in a broken home. You will be disappointed to hear that such a thing never happened. Viva machismo. Is your middle name Karen?

Now my life simply bolls down to preparing for retirement in a few years. In fact, I'm going to be a grandpa in a few months.

06-20-2022, 09:11 AM
Tell ya what Gunny. Why don't you post while pretending to be your daughter. Then I will put my daughter on and they can pretend to converse with each other. :rolleyes:Why? I quit trying to be someone else back in the 60s when I quit playing cowboys and indians.

Lying is bad business. Tell one and you doom yourself to spiraling down an expanding trail of lies and you always expose yourself in the end. Get caught once lying or stealing and you are a liar and thief for the rest of your life.

The only answer I can come up with for why a well-known, long-time member whose patterns are documented by years of mostly nonsense would even try such a stunt on a board as small as this one is an utter contempt and disdain for the intelligence of the people who post here.

06-20-2022, 09:12 AM
I remember when you were predicting (hoping ?) that my sons would grow up in a broken home. You will be disappointed to hear that such a thing never happened. Viva machismo. Is your middle name Karen?

Now my life simply bolls down to preparing for retirement in a few years. In fact, I'm going to be a grandpa in a few months.Grandpa is a polite term for co-conspirator and enabler :)

06-20-2022, 09:12 AM
Tell ya what Gunny. Why don't you post while pretending to be your daughter. Then I will put my daughter on and they can pretend to converse with each other. :rolleyes:

Can they both live in Southern California?

Then they can both graduate from a very prestigious university. Almost no one can get into those, you know.

06-20-2022, 04:26 PM
OK ... a little off topic .... talking about children and grandchildren. My granddaughter graduated from UofA and is now attending NYU getting her Masters in teaching. Oh, as well as raising a 5 yo at same time.

Yeah, I'm bragging.

06-24-2022, 08:40 AM
Can they both live in Southern California?

Then they can both graduate from a very prestigious university. Almost no one can get into those, you know.

Any degree one gets is worthless until one graduates from the School of Hard Knocks. While your comment is meant as a put-down, we live in an age where exactly what you suggest can happen. Competence is no longer a factor, checking all the "woke" boxes is all universities care about these days. I offered to facilitate my oldest son getting a degree in Mexico, Tecnológico de Monterrey to be exact. I don't trust USA universities. He decided that certifications are a better option. Time and effort spent on a degree is better spent becoming a noteworthy GitHub contributor. Being strong on GitHub will get you to a six-figure income way faster than a college degree ever could. A strong GitHub presence paired with being certified as a Kubernetes Application Developer is a powerhouse. Check pay rates for a Microservices Architect to get an idea.

https://www.talent.com/salary?job=microservices+architect#:~:text=The%20a verage%20microservices%20architect%20salary%20in%2 0the%20USA%20is%20%24150%2C000,up%20to%20%24175%2C 500%20per%20year.

The average microservices architect salary in the USA is $150,000 per year or $76.92 per hour. Entry level positions start at $140,000 per year while most experienced workers make up to $175,500 per year.

06-24-2022, 12:08 PM
Can they both live in Southern California?Then they can both graduate from a very prestigious university. Almost no one can get into those, you know.Certainly you couldn't. But that is why you live in Alaska. You don't need a college degrees to climb telephone poles in Utqiaġvik.My family is real. Perhaps your family is not. :cool:

06-24-2022, 12:51 PM
Certainly you couldn't. But that is why you live in Alaska. You don't need a college degrees to climb telephone poles in Utqiaġvik.My family is real. Perhaps your family is not. :cool:

Living in Southern California is no big feat. Just ask anyone in the photo below:

Besides that, the address from the IP doesn't lie. How are things going in Pasadina Texas, NOT California?


06-24-2022, 09:13 PM
Certainly you couldn't. But that is why you live in Alaska. You don't need a college degrees to climb telephone poles in Utqiaġvik.My family is real. Perhaps your family is not. :cool:

Because gabby CLAIMS to have any kind of DEGREE means nothing today.
But we need to thank GABBY for showing how low that hole full of BS GABBY occupies...will just fill up with more BS for GABBY to breath with so many DEGREES that mean NOTHING.

06-25-2022, 05:12 PM
Certainly you couldn't. But that is why you live in Alaska. You don't need a college degrees to climb telephone poles in Utqiaġvik.My family is real. Perhaps your family is not. :cool:

How original. "I'm rubber you're glue .... "


Trying to insult someone who unlike your President actually works on infrastructure to improve peoples' lives? Priceless and oh so par for the course coming from a lib who just blows smoke about doing such things.

06-25-2022, 06:04 PM
Certainly you couldn't. But that is why you live in Alaska. You don't need a college degrees to climb telephone poles in Utqiaġvik.My family is real. Perhaps your family is not. :cool:
He lives in Alaska doing what no one in your family, degree or not, does to keep people connected to the world.

I would depend on NT in an end-of-the-world scenario way before I'd ask someone like yourself just because they have a degree.

BTW ... I've met NT's family. Really good people with a lot of heart you can depend on. Very real.

06-26-2022, 08:30 AM
Certainly you couldn't. But that is why you live in Alaska. You don't need a college degrees to climb telephone poles in Utqiaġvik.My family is real. Perhaps your family is not. :cool:

But I do have a degree. I also spent 5 years as an apprentice learning how to climb poles, run a myriad of heavy equipment, fusion splicing fiber optic cables, building and integrating high frequency microwave systems on remote mountaintop sites and setting up satellite shots to a bird in geosynchronous orbit 22,000 miles in the sky with a 6' dish.

On the other hand, maybe I missed my chance to be a high school counselor in an inner city public high school in Houston while lying about living in California and creating bogus profiles in further attempts to win a debate - any debate, on any subject - and failing miserably every time.

Every. Single. Time.

The problem with constantly lying is that you have to keep track of all your lies, and that's impossible. Sooner or later, you'll out yourself for the fraud that you are. You've been caught dozens of times and you're not smart enough to improve even that basic shortcoming to grow as a person.

It's not a good look. Think about it.

06-26-2022, 03:19 PM
Gabby does have a few degrees.

1. For Investigating why California Worms never go to the beach.
2. For Learning why common house flies ignore the California Carbon rules for Elite Hollyweird Celebrities who think their SHIT DOESN'T STINK.
3. For the art of Patronizing, and Condescension of anybody who makes it possible for people like GABBY to survive after SNOBS realize they know nothing useful beside how to identify the reasons for their own stupidity.

06-27-2022, 02:35 PM
Rick is smart enough to do a complex and very complicated job. But not smart enough to understand how a proxy server works. :rolleyes:

06-27-2022, 03:52 PM
Rick is smart enough to do a complex and very complicated job. But not smart enough to understand how a proxy server works. :rolleyes:

It only took you 18 years to figure that whole proxy routine out.

Still got caught though, didn't you?