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View Full Version : Michigan State University graduate program application...

06-16-2022, 08:11 AM

Michigan State University
This is part of a graduate program application


06-16-2022, 06:19 PM
All of these places are caving to bullshit.

If I see a girl walking down the hall, I have to refer to her as names I can't even remember. Look at that long list of crap. And on top of all of that they then want to fine or punish people somehow for getting it wrong,

ve/ver/vis or tey/ter/tem???

What the fuck does any of that goobly gibberish even mean? :rolleyes:

06-16-2022, 11:15 PM
All of these places are caving to bullshit.
If I see a girl walking down the hall, I have to refer to her as names I can't even remember. Look at that long list of crap. And on top of all of that they then want to fine or punish people somehow for getting it wrong,
ve/ver/vis or tey/ter/tem???
What the fuck does any of that goobly gibberish even mean? :rolleyes:
It's so crazy. that's why they're running it on kids behind parents backs.
the parents won't buy it, and many Kids will believe nearly anything the teachers tell em.

But I still find it hard to grasp that the emperor can be this buck naked for this long and people still go along with it to this degree.

to me, Except for the real pronouns, the "goobly gibberish" sounds like names from a fantasy book.
the Youthful Xem rode down swiftly on the flying horse Aer into the field of rioting Fae hoards.
The only Elfinhood Lords left standing were Zim, Hir & Eir.
Against the stoney gateway the Wizard Vevervis stood behind them trying to open the bridge over the poisoned river Tey-Tem.
The wicked sisters Eir and Ey could smell the smoke of their chaos magic growing, and making it's way towards mount Per to the castle Sie....

06-17-2022, 06:45 PM
But wait, there’s more…
