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red states rule
10-06-2007, 09:07 AM
Sen KKK Byrd knows how to take care of his own, even though it means to condone the smearing of Gen Petraeus


Sen. Robert Byrd, president pro tempore of the Senate who joined the most liberal senators in voting against censure of MoveOn.org, received $824,000 from the left-wing organization for his 2006 re-election campaign. Only 25 senators refused to condemn MoveOn.org for its newspaper ad belittling Gen. David Petraeus, the commander in Iraq.

Federal Election Commission figures show Sen. Hillary Clinton, who also voted against the resolution, received only $5,700 from MoveOn.org. Sen. Bill Nelson of Florida, second-ranking to Byrd among the organization's recipients with $389,000, voted for the censure resolution.

Byrd received his MoveOn.org money in a torrent of 2005 Internet giving after delivering a fiery attack on President Bush's Iraq war policy. It was thought then, incorrectly, that Republicans would seriously challenge Byrd's election to a ninth Senate term from West Virginia.

10-06-2007, 10:13 AM
That little butt pirate George Soros isn't even an American he should just STFU and Moveon

10-06-2007, 10:25 AM

why do you hate him?

George Soros
Founder and Chairman

A global financier and philanthropist, George Soros is the founder and chairman of a network of foundations that promote, among other things, the creation of open, democratic societies based upon the rule of law, market economies, transparent and accountable governance, freedom of the press, and respect for human rights.

Soros was born in Budapest, Hungary, in 1930. His father was taken prisoner during World War I and eventually fled from captivity in Russia to reunite with his family in Budapest. Soros was thirteen years old when Hitler's Wehrmacht seized Hungary and began deporting the country's Jews to extermination camps. In 1946, as the Soviet Union was taking control of the country, Soros attended a conference in the West and defected. He emigrated in 1947 to England, supported himself by working as a railroad porter and a restaurant waiter, graduated in 1952 from the London School of Economics, and obtained an entry-level position with an investment bank.

At the London School of Economics, Soros became acquainted with the work of the philosopher Karl Popper, whose ideas on open society had a profound influence on his intellectual development. Specifically, Soros's experience of Nazi and Communist rule attracted him to Popper’s critique of totalitarianism, The Open Society and Its Enemies, in which he maintained that societies can only flourish when they allow democratic governance, freedom of expression, a diverse range of opinion, and respect for individual rights.

In 1956, Soros immigrated to the United States. He worked as a trader and analyst until 1963. During this period, Soros adapted Popper's ideas to develop his own "theory of reflexivity," a set of ideas that seeks to explain the relationship between thought and reality, which he used to predict, among other things, the emergence of financial bubbles. Soros began to apply his theory to investing and concluded that he had more talent for trading than for philosophy. In 1967 he helped establish an offshore investment fund; and in 1973 he set up a private investment firm that eventually evolved into the Quantum Fund, one of the first hedge funds, through which he accumulated a vast fortune.

As his financial success mounted, Soros applied his wealth to help foster the development of open societies. In 1979, Soros provided funds to help black students attend the University of Cape Town in apartheid South Africa. Soon he created a foundation in Hungary to support culture and education and the country’s transition to democracy. (One of his projects imported photocopy machines that allowed citizens and activists in Hungary to spread information and publish censored materials.) Soros also distributed funds to the underground Solidarity movement in Poland, Charter 77 in Czechoslovakia, and the Soviet physicist-dissident Andrei Sakharov. In 1982, Soros named his philanthropic organization the Open Society Fund, in honor of Karl Popper, and began granting scholarships to students from Eastern Europe. Bolstered by the success of these projects, Soros created more programs to assist the free flow of information. He supported educational radio programs in Mongolia and later contributed $100 million to provide Internet access to every regional university in Russia.

The magnitude and geographical scope of his philanthropic commitments, coupled with the core principle of fostering open societies, has allowed Soros to transcend the limitations of many national governments and international institutions. During the 1980s, Soros financed a trip by young economists at a reform-minded think tank in China to a business university in Budapest; he also established a grantmaking foundation in China to foster civil society and transparency. In 1991, he helped found the Central European University, a graduate institution in Budapest that focuses on social and political development. Soros spent $50 million to help the citizens of Sarajevo endure the city’s siege during the Bosnian war, funding among other projects a water-filtration plant that allowed residents to avoid having to draw water from distribution points targeted by Serb snipers. Most recently, he has provided $50 million to support the Millennium Villages initiative, which seeks to lift some of the least developed villages in Africa out of poverty.

