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View Full Version : Rep. Barr says voters don't care about 20 election or Jan 6th; slams 'massive disconn

08-21-2022, 07:59 PM
Too bad he can't get everyone in his own party on board with the message.


08-22-2022, 12:02 PM
Too bad he can't get everyone in his own party on board with the message.


Because it's a total disconnect. Politicians let their handlers book their venues and I'm sure they pick and choose what parts of the state they show up to stump in.

Just like Susan Rice and Ron Klain handle Biden.

08-22-2022, 12:28 PM
Too bad he can't get everyone in his own party on board with the message.


I care about January 6th and I care about election integrity. I also care about fentanyl and inflation is very much on my mind. I care about crime: local, big city, and government corruption. I also care about how the schools are openly being used to indoctrinate our children. There are many things I care about.

I see no solutions coming from either party. Actually I see very little in ideals from either party. I see only token nods to principles from anyone. I see and hear lots of noise. I've seen the right openly discussing 'civil war' for more than a decade, first only a few, then more and more; sort of like a train riding through. Now the left is also discussing how the other side needs to be awakened, violently if necessary. It's making news now.

08-22-2022, 12:34 PM
Exactly what I was thinking when reading this. Thank you!!

I care about January 6th and I care about election integrity. I also care about fentanyl and inflation is very much on my mind. I care about crime: local, big city, and government corruption. I also care about how the schools are openly being used to indoctrinate our children. There are many things I care about.

I see no solutions coming from either party. Actually I see very little in ideals from either party. I see only token nods to principles from anyone. I see and hear lots of noise. I've seen the right openly discussing 'civil war' for more than a decade, first only a few, then more and more; sort of like a train riding through. Now the left is also discussing how the other side needs to be awakened, violently if necessary. It's making news now.

08-22-2022, 04:12 PM
I care about January 6th and I care about election integrity. I also care about fentanyl and inflation is very much on my mind. I care about crime: local, big city, and government corruption. I also care about how the schools are openly being used to indoctrinate our children. There are many things I care about.

I see no solutions coming from either party. Actually I see very little in ideals from either party. I see only token nods to principles from anyone. I see and hear lots of noise. I've seen the right openly discussing 'civil war' for more than a decade, first only a few, then more and more; sort of like a train riding through. Now the left is also discussing how the other side needs to be awakened, violently if necessary. It's making news now.How many voters, in your estimation, could look at the list of things you care about and not lose sight of one while discussing the other? IF I can stretch it to estimate quadruple digits, I certainly can't get to quins.

I'm assuming Barr's message is for those who haven't gotten past Jan 6th. Honest people care about election integrity, if there is or ever was such a thing. I'm tired of living in the movie "Groundhog Day" when it comes to Jan 6th because it is just being used by the Dems as a dishonest tool, and is yet another perfect example of its double-standards.

What I'm really tired of and this is just part of it? EVERYTHING is drama, drama, drama. Constant. Non-stop. 24-7. ALL of these idiots need to take a break.

08-22-2022, 11:00 PM
How many voters, in your estimation, could look at the list of things you care about and not lose sight of one while discussing the other? IF I can stretch it to estimate quadruple digits, I certainly can't get to quins.

I'm assuming Barr's message is for those who haven't gotten past Jan 6th. Honest people care about election integrity, if there is or ever was such a thing. I'm tired of living in the movie "Groundhog Day" when it comes to Jan 6th because it is just being used by the Dems as a dishonest tool, and is yet another perfect example of its double-standards.

What I'm really tired of and this is just part of it? EVERYTHING is drama, drama, drama. Constant. Non-stop. 24-7. ALL of these idiots need to take a break.

I too am sick of how it's being exploited by dems. The problem for me is that it really was a big deal, not just a one time play. That the politicos are using it to make more noise makes me physically ill.

08-23-2022, 01:26 PM
I too am sick of how it's being exploited by dems. The problem for me is that it really was a big deal, not just a one time play. That the politicos are using it to make more noise makes me physically ill.They have been their own worst enemy. Not just because they won't shut up, but their double-standard is obvious to the blind.

