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07-21-2022, 01:24 PM
I think they (swamp/deep state) are prepping the world for his removal from office. They don't want to admit he's mentally compromised so he'll just be too sick to govern. In comes Harris and whatever she picks as her VP. The pick will be someone they think will be a viable candidate for 2024 because Harris clearly isn't.

07-21-2022, 04:25 PM
I believe it's all a Hoax from the Puppet masters around Biden, and the Dems in Congress who follow the instructions of the DNC.
It's a WELCOME method they can use to keep SLEEPY away from any Teleprompter that might make him LOOK even more USELESS than he already is.

Let's wait and see how long it takes for a PAID ACTOR to announce "JOEY IS NO LONGER ABLE TO FULLFILL HIS DUTIES AS PRETENDER IN CHIEF"

07-21-2022, 05:03 PM
Or it's, you know, covid.

07-21-2022, 05:17 PM
Or it's, you know, covid.

Sure hope he doesn't die :halo9:

Seriously though, didn't he just have covid a couple months ago? Can't really throw it being an excuse to hide him out. It's obvious he's not okay on a good day.

07-21-2022, 07:16 PM
They had to distract from yesterday's cancer announcement from the presidential potato.

If Harris moves up they will likely put Gavin Newsom in as VP.

Skulduggery is afoot.

I think they (swamp/deep state) are prepping the world for his removal from office. They don't want to admit he's mentally compromised so he'll just be too sick to govern. In comes Harris and whatever she picks as her VP. The pick will be someone they think will be a viable candidate for 2024 because Harris clearly isn't.

07-21-2022, 07:35 PM
The folks at Babylon Bee didn't waste any time :)

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Only one day after Biden's miraculous recovery from cancer, White House sources have confirmed the President now has COVID. Doctors say that the twice-boosted president only has mild symptoms, but has tragically lost his keen sense of smell. The White House will continue to provide updates and notify the country if his condition worsens.
Vice President Harris has responded by preparing an inauguration speech and changing the curtains in the oval office.

Biden Races To Sniff One Last Girl Before Losing Sense Of Smell From COVID

WASHINGTON, D.C. — After testing positive for COVID today, President Biden immediately rushed out of the White House to go sniff one last little girl before losing his sense of smell.
"You mean I won't be able to smell anything?" said a distraught Biden as his doctor broke the news. "I've got to go then, there's no time to lose! Fire up Marine One! Where's the closest elementary school?"

Biden's COVID diagnosis comes despite the President being twice-vaccinated and boosted. "The President has taken every precaution possible to ensure that his dearly beloved olfactory nerve remains healthy," said White House physician Dr. Elliot Reed. "Smelling little girls' hair and eating ice cream are his two great pleasures, and he guards those fiercely. He actually tried to combine them by making the National Science Foundation create an ice cream that smelled like hair, but aides shot that down."
Desperate for one last sniff before COVID took hold, Biden directed Marine One to land at nearby Maury Elementary School. "Hey, kids! President Biden is back once again for a surprise visit!" announced Principal Donna Cleary as she watched the helicopter land in the parking lot. "He sure does come to visit a lot. Such a great supporter of education!"
At publishing time, President Biden had reportedly ordered every ice cream flavor in America delivered to the White House after learning he could also lose his sense of taste.

07-21-2022, 07:40 PM
Joe Biden doesn't deserve any sympathy or well wishes from anyone, based on how he has treated others - for example the thousands of people he left to die in Afghanistan.

That being said, though, I hope he doesn't die at least for as long as the Dems have a majority in the Senate, basically because it's hard to imagine how bad of a choice Kamala would make when nominating a new VP.

Ever heard the saying about how different people act differently hiring an assistant? "A people hire A people, but B people hire C people" is the saying. In other words, A-level people are not threatened by people they hire, so they hire the best they can find. But B-level people are afraid that the new person might do better than them, so they make sure to hire a C-level person so they don't have to worry.
Biden, when deciding on a VP, knew he was already an F-level person so he had to nominate one of the rare "F minus" level people around, which ended up being Kamala. Can you image what freakish "F minus minus" level person Kamala would have to nominate to be her VP? Our only hope is that the Senate would refuse to confirm any freakishly bad/stupid/corrupt moron that she would nominate.