In 1993, Soros created the Open Society Institute, which supports the Soros foundations working to develop democratic institutions throughout Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. His network of philanthropic organizations dedicated to building open societies has expanded to include more than 60 countries in the Middle East, Central Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Despite the breadth of his endeavors, Soros is personally involved in planning and implementing many of the foundation network’s projects. His visionary efforts have produced a remarkable record of successful philanthropy, including efforts to free developmentally challenged people from life-long confinement in state institutions, to provide palliative care to the dying, to win release for prisoners held without legal grounds in penitentiaries in Nigeria, to halt the spread of tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS, to create debate societies, to promote freedom of the press, and to help resource-rich countries establish mechanisms to manage their revenues in a way that will promote economic growth and good governance rather than poverty and instability.

In 2003, Soros said that removing President George W. Bush from office was one of his main priorities. During the 2004 campaign, he donated significant funds to various groups dedicated to defeating the president.

10-06-2007, 10:33 AM
In 2003, Soros said that removing President George W. Bush from office was one of his main priorities. During the 2004 campaign, he donated significant funds to various groups dedicated to defeating the president.

His real priority is taking over the democrat party. He has succeeded very well. He has them all in his pocket now. Going after Bush was only to distract his victims. It was a feint while he went after his real goal.

10-06-2007, 10:35 AM
Well he is not American, rich, trying to influence our politics, willing to lie to get his way, a communist, etc.

In fact, he is everything Democrats accuse Republicans to be. Why wouldnt we dislike the guy? You've been preaching against people like him for decades.

10-06-2007, 10:36 AM
His real priority is taking over the democrat party. He has succeeded very well. He has them all in his pocket now. Going after Bush was only to distract his victims. It was a feint while he went after his real goal.

the phantom menace.

red states rule
10-08-2007, 07:14 AM

why do you hate him?

George Soros
Founder and Chairman

A global financier and philanthropist, George Soros is the founder and chairman of a network of foundations that promote, among other things, the creation of open, democratic societies based upon the rule of law, market economies, transparent and accountable governance, freedom of the press, and respect for human rights.

Soros was born in Budapest, Hungary, in 1930. His father was taken prisoner during World War I and eventually fled from captivity in Russia to reunite with his family in Budapest. Soros was thirteen years old when Hitler's Wehrmacht seized Hungary and began deporting the country's Jews to extermination camps. In 1946, as the Soviet Union was taking control of the country, Soros attended a conference in the West and defected. He emigrated in 1947 to England, supported himself by working as a railroad porter and a restaurant waiter, graduated in 1952 from the London School of Economics, and obtained an entry-level position with an investment bank.

At the London School of Economics, Soros became acquainted with the work of the philosopher Karl Popper, whose ideas on open society had a profound influence on his intellectual development. Specifically, Soros's experience of Nazi and Communist rule attracted him to Popper’s critique of totalitarianism, The Open Society and Its Enemies, in which he maintained that societies can only flourish when they allow democratic governance, freedom of expression, a diverse range of opinion, and respect for individual rights.

In 1956, Soros immigrated to the United States. He worked as a trader and analyst until 1963. During this period, Soros adapted Popper's ideas to develop his own "theory of reflexivity," a set of ideas that seeks to explain the relationship between thought and reality, which he used to predict, among other things, the emergence of financial bubbles. Soros began to apply his theory to investing and concluded that he had more talent for trading than for philosophy. In 1967 he helped establish an offshore investment fund; and in 1973 he set up a private investment firm that eventually evolved into the Quantum Fund, one of the first hedge funds, through which he accumulated a vast fortune.

As his financial success mounted, Soros applied his wealth to help foster the development of open societies. In 1979, Soros provided funds to help black students attend the University of Cape Town in apartheid South Africa. Soon he created a foundation in Hungary to support culture and education and the country’s transition to democracy. (One of his projects imported photocopy machines that allowed citizens and activists in Hungary to spread information and publish censored materials.) Soros also distributed funds to the underground Solidarity movement in Poland, Charter 77 in Czechoslovakia, and the Soviet physicist-dissident Andrei Sakharov. In 1982, Soros named his philanthropic organization the Open Society Fund, in honor of Karl Popper, and began granting scholarships to students from Eastern Europe. Bolstered by the success of these projects, Soros created more programs to assist the free flow of information. He supported educational radio programs in Mongolia and later contributed $100 million to provide Internet access to every regional university in Russia.