The takeover and occupation of Federal buildings in Seattle, Portland, Minnesota and Chicago was "political dissent". How many people, if any were put on show trial and punished? 1 or 2? I post just a couple of days ago they've arrested almost a thousand people in connection with Jan 6th.

How many arrests for people laying siege to Supreme Court Justices' homes and threatening the life of one?

Yet they want to turn an amateurish, out-of-control bunch of idiots into a major conspiracy, National Emergency and threat to democracy. Far more coordination, leadership and skill was required to occupy Federal buildings and city blocks.

Point is, hard for me to get worked up over something that scared them into peeing their pants, when they stood by and did nothing, if they didn't give a nod and a wink to the organized leftists doing it.

The Nation, the Capitol and democracy weren't even close to being threatened. Just the ceremonial process.

That being said, people who break the law should have to pay the consequences. On BOTH sides or no side at all.

08-23-2022, 01:55 PM
They have been their own worst enemy. Not just because they won't shut up, but their double-standard is obvious to the blind.

The takeover and occupation of Federal buildings in Seattle, Portland, Minnesota and Chicago was "political dissent". How many people, if any were put on show trial and punished? 1 or 2? I post just a couple of days ago they've arrested almost a thousand people in connection with Jan 6th.

How many arrests for people laying siege to Supreme Court Justices' homes and threatening the life of one?

Yet they want to turn an amateurish, out-of-control bunch of idiots into a major conspiracy, National Emergency and threat to democracy. Far more coordination, leadership and skill was required to occupy Federal buildings and city blocks.

Point is, hard for me to get worked up over something that scared them into peeing their pants, when they stood by and did nothing, if they didn't give a nod and a wink to the organized leftists doing it.

The Nation, the Capitol and democracy weren't even close to being threatened. Just the ceremonial process.

That being said, people who break the law should have to pay the consequences. On BOTH sides or no side at all.

We're in near total agreement. The truth is that the left is much better at any form of anarchy than those on the right, at least thus far. When they took control of the means of power at the more local level, (from the get go more likely to lead to success), they really controlled, occupied, and in at least one case destroyed at will. They committed arson and and other felonies including killings without much fear of repercussions.

However, incompetence really isn't an excuse or even a promised that worse might not be coming in the future. While a secret cabal might be behind the left's actions; the top of the right extremists are out there still and with the likes of Taylor-Green and others no hope that they'll be fading soon.

The left democrats were not 'threatened' or 'in fear' of jack shi#." It wasn't those charged regarding Jan. 6 that really are of concern, other than their sheep like behaviors; rather it's those that thought they could use the sheep as means to grab what they wanted. That is where concern should be focused. How much easier and distracting to focus cameras and print on the extreme sheep though.

Meanwhile the left continues the march to nationalize a huge police force made up of all the executive police, while still removing the numbers and powers of local/state police powers.

Everything is going swimmingly.

08-23-2022, 06:28 PM
We're in near total agreement. The truth is that the left is much better at any form of anarchy than those on the right, at least thus far. When they took control of the means of power at the more local level, (from the get go more likely to lead to success), they really controlled, occupied, and in at least one case destroyed at will. They committed arson and and other felonies including killings without much fear of repercussions.

However, incompetence really isn't an excuse or even a promised that worse might not be coming in the future. While a secret cabal might be behind the left's actions; the top of the right extremists are out there still and with the likes of Taylor-Green and others no hope that they'll be fading soon.

The left democrats were not 'threatened' or 'in fear' of jack shi#." It wasn't those charged regarding Jan. 6 that really are of concern, other than their sheep like behaviors; rather it's those that thought they could use the sheep as means to grab what they wanted. That is where concern should be focused. How much easier and distracting to focus cameras and print on the extreme sheep though.

Meanwhile the left continues the march to nationalize a huge police force made up of all the executive police, while still removing the numbers and powers of local/state police powers.

Everything is going swimmingly.It's going to take a war, and sadly, the government machine in DC will win again. The first thing our so-called "independent" society is going to have to decide is: Can I survive without the US government? For those that answer yes, then they have to ask: after the government goes after my assets regardless where in the World I try to hide them, can I STILL survive without the US government?

I suggest a lot eyes will be opened to the cold hard truth of their so-called "freedom and independence" and lot of big mouths will shut.