View Full Version : Cognitive Biases and Brain Biology Help Explain Why Facts Don’t Change Minds

08-14-2022, 10:19 AM
Worth the read, IMO. Might not change much, but it's a good explanation. Nothing like being aware that you are screwing up by the numbers and STILL continue right on down that road :)

Summary: Our worldview forms during childhood as a result of our socialization within a particular cultural context. Our views get reinforced over time by the social groups we keep, the media we consume, and even the way in which our brains are wired. Challenging our worldviews with facts can feel like an attack on our personal identities and can often result in hardening our positions. Researchers assess how we can open our minds and explore facts that may go against our personal worldviews.

full article: https://neurosciencenews.com/facts-worldview-21233/

08-14-2022, 10:28 AM
Worth the read, IMO. Might not change much, but it's a good explanation. Nothing like being aware that you are screwing up by the numbers and STILL continue right on down that road :)

full article: https://neurosciencenews.com/facts-worldview-21233/

I am primarily of the belief that the majority of folks are set in stone and no argument in the world will sway them. But some folks are still reasonable at least.

Cognitive psychology and neuroscience studies have found that the exact opposite is often true when it comes to politics: People form opinions based on emotions, such as fear, contempt and anger, rather than relying on facts. New facts often do not change people’s minds.

Why I have ALWAYS told some to debate me on the FACTS within an article and not the site it came from or author. Facts are what matters.

I HAVE swayed from things, even when Trump was president. Or cringed at times when he made some crazy statements. I support a lot - but not all. Where as some folks will never ever ever admit the same about the left. Think about the past 15-19 years on both boards I owned. How often did you see a lefty post an article condemning someone on the left voluntarily? Yes, I have seen some reasonable lefties admit something was wrong n reply to others threads, but never coming to post it.

Where as here, while all righties or leaning right, post stories mostly around our biases, but the smack talk and some condemnation go towards republicans 1,000 to 1 compared to the left.

That said, I know that even I am biased at times and have my set in stone positions. But dang, at least I read the facts and search them out.

Great article altogether!

08-14-2022, 11:11 AM
I am primarily of the belief that the majority of folks are set in stone and no argument in the world will sway them. But some folks are still reasonable at least.

Why I have ALWAYS told some to debate me on the FACTS within an article and not the site it came from or author. Facts are what matters.

I HAVE swayed from things, even when Trump was president. Or cringed at times when he made some crazy statements. I support a lot - but not all. Where as some folks will never ever ever admit the same about the left. Think about the past 15-19 years on both boards I owned. How often did you see a lefty post an article condemning someone on the left voluntarily? Yes, I have seen some reasonable lefties admit something was wrong n reply to others threads, but never coming to post it.

Where as here, while all righties or leaning right, post stories mostly around our biases, but the smack talk and some condemnation go towards republicans 1,000 to 1 compared to the left.

That said, I know that even I am biased at times and have my set in stone positions. But dang, at least I read the facts and search them out.

Great article altogether!

I knew a lot of this. I've just never seen it put together in writing. The Marine Corps constantly tries to de-program politics, religion, emotion out of Marines. All are detrimental to mission accomplishment. It definitely affects a Marine's ability to perform/think objectively. An old saying" You take care of your personal problems on your dime, not the Corps'" . Easier said than done.

One of the issues that comes to mind politically and stands out is back when GWB was going to allow UAE to have something to do with port security and especially the right lost its collective mind. To the point that GWB backed out of an international deal with one of our staunchest allies because no one could get past ME ragheads handling our port security.

That has always stood out to me as a stupid decision based on a preconceived, emotion decision made by ignorant people. When I say "ignorant", I mean willful or not. .

08-14-2022, 05:50 PM
jimnyc and how many times are posts dismissed out of hand based on the website link/reference? Why read on? Source is politically biased, regardless the topic/relevance to politics.

08-14-2022, 07:01 PM
Cognitive Biases and Brain Biology Help Explain Why Facts Don’t Change Minds


full article: https://neurosciencenews.com/facts-worldview-21233/

I don't believe it.


Seriously, it's been an issue I've wondered about since High School.
Part of what I've noticed in High School as one of the few folks in class who was open to the oddball ideas or suggesting them,
I'd watch people who heard them, NOT THINK, but reactively laugh and shrink back from them ...until a "popular" or "smart" guy or gal say basically the same things.
or if "the teacher" (authority) says it's real or a real option.
I watched it over and over from subjects like science, history & english to things like what game to play.

Group think & social pressures seems to trump evidence, reason & facts FAR to often.
Especially if it's "New" or not "Normal".

Plus it seems to me that most people don't really want to think ...or think critically... about much of anything.
It's more work than most want to engage in on a daily basis. If the world view they have is working OK to get by, why take the time to update what they'd consider details... "that don't make a difference" . I mean because of course we've got the basics correct. right?
But Especially if it might put our POV outside of the group they are emotionally attached too. Or they consider "normal".

It can be emotionally enlightening ...or painful to change your mind on important POVs that touch on one's world view or self image.

08-14-2022, 07:41 PM
I don't believe it.


Seriously, it's been an issue I've wondered about since High School.
Part of what I've noticed in High School as one of the few folks in class who was open to the oddball ideas or suggesting them,
I'd watch people who heard them, NOT THINK, but reactively laugh and shrink back from them ...until a "popular" or "smart" guy or gal say basically the same things.
or if "the teacher" (authority) says it's real or a real option.
I watched it over and over from subjects like science, history & english to things like what game to play.

Group think & social pressures seems to trump evidence, reason & facts FAR to often.
Especially if it's "New" or not "Normal".

Plus it seems to me that most people don't really want to really think ...or think critically... about much of anything.
It's more work than most want to engage in on a daily basis. If the world view they have is working OK to get by, why take the time to update what they'd consider details... "that don't make a difference" . I mean because of course we've got the basics correct. right?
But Especially if it might put our POV outside of the group they are emotionally attached too. Or they consider "normal".

It can be emotionally enlightening ...or painful to change your mind on important POVs that touch on one's world view or self image.So what don't you believe? You basically just stated the same thing the OP does. The OP is self-explanatory?

08-15-2022, 07:44 PM
I don't believe it.


Seriously, it's been an issue I've wondered about since High School.
Part of what I've noticed in High School as one of the few folks in class who was open to the oddball ideas or suggesting them,
I'd watch people who heard them, NOT THINK, but reactively laugh and shrink back from them ...until a "popular" or "smart" guy or gal say basically the same things.
or if "the teacher" (authority) says it's real or a real option.
I watched it over and over from subjects like science, history & english to things like what game to play.

Group think & social pressures seems to trump evidence, reason & facts FAR to often.
Especially if it's "New" or not "Normal".

Plus it seems to me that most people don't really want to think ...or think critically... about much of anything.
It's more work than most want to engage in on a daily basis. If the world view they have is working OK to get by, why take the time to update what they'd consider details... "that don't make a difference" . I mean because of course we've got the basics correct. right?
But Especially if it might put our POV outside of the group they are emotionally attached too. Or they consider "normal".

It can be emotionally enlightening ...or painful to change your mind on important POVs that touch on one's world view or self image.Critical thinking is fine, kept within the context of its design. When one gets so far outside the box one is chasing rabbits down rabbit holes one ends up with completely backwards-assed theories like the 1619 Project or other such fallacious theories.

Self-examination is something most cannot face. It is the ultimate exercise in acknowledging one can be wrong. I don't know a lot of people that can be wrong and move forward.