The magnitude and geographical scope of his philanthropic commitments, coupled with the core principle of fostering open societies, has allowed Soros to transcend the limitations of many national governments and international institutions. During the 1980s, Soros financed a trip by young economists at a reform-minded think tank in China to a business university in Budapest; he also established a grantmaking foundation in China to foster civil society and transparency. In 1991, he helped found the Central European University, a graduate institution in Budapest that focuses on social and political development. Soros spent $50 million to help the citizens of Sarajevo endure the city’s siege during the Bosnian war, funding among other projects a water-filtration plant that allowed residents to avoid having to draw water from distribution points targeted by Serb snipers. Most recently, he has provided $50 million to support the Millennium Villages initiative, which seeks to lift some of the least developed villages in Africa out of poverty.

In 1993, Soros created the Open Society Institute, which supports the Soros foundations working to develop democratic institutions throughout Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. His network of philanthropic organizations dedicated to building open societies has expanded to include more than 60 countries in the Middle East, Central Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Despite the breadth of his endeavors, Soros is personally involved in planning and implementing many of the foundation network’s projects. His visionary efforts have produced a remarkable record of successful philanthropy, including efforts to free developmentally challenged people from life-long confinement in state institutions, to provide palliative care to the dying, to win release for prisoners held without legal grounds in penitentiaries in Nigeria, to halt the spread of tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS, to create debate societies, to promote freedom of the press, and to help resource-rich countries establish mechanisms to manage their revenues in a way that will promote economic growth and good governance rather than poverty and instability.

In 2003, Soros said that removing President George W. Bush from office was one of his main priorities. During the 2004 campaign, he donated significant funds to various groups dedicated to defeating the president.

The Party of George Soros
by David Limbaugh

Posted: 09/18/2007

I don't think nearly enough has been made of the despicable MoveOn.org character assassination attack ad against General David Petraeus and the Democratic leadership's striking refusal to repudiate it. If you want to see the face of the modern Democratic Party, re-read that ad.

The full-page New York Times ad, reportedly purchased at a radical discount, directly accused Petraeus of "cooking the books for the White House," called him "a military man constantly at war with the facts," and said he "is likely to become "General Betray Us."

Lest you think I'm exaggerating, consider the comments of MoveOn's executive director, Eli Pariser. He said, "If you have a general who is being willfully misleading to the public and the Congress about the state of a military endeavor, that's a big problem."

Most Democratic leaders refused to condemn the ad. Some, like Hillary Clinton, independently echoed its sentiment. Clinton unmistakably called Petraeus a liar when she told him, "I think that the reports that you provide to us really require a willing suspension of disbelief."

Gone for now are the "Sister Souljah moments," where Democratic presidential candidates dress down the far left to appear more centrist to a credulous general electorate. If this ad proved nothing else, it showed that the Democratic Party is a wholly owned subsidiary of the George Soros empire.

With today's Democratic Party, we are witnessing the full-blown resurrection of the far antiwar left of 1972, but with a sinister twist. This institution is more than the political vehicle for the antiwar movement and other leftist causes. It has become a highly refined and lavishly funded character assassination machine that relies more on ad hominem attacks than debating the merits of issues to win elections and advance its policy agenda.

Just think of the decent people whose characters it has attempted to savage: President George Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, Attorneys General John Ashcroft and Alberto Gonzalez, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Judge Samuel Alito and scores of others, including most high-profile Bush judicial nominees. I can just hear the derisive laughter now from those allergic to my suggestion that these people are indeed honorable public servants. Such derision demonstrates the effectiveness of the left's relentless propaganda efforts.

Democratic war opponents, for example, could have argued the facts Petraeus presented. But with early reports of the surge's success, they had to counter with something more than an alternative perspective.

While Democrats cynically accused Bush of making the well-respected Petreaus his point man to sell the success of the surge, they used that very tactic in reverse. They tried to undercut the case for the surge by tainting its messenger, Petreaus, through association with Bush -- saying he was merely Bush’s mouthpiece, a charge Petreaus roundly refuted in his opening remarks to Congress.

You can be sure Democrats will ratchet up their attacks against Petraeus, and it will only be a matter of time before their endless efforts to discredit him seep into the public psyche. What will have begun as another abominable lie will be believed by increasing numbers of people who place their trust in the Democratic Party and its mainstream-media echo chamber.

