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View Full Version : Gender activists push to bar anthropologists from gendering human remains

07-18-2022, 09:21 PM
The level of absolute stupidity here is mind boggling. Once again, if these folks want to pretend to be unicorns, fine. The minute they expect me to pretend with them the line has been crossed.


As soon as ancient human remains are excavated, archaeologists begin the work of determining a number of traits about the individual, including age, race and gender.But a new school of thought within archaeology is pushing scientists to think twice about assigning gender to ancient human remains.

It is possible to determine whether a skeleton is from a biological male or female using objective observations based on the size and shape of the bones. Criminal forensic detectives, for example, do it frequently in their line of work.

But gender activists argue scientists cannot know how an ancient individual identified themselves.

“You might know the argument that the archaeologists who find your bones one day will assign you the same gender as you had at birth, so regardless of whether you transition, you can’t escape your assigned sex,” tweeted (https://twitter.com/EmmaPalladino/status/1543800316352667648?s=20&t=H8z1Ptm9mEt8z6mlzXeGlA) Canadian Master’s degree candidate Emma Palladino last week.

Palladino, who is seeking an advanced degree in archaeology, called assigning gender to an ancient human “bullshit.”

“Labelling remains ‘male’ or ‘female’ is rarely the end goal of any excavation, anyway,” wrote Palladino. “The ‘bioarchaeology of the individual’ is what we aim for, factoring in absolutely everything we discover about a person into a nuanced and open-ended biography of their life.” …

07-18-2022, 10:39 PM
The level of absolute stupidity here is mind boggling. Once again, if these folks want to pretend to be unicorns, fine. The minute they expect me to pretend with them the line has been crossed.


Who gives a $&@* how they identified themselves? It's not science how they felt.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-19-2022, 04:53 AM
These idiots want to change science to include their utter stupidity and perverse way of living/thinking.
We should ask about and consider which political party in our nation promotes, supports, caters to and allies with these idiots and their perversion of truth and reality.
Then we would find that it is the always on the dark side, the perverse Dem party..
The very same political party that has cursed this nation with the "o'biden" and the blithering idiot, the laughing-hyena, the moronic Harris.
And as well ourselves, how this nation got to the state of its 20, 30 and 40 year old citizens being so poorly educated, massive brainwashed and utterly infantile as to be so damn gullible and blinded. Which brings us to our public education system , which has been engineered by the Dem party since the 1960's to teach that the path is to follow that party's perverse ideology and wickedly inspired dark agenda, imho.
I feel for my adult daughter K. K. and my young son Justin, that they will have to endure this ongoing onslaught upon decency, truth and history',
as it clearly points to a very destructive decay of this nation and a future arrival at an even more pitiful state of being/living for the masses, imho.Tyr

Abbey Marie
07-19-2022, 01:50 PM
The level of absolute stupidity here is mind boggling. Once again, if these folks want to pretend to be unicorns, fine. The minute they expect me to pretend with them the line has been crossed.


I’m trying to picture Og the Caveman in a frilly tutu singing, “ I feel pretty, oh so pretty…”

I’m fairly sure it would have caused the other cavemen to quickly bop him on the head with a club. And the ladies would look elsewhere for a mate. One way or the other, the dude is not reproducing.

07-19-2022, 05:01 PM
The level of absolute stupidity here is mind boggling. Once again, if these folks want to pretend to be unicorns, fine. The minute they expect me to pretend with them the line has been crossed.


Sure we know how ancient people identified themselves: Human, Male or female. Wouldn't want anything like science messing with the current level of stupidity:rolleyes:

07-19-2022, 05:47 PM
You got it! This woke crap is absolutely ridiculous. Can we no longer refer to George Washington as a man or a him because these idiots have decided we can never be sure? Can we not dig up the bones of a male and simply state that he was male? We live in truly stupid times.

Who gives a $&@* how they identified themselves? It's not science how they felt.

07-20-2022, 06:02 AM
They are on a mission to redefine reality.
1984 style.
memory hole reality.

in 2021 Webster ONLINE dictionary said a girl was
today it says something different.

Webster's rolling in his grave.


07-20-2022, 06:56 AM
Am i the only one who thinks it's past time to stop tolerating this crap.

At one of my jobs in the 90s there was trans guy. Among other things he changed his name to Beverly.
And I called him Beverly. No problem. But I never could bring myself to call him She or Her.
I think my instincts were right.

for what it's worth, I for one, am not going to play the "identity" game anymore.
Never have much but I was more forgiving. Because they are in fact sick.
So now, If they change they're names to Cantaloupia Saxaphonix, I'll still call them that. (or Not)
They're either a man or woman, a him or a her. biologically. period.

07-20-2022, 07:27 PM
Am i the only one who thinks it's past time to stop tolerating this crap.

At one of my jobs in the 90s there was trans guy. Among other things he changed his name to Beverly.
And I called him Beverly. No problem. But I never could bring myself to call him She or Her.
I think my instincts were right.

for what it's worth, I for one, am not going to play the "identity" game anymore.
Never have much but I was more forgiving. Because they are in fact sick.
So now, If they change they're names to Cantaloupia Saxaphonix, I'll still call them that. (or Not)
They're either a man or woman, a him or a her. biologically. period.How the worm has turned. You're late for the bus. I never have tolerated it.

Do what you want. Just not in MY face. That could hurt. I'm a certified, old asshole :halounplugged:

Black Diamond
07-20-2022, 10:52 PM
Am i the only one who thinks it's past time to stop tolerating this crap.

At one of my jobs in the 90s there was trans guy. Among other things he changed his name to Beverly.
And I called him Beverly. No problem. But I never could bring myself to call him She or Her.
I think my instincts were right.

for what it's worth, I for one, am not going to play the "identity" game anymore.
Never have much but I was more forgiving. Because they are in fact sick.
So now, If they change they're names to Cantaloupia Saxaphonix, I'll still call them that. (or Not)
They're either a man or woman, a him or a her. biologically. period.

The they/them crap is even more annoying.

Sodom and Gomorrah....

07-21-2022, 04:45 PM
The they/them crap is even more annoying.

Sodom and Gomorrah...."Nonbinary" is an improperly used, nonsensical word.

Binary requires 2; therefore, nonbinary breaks down to: "not two". We ALL are nonbinary (with the usual, few biological anomalies as exceptions).

They need a more appropriate term befitting their real issue, IMO. "Stupid" and "fag" works for me :)