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06-20-2022, 06:23 PM
I liked Bill Mahr. Then I couldn't stand him. Now he's a case by case. Here, he's spot on, IMO.


06-21-2022, 02:34 PM
He's been more on than off lately...

06-22-2022, 09:57 AM
He's been more on than off lately...An observation I have been making for years, but still is relevant:

Has Mahr changed? Or just the perspective?

06-22-2022, 02:43 PM
An observation I have been making for years, but still is relevant:

Has Mahr changed? Or just the perspective?

Like you, I liked him back when he was doing Politically Incorrect on ABC back in the day. I've never found him terribly funny in his standup, but the social observations I frequently found cutting, humorous... Hell, I wasn't even offended by the comments that derailed him at ABC


I think he was wrong, I think those fuckers were dedicated, not brave. I believe lobbing cruise missiles from hundreds of miles away is prudent and smart. If you have the technology, there is no sense in sending people in to harm's way... but I digress...

Not too far back, I started recording Maher's Real Time after stumbling across a clip that struck a chord with me. He has, and still does, say he's a liberal.

That tells me that it's not him who has changed, but the party he supports. Much like I find the party I once supported and defended now indefensible and unsupportable... or so I imagine.

I just don't think he's a far left liberal like so many thought...

06-23-2022, 08:16 AM
Like you, I liked him back when he was doing Politically Incorrect on ABC back in the day. I've never found him terribly funny in his standup, but the social observations I frequently found cutting, humorous... Hell, I wasn't even offended by the comments that derailed him at ABC


I think he was wrong, I think those fuckers were dedicated, not brave. I believe lobbing cruise missiles from hundreds of miles away is prudent and smart. If you have the technology, there is no sense in sending people in to harm's way... but I digress...

Not too far back, I started recording Maher's Real Time after stumbling across a clip that struck a chord with me. He has, and still does, say he's a liberal.

That tells me that it's not him who has changed, but the party he supports. Much like I find the party I once supported and defended now indefensible and unsupportable... or so I imagine.

I just don't think he's a far left liberal like so many thought...Mahr is like another lefty I listen to ... they make perfectly sound, logical arguments most of the time and then out of nowhere comes some leftwingnut retard crap. I guess they can't help it :laugh:

I try to stick with the point of the message and ignore the partisan shots. Unfortunately, in most cases anymore there's lots of partisan shots and no substance. There's substance to Mahr's commentary. He's always got a point. Sad to say that is the exception rather than the rule.

While I definitely still see Dems as a threat to the Nation, I don't see empty-headed Republicans trying to emulate them as much better. Neither represent me, nor any ideals I hold.

Sad when you're old enough to consider this as a rerun from the 60s-70s :) Difference then was a Dem-turned-Republican united us as a nation in 80. Not seeing that person waiting in the wings this time around.