And why not? Somewhat like O.J. Simpson, Democratic leaders have not been held accountable for their misdeeds and obviously figure they can continue their chicanery with impunity. No one is above their smear machine if his or her actions interfere with MoveOn's, er, their agenda.

It would be bad enough if the damage from these personal attacks were limited to their individual victims. But think about the effect of their slanders against Petraeus on the reputation of our armed forces. To undermine the commander of our forces in wartime Iraq is unconscionable and disgraceful.

It's undeniable that the Democratic leadership is in complete intellectual and tactical lockstep with George Soros's band of anti-military, antiwar radicals.

The Democratic Party has moved so far to the left it’s amazing that it is in serious contention for the 2008 presidential race, notwithstanding the well-earned complaints against the GOP.

If Republicans were half as good with their communication machine as Democrats, Democrats would already be clawing back to the center right now and heavily handicapped going into 2008.

Think about the humorous, but revealing ad showing Michael Dukakis in a tank during the 1988 campaign, and that wasn't even during time of war.

Can you envision Hillary Clinton commandeering such a vehicle? How about the entire ship of state?


10-08-2007, 07:49 AM
[HTML]His real priority is taking over the democrat party. He has succeeded very well. He has them all in his pocket now. and you would know that....how?

no wait...let me guess...Rush and Sean told you, right?:laugh2:

red states rule
10-08-2007, 07:50 AM
and you would know that....how?

no wait...let me guess...Rush and Sean told you, right?:laugh2:

He is the one who tells Reid and Pelosi what to do and when to do it

Both have weekly copnfrence calls with the Moveon.org nuts - and he is one of the bif check writers to your party

10-08-2007, 07:53 AM
He is the one who tells Reid and Pelosi what to do and when to do it

Both have weekly copnfrence calls with the Moveon.org nuts - and he is one of the bif check writers to your party

and you would know that....how?

no wait...let me guess...Rush and Sean told you, right? :laugh2:

oh..and by the way... moveon's contribution to the democrats pales in comparison to the lawyers!:dance:

red states rule
10-08-2007, 07:53 AM
and you would know that....how?

no wait...let me guess...Rush and Sean told you, right? :laugh2:

oh..and by the way... moveon's contribution to the democrats pales in comparison to the lawyers!:dance:

They bought your party - and they own it

10-08-2007, 08:06 AM
and would know that....how?

oh wait...don't tell me.... Sean and Rush again, right? lol

red states rule
10-08-2007, 08:07 AM
and would know that....how?

oh wait...don't tell me.... Sean and Rush again, right? lol

No - the owner of Moveon.org said it

10-08-2007, 08:17 AM
so wait.... now you are saying that Soros is a reputable source?

If Soros said the moon was made of green cheese, would you believe that too?

Like I said...if you look at what group of people contributes the most to democrats across the country, you would know it was NOT moveon.org! :laugh2:

but then.... facts do have a way of getting in the way of your talking points, don't they?

red states rule
10-08-2007, 08:21 AM
so wait.... now you are saying that Soros is a reputable source?

If Soros said the moon was made of green cheese, would you believe that too?

Like I said...if you look at what group of people contributes the most to democrats across the country, you would know it was NOT moveon.org! :laugh2:

but then.... facts do have a way of getting in the way of your talking points, don't they?

Soros funds Media Matters and is a top guy at Moveon.org. His big bucks are pouring into liberal hack groups, and now he expects paybacl from the Dems

and Hillary admitted she helped start Media Matters

Birds of a feather.............

10-08-2007, 08:24 AM
suggesting that Soros is the biggest contributor to the democrats across the country is laughable....

but you keep spinnning it, RSR.... I know that Rush would be proud of you.... when he's not high on oxycontin or pumped up with viagra in a den of dominican hookers, that is! :laugh2:

red states rule
10-08-2007, 08:29 AM
suggesting that Soros is the biggest contributor to the democrats across the country is laughable....

but you keep spinnning it, RSR.... I know that Rush would be proud of you.... when he's not high on oxycontin or pumped up with viagra in a den of dominican hookers, that is! :laugh2:

It is laughable Soros spent $10 million to defeat Pres Bush in 04

and gives millions more to the left wing smear sites

10-08-2007, 08:40 AM
It is laughable Soros spent $10 million to defeat Pres Bush in 04

and gives millions more to the left wing smear sites

so what? that amount of money pales in comparison to other groups.