Btw - anyone know if the current situation would already work for this? If Joe Biden were declared unfit today and removed from office, and Kamala were President (groan) would that mean she would be recused from being able to cast a tie-breaking vote to confirm whatever freakish numbskull she might nominate?

Black Diamond
07-21-2022, 08:47 PM
Or it's, you know, covid.

They may use it as an excuse /opportunity

07-21-2022, 11:00 PM
Doesn't anyone read the 25th amendment around here? POTUS nominates new VPOTUS, approval by Congress.

07-21-2022, 11:01 PM
They may use it as an excuse /opportunity

I'm sure even they know a cackling harris is worse then a doddering biden.

07-22-2022, 12:06 AM
Doesn't anyone read the 25th amendment around here? POTUS nominates new VPOTUS, approval by Congress.
Doesn't that confirm they want him out while Dems still control congress?

Black Diamond
07-22-2022, 12:15 AM
Doesn't that confirm they want him out while Dems still control congress?

I don't know. Neither one of them are any good. Lee Atwater came up with term "assassination insurance" Biden played that card well here.

07-22-2022, 12:30 AM
Doesn't that confirm they want him out while Dems still control congress?

No. It only confirms a constitutional process.

Black Diamond
07-22-2022, 01:37 AM
Doesn't anyone read the 25th amendment around here? POTUS nominates new VPOTUS, approval by Congress.

I think I know because I'm a nerd. This happened when Spiro Agnew stepped down. Nixon chose a veep he could get through the senate. So we ended up with a moderate to put it nicely.

Black Diamond
07-22-2022, 01:39 AM
No. It only confirms a constitutional process.

Is the crux of this discussion that Harris will be put in office before the mid terms simply so she can get a radical leftist veep approved by the senate?

07-22-2022, 07:24 AM
Is the crux of this discussion that Harris will be put in office before the mid terms simply so she can get a radical leftist veep approved by the senate?

I think the answer to that is 'yes' but referring back to my comment that "A people hire A people but B people hire C people" I think that Kamala's first priority when selecting a new VP would be to make sure it is someone who would never outshine her, or who might successfully run against her in the 2024 Dem primaries. That lets out Newsom and probably anyone else that has already been mentioned as a possible replacement for Biden in 2024. Kamala would need to nominate someone we don't know yet. It would be someone who is low profile, and I think it will be someone who would be the first [fill in minority group here] to be VP.

07-22-2022, 07:55 AM
I think I know because I'm a nerd. This happened when Spiro Agnew stepped down. Nixon chose a veep he could get through the senate. So we ended up with a moderate to put it nicely.

And then Rockefeller. But it's a simple majority of both houses. There were no conservatives back then.

Is the crux of this discussion that Harris will be put in office before the mid terms simply so she can get a radical leftist veep approved by the senate?

I think it's a ridiculous discussion. Highly unlikely a crazy lefty gets through the Senate.

07-22-2022, 11:51 AM

07-22-2022, 01:08 PM
Has anyone spoke about the process? I thought it was just the outcome that was being discussed.

Doesn't anyone read the 25th amendment around here? POTUS nominates new VPOTUS, approval by Congress.

Black Diamond
07-22-2022, 01:49 PM
Has anyone spoke about the process? I thought it was just the outcome that was being discussed.

This is where Biden's cabinet would declare him unfit?

07-22-2022, 02:40 PM
Has anyone spoke about the process? I thought it was just the outcome that was being discussed.

There seemed to be open questions about the process like her getting her pick automatically or casting the deciding vote as pro-tem which she wouldn't be anymore.

This is where Biden's cabinet would declare him unfit?

NOW the 25th is relevant? :slap: Actually if it were just short term he would temporarily invoke the 25th, Section III.

Black Diamond
07-22-2022, 02:47 PM
There seemed to be open questions about the process like her getting her pick automatically or casting the deciding vote as pro-tem which she wouldn't be anymore.

