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View Full Version : POLIO is spreading in the UK for the first time in decades, officials claim...

06-22-2022, 10:31 PM
Well, crap...


Health bosses urged Brits to check their children's jabs are up to date after picking up signs of the virus being passed between individuals.

Experts have detected the same bug in London sewage samples since April – a clear signal of a community outbreak.

No cases have yet been confirmed in the UK and the UKHSA said samples were found in East and North London.

This, chiefs say 'suggests it is likely there has been some spread between closely-linked individuals'.

Because of this, they said these cases could be shedding the virus strain in their faeces.

Investigations are currently ongoing and there have not yet been any cases of paralysis reported.

Head of the vaccine epidemiology research group at Imperial College London, Prof Nicholas Grassly said there is concern that the virus may be circulating locally in London and could spread more widely.

Medics today said that the emergence of polio in the UK reminds us that it has not yet been eradicated.

The last case of polio being contracted in Britain was in 1984 and the country was declared polio-free in 2003.

Before a vaccine was introduced in the 1950s, epidemics would result in thousands of people being paralysed annually and hundreds of deaths...

06-22-2022, 11:57 PM
So we've gone from Flu to Covid, to Omicron to Bird Flu. Then, Monkey Pox, TB now Polio?
Anyone predicting The Black Death next !!

Mr. P
06-23-2022, 12:39 AM
So we've gone from Flu to Covid, to Omicron to Bird Flu. Then, Monkey Pox, TB now Polio?
Anyone predicting The Black Death next !!

ABSOLUTELY ! On the other hand they'll probably go with a Covid variant since it's in the most current mindset.

I mean really...With all the history cancelling how many people know or have even heard of the Black Plague? .

I did get the Black Plague vax though in 1974....guess I need a booster ? :laugh:

06-23-2022, 07:46 AM
So we've gone from Flu to Covid, to Omicron to Bird Flu. Then, Monkey Pox, TB now Polio?
Anyone predicting The Black Death next !!Everything's not a conspiracy to stick you full of government-controlled microchips in the guise of vaccine:rolleyes:

The biggest problem with conspiracies is that theorists see one at every turn and most a re just pure bullshit. The baby gets get thrown out with the bathwater and it's by their own hands that conspiracy theorists are ignored.

06-23-2022, 07:52 AM
ABSOLUTELY ! On the other hand they'll probably go with a Covid variant since it's in the most current mindset.

I mean really...With all the history cancelling how many people know or have even heard of the Black Plague? .

I did get the Black Plague vax though in 1974....guess I need a booster ? :laugh:Plague I & II. The black death and red death. Good for 10 years so I'd say you're a "tad" overdue :)

I went to school with some kids that had suffered polio. No thanks. I'll take the vaccine. Damage is permanent and severe. People couldn't get in line fast enough, even though they jacked up a few hundred kids with contaminated doses at the start.

06-23-2022, 05:39 PM
Not everything is a conspiratorial twist of the truth, my friend.

So we've gone from Flu to Covid, to Omicron to Bird Flu. Then, Monkey Pox, TB now Polio?
Anyone predicting The Black Death next !!

06-23-2022, 07:16 PM
Not everything is a conspiratorial twist of the truth, my friend.
Sure, not everything, and "don't let a crisis go to waste".
Thing is, we should all know by now that not everything is coincidence either.
And it Seems at this point it's not crazy to question everything along the lines of an illness the gov't wants us to be concerned about.

But sure, I have know clue if this polio headline is true or false.
I'd like to think it's false.

But if real, I have no way of knowing if it's a major or minor sad incident.
or if someone... inside or outside of... gov't released some polio from a "peacful" bio-lab.
Heck maybe "the muslims" .. maybe China ... maybe the Russians... maybe Anfita... .. or "patriots" or a lone nut...
Bio-terror is a real thing correct?

I have no way of knowing if it's just blip on the radar, as in some polio got though all of the mostly already vaccinated populous.
Or maybe ... as has happened in the past... the vaccine caused the Polio outbreak.
More polio cases now caused by vaccine than by wild virus - AP News (https://apnews.com/article/health-united-nations-ap-top-news-pakistan-international-news-7d8b0e32efd0480fbd12acf27729f6a5)
all those and more are real options seems to me.

But one things for sure.
the covid virus dangers & it's "remedies" have been OVERHYPED by Big Pharma, the MSM and gov'ts world wide.
With a lot of lies and additional unconstitutional & inhuman policies.
And hyping another medical danger would help 'the powers that be' keep the control mechanisms rolling and add to them.
So I'm leaning towards the side of suspicion concerning the severity... if not the reality... of this "outbreak".

Others can trust that all they read from the MSM and Gov't on the subject is true until proven otherwise, fine.
just like when they said
"2 weeks to slow the curve"
"Mask Work"
"came from a wet market... bat soup!"
"get the vax you can't get covid and you can't transmit it."
"ivermectin is just for Horses!"
"We'll never force people to get vaccinated"
etc etc

But hey I guess i'm just CraaaZee to even suspect that they might not be telling the whole truth... about this one.