He is not the highroller calling the shots. And tell me: if democrats don't dance to his tune (and they clearly have a lot louder fiddlers than him) do you really think he'll give his money to republicans instead?

red states rule
10-08-2007, 08:44 AM
so what? that amount of money pales in comparison to other groups.

He is not the highroller calling the shots. And tell me: if democrats don't dance to his tune (and they clearly have a lot louder fiddlers than him) do you really think he'll give his money to republicans instead?

One man gives over $10 millon and that is nothing?

Dems do what the Moveon.org koos tell them or else? That is why they did nothing over the smear ad - until the heat got to hot for them

10-08-2007, 08:53 AM
One man gives over $10 millon and that is nothing?

I never said what he has contributed is "nothing" I said that moveon.org was nowhere near the largest contributor to democrats nationally. WHy would they allow a guy whose organization does NOT give the most to their coffers to get to call the shots over groups that give much more?

red states rule
10-08-2007, 08:56 AM
I never said what he has contributed is "nothing" I said that moveon.org was nowhere near the largest contributor to democrats nationally. WHy would they allow a guy whose organization does NOT give the most to their coffers to get to call the shots over groups that give much more?


10-08-2007, 09:02 AM
Got any proof?

10-08-2007, 09:10 AM

Heres the poop on Rupert Murdoch who owns far more media and isnt quite as charitable.

red states rule
10-08-2007, 09:13 AM
Got any proof?

Try reading the link

10-08-2007, 09:23 AM

is that link supposed to prove that moveon.org gives more annually to democrats nationwide than, say than trial lawyers do? LOL

red states rule
10-08-2007, 09:26 AM
is that link supposed to prove that moveon.org gives more annually to democrats nationwide than, say than trial lawyers do? LOL

It shows Soros funds mega bucks to many left wing smear groups

red states rule
10-08-2007, 09:34 AM
and here is more

George Soros= The Political Keyser Soze
Submitted by mike volpe on Thu, 2007-09-27 14:15. Op-Ed
""Keaton always said, "I don't believe in God, but I'm afraid of him." Well I
believe in God, and the only thing that scares me is Keyser Soze.""

That is one of my favorite quotes from one of my favorite movies, The Usual Suspects. I believe in God as well, and the only person that politically scares me more than Hillary Clinton is George Soros. Once anyone studies the way he operates they should all realize that he does to politics what Soze did to crime. Here is how Bill O'Reilly described his network. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,268043,00.html

""Soros has set up a complicated political operation designed to do two things: buy influence among some liberal politicians, and smear people with whom he disagrees.

Now here's a chart of how Soros and a few other wealthy
radicals who help him are funneling money into the political process. Stay with me on this. Most of Soros' political money flows through his Open Society Institute. You see it there on the left, which is almost unlimited funding.

Since 2001, according to federal documents, the Open Society Institute has given nearly $20 million to the Tides Foundation right below that. An astounding amount. Now Tides, in turn, funnels the money to a variety of radical hatchet men who are all well paid. For example, Tides has donated millions to the vile propaganda outfit Media Matters,which specializes in distorting comments made by politicians, pundits, and media
people. Media Matters is an Internet site, but directly feeds its propaganda to some mainstream media people including elements at NBC News, columnist Frank Rich and Paul Krugman at The New York Times, columnist Jonathan Alter at Newsweek, and Bill Moyers at PBS. — In fact, as president of the Shoeman Center Foundation, Moyers oversaw at least a $500,000 transfer of money to Media Matters.

Now George Soros is also pouring money into the Center for American Progress, run by former Clinton aide John Podesta,
and the Democracy Alliance Group, both of which fund Media Matters as well. So you can see the enormous amount of money this Media Matters has control of.

Finally, George Soros has given the radical left organization Move On many, many millions of dollars. — This group actively supports liberal politicians like Howard Dean and John Edwards. It also organizes demonstrations promoting
left-wing causes.

So you can see how powerful this guy Soros has become. He can smear anyone he wants in a variety of ways. His organizations can raise millions for politicians, who will do his bidding. Thus, he can demand that politicians running for office do what he tells them to do.

If the liberal politician doesn't toe the Soros line, he or she will be denied funding and brutally attacked. — Just ask Senator Joseph Lieberman about what Move On and Media Matters did to him.

Now "Talking Points" has reason to believe John Edwards
is taking orders from the Soros group right now. And other Democratic politicians may be as well.

