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10-06-2007, 02:07 PM
Haven't done one of these for a while. This one's pretty long, but screw it...

1. What is the best way to get over someone?
Meet someone else

2. What color do you wear the most?
blue (jeans)

3. Is your AIM away message on?
don't have AIM

4. If you could eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

5. What curse word do you use the most?

6. Do you own an ipod/mp3/laptop?

7. Who on your Myspace "top 8" do you talk to the most?
hmmmm, probably Blake

8. What time is your alarm clock set for?
4:20 (yeah!)

9. Have you ever bid for something on ebay?

10. Do you wear flip-flops even when its cold outside?
occassionally, but it's usually by accident

11. Where do you buy your groceries from?

12. Would you rather take the picture or be in the picture?
take it

13. What was the last movie you watched?
High Fidelity

14. Do any of your friends have children?
None of my closest friends, but I have a few good acquaintances that do

15. If you won the lottery, whats the first thing you would buy?
not "buy", I'd pay off my student loan

16. Has anyone ever called you lazy?

17. Do you ever take medication to help you fall asleep faster?
no, sleep is rarely a problem for me

18. What CD is currently in your CD player?
LCD Soundsystem - Sound of Silver

19. Do you prefer regular or chocolate milk?
chocolate if I'm just drinking it alone

20. Has anyone told you a secret this week?
not that I know of

21. When was the last time someone hit on you?
i don't know. I'm not good at picking up on that kinda stuff

22. What did you have for dinner?
a sub from Publix

23. What is your biggest fear?

24. What color is your car?

25. Can you whistle?

26. What is your favorite Christmas/winter movie?
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation and Love, Actually

27. Do you make your own jewelery?
ah, no

28. Have you ever participated in a protest?

29. Who was the last person to call you?

30. What is your favorite ride at an amusement park?
the Scrambler or the Himalaya

31. What is something you must do everyday?

32. Have you ever dated one of your best friends?

33. What area code are you in right now?

34. Did you watch cartoons as a child?
Of course! I still do.

35. How big is your local mall?
not that big

36. What is your job title?

37. What do you miss most?
I dunno

38. Would you ever sky dive?
probably not

39. What are you allergic to?

40. What is your biggest regret?
not transferring to a different college

41. Have you ever had Jamba Juice?
no clue what that is

42. When was the last time you laughed so hard your sides hurt?
watching It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia the other night

43. What movies do you know every line to?
Chasing Amy, Pulp Fiction

44. Do you own any band t-shirts?
Let's see here.... Postal Service, Eisley, 2 Flaming Lips, Pixies, Ramones, 2 CKY, Of Montreal. I think that's it. Oh, and Brian Jonestown Massacre and Weezer.

45. What is your favorite candle scent?

46. How many aunts and uncles do you have?
a bunch

47. When was your last plane ride?
when I was like 3 or 4

48. Do you crack your knuckles?
occassionally, but I try not to because it drives me nuts when other people do it

49. How many chairs are at your dining room table?

50. What is your favorite salad dressing?

51. Do you read for fun?

52. Can you speak any languages other than English?
very very little Spanish

53. Where is your cell phone?
good question

54. Do you do your own dishes?

55. What color is your bedroom painted?

56. Are your parents divorced?

57. Have you ever cried in public?
once or twice at a movie

59. Which do you make better: baked goods or dinner?

60. Are you always trying to learn new things?
of course

61. What messenger programs do you have?
does Myspace count? That's all i got

62. Do you shower on a daily basis?

63. Are you currently wanting any piercings or tattoos?
Nah, I don't think so

64. Do you believe that the guy should pay on the first date?

65. Can you skim rocks?
If this means SKIP rocks.

67. Have you ever been to Jamaica?

68. What do you snack on in the movies?
nothing usually (cheap bastard), but popcorn on occassion

69. Who was your favorite teacher?
Dr. Rich and Dr. Blount in college, Dr. Van Gunten in high school

70. Have you ever dated someone out of your race?
nope (not that there's anything wrong with that)

71. What is the weather like?

72. Would you ever date someone covered in tattoos?
sure, I like the Suicide Girl look

73. Do you have an online journal?
I post an occassional blog on Myspace, but not really

74. Did you ever play Capture the Flag in school?

75. What was your favorite class in high school?
I want to say English, but the truth is I hated them all

76. Do you sleep on your side, tummy, or back?

77. What personality trait is a must have in the preffered sex?
sincerety, sense of humor

78. Have you ever been attracted to someone physically unattractive?
well, if you're attracted to them, YOU must find them attractive. In other words, yes.

79. When was the last time you slept on the floor?
couple years ago at a party

80. What is your favorite alcoholic drink?
rum & Coke

82. Do you like your living arrangement?
It's okay.

83. Has anyone ever called you spoiled?

84. What is your mother and father's hometowns?
mother, Colonia, NJ. Father, Union, NJ.

85. Did you ever go to the same school as your parents?
I think maybe I went to the same elementary school as my parents

86. How many hours of sleep do you need to function?

88. What was the last thing to scare you?
Big roach on the bathroom wall at 8 in the morning

89. Do you own a Playstation?

90. How many times have you brushed your teeth today?

92. What album did you buy last?
Michael Ian Black - I am a Wonderful Man

93. How many pairs of shoes do you own?

94. Are your days full and fast-paced?

95. Did you ever get in trouble for talking in class?
oh yeah

96. Is there carpet, wood or tile in the room you're currently in?

97. Were you a "planned" child?
probably not

98. What top are you wearing?

99. What bottom are you wearing?

100. How old will you be turning on your next birthday?