06-23-2022, 07:16 PM
Something I thought of after I had to abruptly put out some fires:laugh:

Those my age may recall this. I had forgotten it until this thread made me think about it. When I was a youngster (early-mid 60s) it was nothing to see other kids with those steel and leather strapped leg braces on on or both legs, and dragging themselves with those steel crutches that went halfway up their forearms.

I knew one kid in a wheelchair from polio up until I lit out with the Marine Corps.

Most of them had contracted polio before the vaccine. OR ... like most other viruses/diseases, mom and/or pop were carriers who did not contract the disease but passed it right along anyway.

I thought the CDC or WHO or who-the-f-ever declared Polio eradicated? If I wanted to wonder something, it'd be how come it all of a sudden is making another appearance?

Regardless, the vaccine is proven effective.

06-24-2022, 12:46 AM
There will always be people who believe our government really does want to protect us. However, most of us know they could give a shit. GOVERNMENT release disease into the world community so they can sell you the cure. It's all about money. They make us sick and just happen to have a cure for us.

There's no reason these old diseases should be back.

06-24-2022, 06:34 AM
^That is just ridiculous.

06-24-2022, 02:51 PM
There will always be people who believe our government really does want to protect us. However, most of us know they could give a shit. GOVERNMENT release disease into the world community so they can sell you the cure. It's all about money. They make us sick and just happen to have a cure for us.

There's no reason these old diseases should be back.Nothing supports your conclusions. Scientific law -- biology -- supports mutation/evolution for life to survive. Even viruses. Long before government existed.

One real obvious reason for polio to be back? Anti-vaxxers.

06-25-2022, 06:19 PM
Nothing supports your conclusions. Scientific law -- biology -- supports mutation/evolution for life to survive. Even viruses. Long before government existed.

One real obvious reason for polio to be back? Anti-vaxxers.

Are you saying biolabs don't exist? That governments aren't engineering viruses and disease so they can develop vaccines for them?

Pretty convenient to blame on anti vaxxers.

06-25-2022, 07:01 PM
Are you saying biolabs don't exist? That governments aren't engineering viruses and disease so they can develop vaccines for them?

Pretty convenient to blame on anti vaxxers.Don't try to twist my words out of context.

"There's no reason these old diseases should be back". Your statement.

Like it or not, anti-vaxxers IS a damned good reason for polio to have not been 100% eradicated. That's just a fact.

The Salk vaccine was found in a biolab, not a deck of Tarot cards. It almost eradicated polio. Worldwide. Not everything and everyone is evil just because some people are.



06-25-2022, 08:38 PM
Don't try to twist my words out of context.

"There's no reason these old diseases should be back". Your statement.

Like it or not, anti-vaxxers IS a damned good reason for polio to have not been 100% eradicated. That's just a fact.

The Salk vaccine was found in a biolab, not a deck of Tarot cards. It almost eradicated polio. Worldwide. Not everything and everyone is evil just because some people are.



More polio cases now caused by vaccine than by wild virus

More polio cases now caused by vaccine than by wild virus - AP News (https://apnews.com/article/health-united-nations-ap-top-news-pakistan-international-news-7d8b0e32efd0480fbd12acf27729f6a5)

not "anti-vaxers"
BTW Polio in Amish country hasn't wiped them out.. even without vaccines

06-26-2022, 02:26 PM
Thanks for that link, Rev, I had not read that story.

I have some homework to do.

06-26-2022, 02:45 PM
More polio cases now caused by vaccine than by wild virus

More polio cases now caused by vaccine than by wild virus - AP News (https://apnews.com/article/health-united-nations-ap-top-news-pakistan-international-news-7d8b0e32efd0480fbd12acf27729f6a5)

not "anti-vaxers"
BTW Polio in Amish country hasn't wiped them out.. even without vaccinesShould have known :rolleyes:

Since the vaccine effectively eradicated the virus that damaged/destroyed millions of lives, stands to reason the usual adverse reaction percentage would outnumber those catching it.

The "logic" of this argument sounds a LOT like: "There are evil/bad gun owners; therefore, all gun owners are evil/bad".

As I pointed out previously, I grew up around polio victims. If it gets to needing a booster I'll be right in line.

06-26-2022, 03:10 PM
OK, I wanted to make sure I had my thinking right before responding and I did. It really depends on where you are and the prevalent type of vaccine in that area. Most of the world is now using an inactive strain in the traditional vaccine and those that do are seeing the virus pretty much gone. The areas still using the oral vaccine with the live strain are the ones that are seeing the resurgence due to vaccine originated cases.


I am thinking I wouldn’t bat an eye at getting the inactive vaccine. I definitely would not take the oral/active vaccine.

Thanks for that link, Rev, I had not read that story.

I have some homework to do.