The goal of George Soros, Peter Lewis, Suzy Thompkins Buell and other radical financiers is to buy a presidential election. —By that I mean find and fund a candidate who will tacitly do what he or she is told to do.

In the past, big business has been accused of doing just that. Now it is the likes of George Soros — an extremist who wants open borders, a one world foreign policy, legalized drugs, euthanasia and on and on.""

This is a shrewd, dangerous and devious individual. The network he has set up creates up to three degrees of separation from him and the attack dogs that he funds. One would only set up such a loose network if they never wanted to be found, a la Keyser Soze. So far he has stayed relatively under the radar. He may have over played his hand though. It just so happens that several of these Soros related groups are making the news all at once. We all now know about the vicious attack placed General Petraeus on the NY Times. O'Reilly has found himself in the cross hairs of a Soros proxy attack again. This is not the first time one of his proxies have attacked him. By his count, Media Matters has attacked him 109 times this year alone. Soros was also behind the infamous whistleblower James Hansen. The mainstream media fawned over him. http://www.nytimes.com/2006/01/29/science/earth/29climate.html?_r=1&oref...

""The top climate scientist at NASA says the Bush administration has tried to
stop him from speaking out since he gave a lecture last month calling for prompt reductions in emissions of greenhouse gases linked to global warming.

The scientist, James E. Hansen, longtime director of the agency's Goddard
Institute for Space Studies, said in an interview that officials at NASA
headquarters had ordered the public affairs staff to review his coming lectures, papers, postings on the Goddard Web site and requests for interviews from journalists.

Dr. Hansen said he would ignore the restrictions. "They feel their job is
to be this censor of information going out to the public," he said.

Dean Acosta, deputy assistant administrator for public affairs at the space
agency, said there was no effort to silence Dr. Hansen. "That's not the way we operate here at NASA," Mr. Acosta said. "We promote openness and we speak with the facts."

He said the restrictions on Dr. Hansen applied to all National Aeronautics
and Space Administration personnel. He added that government scientists were free to discuss scientific findings, but that policy statements should be left to policy makers and appointed spokesmen.""

He was portrayed as the little guy exposing the evil administration hiding their incompetence in dealing with an on the horizon epidemic. Unfortunately, either through outright lack of will or just incompetence, the media never got the whole story on Hansen. He was an opportunist being funded and propped up by yet another Soros proxy

""In 2006, Hansen accused the Bush Administration of attempting to censor him. The issue stemmed from an email sent by a 23-year old NASA public affairs intern. It warned Hansen over repeated violations of NASA’s official press policy, which
requires the agency be notified prior to interviews. Hansen claimed he was being “silenced,” despite delivering over 1,400 interviews in recent years, including 15 the very month he made the claim. While he admits to violating the NASA press policy, Hansen states he had a “constitutional right” to grant interviews.
Hansen then began a barrage of public appearances on TV, radio and in lecture halls decrying the politicization of climate science.

Turns out he was right. Science was being politicized. By him. A report revealed just this week, shows the ‘Open Society Institute’ funded Hansen to the tune of $720,000, carefully orchestrating his entire media campaign. OSI, a political group which spent $74 million in 2006 to “shape public policy,” is funded by billionaire George Soros, the largest backer of Kerry’s 2004 Presidential Campaign. Soros,
who once declared that “removing Bush from office was the ”central focus" of his life, has also given tens of millions of dollars to MoveOn.Org and other
political action groups.


10-08-2007, 09:42 AM
again...RSR... try to pay attention here: I am not suggesting that George Soros does NOT give a lot of money to the democrats.

ALL I am disputing is YOUR claim that, because of the amount of money he gives, he is calling the shots. I know that many other organizations give more money to the democrats around the country than moveon.org does. Why would democrats let Soros call the shots when others have paid more?

Soros has not bought the democrats.... he is not the highest bidder. period.

red states rule
10-08-2007, 09:51 AM
again...RSR... try to pay attention here: I am not suggesting that George Soros does NOT give a lot of money to the democrats.

ALL I am disputing is YOUR claim that, because of the amount of money he gives, he is calling the shots. I know that many other organizations give more money to the democrats around the country than moveon.org does. Why would democrats let Soros call the shots when others have paid more?

Soros has not bought the democrats.... he is not the highest bidder. period.

