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06-29-2022, 03:35 PM

Something doesn't seem right about her testimony. First, it seemed like a lot of her testimony was hearsay. Second, I find it hard to believe that any POTUS would be that close to the steering wheel that he could lunge for it. I would think there'd be glass between the first row and the back seats.

There also seems to be a distinct lack of reporting the very next day given it's "bombshell" status.

06-29-2022, 03:49 PM

Something doesn't seem right about her testimony. First, it seemed like a lot of her testimony was hearsay. Second, I find it hard to believe that any POTUS would be that close to the steering wheel that he could lunge for it. I would think there'd be glass between the first row and the back seats.

There also seems to be a distinct lack of reporting the very next day given it's "bombshell" status.

I figured I was the only one paying any attention to the hearings. Got to agree, that whole spin that she 'heard' seemed pretty odd. Now the Secret Service has told the committee they want to be sworn in to refute such-Trump did not do that. I think there was likely lots of truth in her testimony, but it's going to be silenced by this nonsense. The committee is undermining itself.

06-29-2022, 04:58 PM
I am pretty sure that committee started out beneath contempt and then dug their way down to a level of loathsome that is without proper words to be describable.

Like the former president or not, nobody deserves what the media, the left, and the spineless in DC did to him.

Unless this garbage is shut down and some light shone into the dark corners I fear this nation is in for a LOT of rough times ahead with the Stalinist nature of what we are witnessing.

06-29-2022, 05:14 PM
The only people these idiots are harming is themselves and their party, such as it is. I say continue on and see how much desperate they get.

Cheney is cooked, so is Kinzinger. They've got nothing to lose anyway.

The SS driver and backseat agent say this never happened. But it doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to figure out that sitting in the back of The Beast with bulletproof glass between compartments makes this moonbat dream preposterous.

The fact that Pelosi allowed a bullshit story based on a second-hand rumor to be used at the witch hunt just shines light on how devoid of substance the whole sham is.

06-29-2022, 07:21 PM
The only people these idiots are harming is themselves and their party, such as it is. I say continue on and see how much desperate they get.

Cheney is cooked, so is Kinzinger. They've got nothing to lose anyway.

The SS driver and backseat agent say this never happened. But it doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to figure out that sitting in the back of The Beast with bulletproof glass between compartments makes this moonbat dream preposterous.

The fact that Pelosi allowed a bullshit story based on a second-hand rumor to be used at the witch hunt just shines light on how devoid of substance the whole sham is.

Not much different than the bombshell bullshit the Dems tried to pull during the Senate Confirmation hearings. And Russian Collusion. And impeachment.

How many times does one have to lose to get a clue?

06-29-2022, 07:50 PM
NONE of the people who performed for CHENY and the rest...


06-29-2022, 09:44 PM
https://www.cnn.com/2022/06/29/politics/cassidy-hutchinson-statement/index.htmlSomething doesn't seem right about her testimony. First, it seemed like a lot of her testimony was hearsay. Second, I find it hard to believe that any POTUS would be that close to the steering wheel that he could lunge for it. I would think there'd be glass between the first row and the back seats.There also seems to be a distinct lack of reporting the very next day given it's "bombshell" status.https://www.newsweek.com/cassidy-hutchinson-testimony-bobby-engel-trump-steering-wheel-1720148

06-29-2022, 10:26 PM

Thanks, and?

06-30-2022, 10:23 AM
Thanks, and?And ... what? The story explains itself. Hearsay is often anonymous. Like Trump saying "a lot of people are telling me this." Hutchinson named who was relaying her information. If the Secret Service agents want to offer rebuttals, they should testify under oath. Same with Trump, Cippolini, Meadows and the rest. And there was a LOT of reporting the next day. Former Trump staffers going on record backing up Hutchinson's statements.

06-30-2022, 11:07 AM
Thanks, and?Translation of the following:

And ... what? The story explains itself. Hearsay is often anonymous. Like Trump saying "a lot of people are telling me this." Hutchinson named who was relaying her information. If the Secret Service agents want to offer rebuttals, they should testify under oath. Same with Trump, Cippolini, Meadows and the rest. And there was a LOT of reporting the next day. Former Trump staffers going on record backing up Hutchinson's statements.

Out of nowhere, a day after the committee was supposed to have taken another vacation, up pops a "bombshell witness" for the Dems with a really over-the-top story. "Heard it from a friend who, heard it from a friend, who, heard it from another ..." :rolleyes: "Friend" (SS agent) denies saying any such thing.

This all allegedly happened in "the Beast". Cool. Except Trump was in an SUV.

Just another case of trying so hard to make shit up the smell is obvious. It boggles my mind as easy as the bureaucracy/government/left can set someone up they have so f-d up busting Trump on anything. Have no fear though, they will come up with something.

06-30-2022, 01:37 PM
And ... what? The story explains itself. Hearsay is often anonymous. Like Trump saying "a lot of people are telling me this." Hutchinson named who was relaying her information. If the Secret Service agents want to offer rebuttals, they should testify under oath. Same with Trump, Cippolini, Meadows and the rest. And there was a LOT of reporting the next day. Former Trump staffers going on record backing up Hutchinson's statements.

It didn't tell me anything new. And hearsay shouldn't be presented when the actual witnesses are available. Unless of course you're just looking for headlines to come out of some opportunistic hearings.

06-30-2022, 04:13 PM
And ... what? The story explains itself. Hearsay is often anonymous. Like Trump saying "a lot of people are telling me this." Hutchinson named who was relaying her information. If the Secret Service agents want to offer rebuttals, they should testify under oath. Same with Trump, Cippolini, Meadows and the rest. And there was a LOT of reporting the next day. Former Trump staffers going on record backing up Hutchinson's statements.

And i had to WASTE a good PISS OFF on Gabby the Grunge Machine.