NOW the 25th is relevant? :slap: Actually if it were just short term he would temporarily invoke the 25th, Section III.

It is always relevant and It's the only way they can remove him. When someone says "too sick" I immediately go to 25th. What other process could sassy be referring to? :dunno2:

07-22-2022, 02:49 PM
It is always relevant and It's the only way they can remove him. When someone says "too sick" I immediately go to 25th. What other process could sassy be referring to? :dunno2:

It apparently wasn't relevant four years ago. Just sayin'. :poke:

And it's good to see you posting more.

Black Diamond
07-22-2022, 03:59 PM
It apparently wasn't relevant four years ago. Just sayin'. :poke:

And it's good to see you posting more.

It's always a possibility. I often wondered about Dubya's mental acuity. (hides)

07-22-2022, 04:50 PM

07-22-2022, 04:51 PM
Doesn't anyone read the 25th amendment around here? POTUS nominates new VPOTUS, approval by Congress.Matter of fact, I read it yesterday. My take's not the same as yours. In this case, I am hoping you can show me where you are right and I am wrong.

What I read stated the President appoints the VP. I didn't see anything about it needing Congress's approval. Again, please be right :)

I recall when Ford moved up to replace Agnew it was a succession thing. He was Speaker of the House.

Black Diamond
07-22-2022, 05:05 PM
Matter of fact, I read it yesterday. My take's not the same as yours. In this case, I am hoping you can show me where you are right and I am wrong.

What I read stated the President appoints the VP. I didn't see anything about it needing Congress's approval. Again, please be right :)

I recall when Ford moved up to replace Agnew it was a succession thing. He was Speaker of the House.

Ford was appointed by Nixon and confirmed by both houses. .

07-22-2022, 05:12 PM
Matter of fact, I read it yesterday. My take's not the same as yours. In this case, I am hoping you can show me where you are right and I am wrong.

What I read stated the President appoints the VP. I didn't see anything about it needing Congress's approval. Again, please be right :)

I recall when Ford moved up to replace Agnew it was a succession thing. He was Speaker of the House.

25th, Section II. Ford was the minority leader as the Dems were in the majority.

Ford was appointed by Nixon and confirmed by both houses. .

Rockefeller became veep by the same method. Interesting that Ford did not choose Rockefeller as his veep candidate in '76; went with Dole.

Black Diamond
07-22-2022, 05:13 PM
I have heard rumors that bidens cabinet wants him removed via 25th but they don't want Harris. I think we are stuck with Joe unless he dies.

07-22-2022, 05:15 PM
Ford was appointed by Nixon and confirmed by both houses. .
https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2013/12/1973_the_day_that_gerald_ford_became_vp.htmlMy point is Ford was chose from next on the ladder per the Constitution. Not a lot to argue with. Not to mention, this country was a far different World where DC politics are concerned in 1973. Change IMO has not been for the better.

I also recall "confirmation" when it comes to appointing justices is desired but technically not required. I'm pretty sure if it is not in writing, the Dems will do what they want. The way they've been acting, they're like as not to do what they want anyway, regardless the law.

07-22-2022, 05:18 PM
My point is Ford was chose from next on the ladder per the Constitution. Not a lot to argue with. Not to mention, this country was a far different World where DC politics are concerned in 1973. Change IMO has not been for the better.

I also recall "confirmation" when it comes to appointing justices is desired but technically not required. I'm pretty sure if it is not in writing, the Dems will do what they want. The way they've been acting, they're like as not to do what they want anyway, regardless the law.

The Speaker of the House is in the succession lineup. Ford was the Minority Leader.

07-22-2022, 05:33 PM
The Speaker of the House is in the succession lineup. Ford was the Minority Leader.That would make him the next in line Republican? No idea why I thought he was Speaker of the House. Anyway,

Let's give me a bit of a break on this. I was 13-15 years old. If it didn't begin and end with "girls" or "sports" I wasn't interested :laugh:

Either way, my concern is what I stated. I didn't see in writing while delving into the 25th that Congress has to confirm. If it's there, I missed it.