Libs rant about big bucks in politcs - they say these doners want something in return? Soros runs the party and the smear sites

Now we are to believe Soros does not expect anything from the Dems?

Wht does Reid and Pelosi have weekly conference calls with the Moveon.org and Daily Kos nuts if they have no influence over the party?

10-08-2007, 09:54 AM
lol.... you don't think that Pelosi and Reid talk to trial lawyers once a week?

If everyone that those two had weekly conference calls with "owned the party", the ownership would be a big conglomerate... and in fact it is...

red states rule
10-08-2007, 02:48 PM
lol.... you don't think that Pelosi and Reid talk to trial lawyers once a week?

If everyone that those two had weekly conference calls with "owned the party", the ownership would be a big conglomerate... and in fact it is...

I am not surprised you defend the sleaze factor of your party. To you the ends justify the means

10-08-2007, 04:09 PM
you don't think that the republicans aren't talking to the phamacutical guys every week? Or the NRA? Or big oil? or the televangelists? Hell Haggerty used to be in the inner sanctum sanctorum of the Bush admininstration until he got caught all hopped up on speed and doing a male hooker, that is.

for you to talk about MY party's sleaze as if your party is lily white is really fucking hilarious!

red states rule
10-08-2007, 04:12 PM
you don't think that the republicans aren't talking to the phamacutical guys every week? Or the NRA? Or big oil? or the televangelists? Hell Haggerty used to be in the inner sanctum sanctorum of the Bush admininstration until he got caught all hopped up on speed and doing a male hooker, that is.

for you to talk about MY party's sleaze as if your party is lily white is really fucking hilarious!

So do those you listed have smear web sites attacking Dems? Do they post lies and then have the liberal media run them as news stories?

10-08-2007, 05:07 PM

Max Cleland

And how sleazy was Haggerty...or Craig? or Foley?

I mean, really.... give up the holier than thou bullshit. Your party plays politics the same way every part plays politics.

red states rule
10-08-2007, 05:15 PM

Max Cleland

And how sleazy was Haggerty...or Craig? or Foley?

I mean, really.... give up the holier than thou bullshit. Your party plays politics the same way every part plays politics.

If anyone knows about sleaze it is the Democrat party. They know it, love it, and live it

10-08-2007, 05:18 PM
don't throw any stones RSR...and get down from you faux pulpit.

your party knows a lot about sleaze..... so get off the soapbox preacherboy

red states rule
10-08-2007, 05:21 PM
don't throw any stones RSR...and get down from you faux pulpit.

your party knows a lot about sleaze..... so get off the soapbox preacherboy

Here is the latest from the Dems. There "poor" kid begging for his health care


Pnl;y he is not from a poor family. Dems are a desperate bunch these days

10-08-2007, 05:29 PM
just admit your party knows a great deal about sleaze and quit trying to make it the sole province of my party.... and quit spinning and smoke blowing rather than just admit that.

my GOD you are pathetic.

red states rule
10-08-2007, 05:30 PM
just admit your party knows a great deal about sleaze and quit trying to make it the sole province of my party.... and quit spinning and smoke blowing rather than just admit that.

my GOD you are pathetic.

If they do - they must use your party as a guide. Dems are the best at it

No comment on the "poor" 12 year old who was begging for his health care (that his parents DECLINED at work)

Damn those pesky facts

10-08-2007, 05:37 PM


trust me...they DO!

and should I expect you to comment each time I find a case where a republican acted less than ethically? If so, I will be glad to comment on all your little "finds" as long as I know you'll do likewise.

Just say the word.

red states rule
10-08-2007, 05:39 PM
should I expect you to comment each time I find a case where a republican acted less than ethically? If so, I will be glad to comment on all your little "finds".

Just say the word.

Back into the spin cycle again

Dems love to parade the "victims" before the cameras and tug at the hearts of the voters

To bad their victims usually turn out to frauds. If only the liberal media would check out what the Dems tells them

10-08-2007, 05:45 PM
no spin at all. I only ask a question. If you are going to find all these examples of democrat's lack of ethics and expect me to comment on each of them, will you agree to comment on each example of republican ethical lapses when I bring them to you?

yes or no

red states rule
10-09-2007, 12:38 PM
no spin at all. I only ask a question. If you are going to find all these examples of democrat's lack of ethics and expect me to comment on each of them, will you agree to comment on each example of republican ethical lapses when I bring them to you?

yes or no

Lack of ethics is a common trait on the moonbat left these days