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View Full Version : The affidavit only tells the government's side of the story for raiding Mar-a-Lago

08-21-2022, 08:02 PM

08-22-2022, 12:24 PM

With regard to Trump is there any side other than the government? He is so hated by Deep State and never Trumpers that no one dares publish the other side of the story.

08-22-2022, 12:55 PM
Are we surprised the government's affidavit only tells the government's side?

08-22-2022, 02:47 PM

08-22-2022, 03:31 PM
With regard to Trump is there any side other than the government? He is so hated by Deep State and never Trumpers that no one dares publish the other side of the story.Just a reminder: I am NOT on the side of the Government and its witch hunt, regardless who it's trying to bury.

Don't know about the "never Trumpers"; all they seem to be doing is talking and/or not voting for him. The "Deep State" is after his ass because HE said he was going to "clean the swamp". I said at the time he would be crucified for taking on the bureaucracy and look what's come to pass. What was it Yamamoto said about wakening a sleeping giant?

I do not empathize with the bureaucracy, but I certainly can understand dealing harshly with a threat. IMO, the bureaucrats, using the Dems and MSM as its Dogs, overreacted to a person with a big mouth it could have easily marginalized and destroyed without making him a martyr.

If you think Trump was worth all the smoke he blew, hardly anything legal of his admin remains and the bureaucracy is using the empty-headed fool it's propping up in DC to punish the American people for daring support his defiance.

Everyone can sit in denial and talk themselves blue in the face for as long as they wish to delude themselves but, again IMO, nothing short of actual war is going to stop the government machine. The last time it was challenged, it was willing to destroy half the US and its people under its false flag "free the slaves". It'll do no less and probably worse now, to save us form those unamerican, domestic terrorists" .

Anyone that doesn't think doubling the IRS isn't the bureaucracy flexing its muscle against the people isn't thinking very hard.

And as long as its lapdog Dems are in power to do its bidding, they can legislate it all while we sit and watch.