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View Full Version : Joe Biden will on Monday attempt to block Boris Johnson’s plan to lower global food $

06-26-2022, 05:11 PM
Looks like Joey Bribes is gonna make it hurt in every way possible. What a complete piece of garbage.


Joe Biden will on Monday attempt to block Boris Johnson’s plan to move away from green fuels amid a transatlantic split over how to tackle the global cost of living crisis.

Mr Johnson will address G7 leaders at a summit in Germany and ask them to repurpose land currently used for crop-based biofuels to grow more food.

The Prime Minister believes using less green fuel would dampen soaring food prices and help avert famines in poorer countries that rely heavily on Ukrainian grain blockaded in ports by Russia.

However, Mr Biden’s officials made it clear on Sunday that Washington will attempt to block the plans in a bid to protect US farmers and avoid jeopardising climate commitments.

Downing Street sources admitted that Mr Johnson’s plan would fail without the support of all G7 nations. The Telegraph understands Germany is backing the plan, but it has been rebuffed by the US and Canada...

06-27-2022, 07:26 AM
Follow the science? :unsure:

Study Finds Biofuels Worse for Climate than Gasoline (https://www.climatecentral.org/news/study-biofuels-worse-for-climate-than-gasoline-20634)

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-27-2022, 10:42 AM
Follow the science? :unsure:

Study Finds Biofuels Worse for Climate than Gasoline (https://www.climatecentral.org/news/study-biofuels-worse-for-climate-than-gasoline-20634)

One could easily surmise that the bought and paid for greenscum scientists will do and say ==exactly-- what they are paid to say. As it agrees with the ongoing dem policies an we all from experience know what filthy ffkking liars that they are.
We know that they, lie and lie, in order to be able to advance their political=liberal/leftist insanity.
I myself, have had an over 50 year experience of seeing and know what damn liars they are. -Tyr

06-27-2022, 01:46 PM
One could easily surmise that the bought and paid for greenscum scientists will do and say ==exactly-- what they are paid to say. As it agrees with the ongoing dem policies an we all from experience know what filthy ffkking liars that they are.
We know that they, lie and lie, in order to be able to advance their political=liberal/leftist insanity.
I myself, have had an over 50 year experience of seeing and know what damn liars they are. -Tyr

Unfortunately there's plenty of biofuel blame to go around.




Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-27-2022, 04:17 PM
Unfortunately there's plenty of biofuel blame to go around.




Well, greedy politicians live and operate on both sides.
Tis well known that many Republicans elected officials are no better than the dems in going along with liberal/leftists plans.
Those that do should be voted out of office- sad that that rarely ever happens as the dems champion those turncoats- as they did the well depended on scum John McCain.
Myself, I wish that those worthless turncoats could be tarred and feathered. Then ran out of town.. -Tyr

06-27-2022, 06:08 PM
As long as scientists and their work are dependent upon government grants there will always, I repeat, ALWAYS be government control of what the leftist morons are now calling "consensus."

I am wondering if the dishonesty is now so great that we can never overcome it. We live in a world that seems to be directed by and governed purely in aid of criminals and their cash flow.

One could easily surmise that the bought and paid for greenscum scientists will do and say ==exactly-- what they are paid to say. As it agrees with the ongoing dem policies an we all from experience know what filthy ffkking liars that they are.
We know that they, lie and lie, in order to be able to advance their political=liberal/leftist insanity.
I myself, have had an over 50 year experience of seeing and know what damn liars they are. -Tyr

06-27-2022, 09:26 PM
As long as scientists and their work are dependent upon government grants there will always, I repeat, ALWAYS be government control of what the leftist morons are now calling "consensus."

I am wondering if the dishonesty is now so great that we can never overcome it. We live in a world that seems to be directed by and governed purely in aid of criminals and their cash flow.

Nothing short of war can fix this bureaucratic Hell we live in. Government just runs too deep. That's not a conspiracy theory. That's a fact.