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View Full Version : Karl Rove: Trump legal problems dampening Republican ‘enthusiasm’ ahead of midterms

08-23-2022, 06:44 PM
I don't even like Karl Rove and I agree with his assessment. Stop talking about Trump's legal problems and bring attention back to the Biden Admin's bungling of everything, and passing a fraudulent bill that's going to cost middle class taxpayers while enlarging the DOJ's personal military.


08-24-2022, 04:41 AM
I don't even like Karl Rove and I agree with his assessment. Stop talking about Trump's legal problems and bring attention back to the Biden Admin's bungling of everything, and passing a fraudulent bill that's going to cost middle class taxpayers while enlarging the DOJ's personal military.

It's pretty difficult to ignore the "Trump endorsed" ads; the 'Trump posts regarding raid, endorsements, etc'; 'Trump going to sue DOJ.' ....

That's not even mentioning his minions spinning his pronouncements and his persecution twenty-four seven. Nor a mention of his running again.

08-24-2022, 03:19 PM
The DNC is running a tried and true information overload campaign. I hear people are getting sick of the constant wave of garbage but I also don't trust the media any farther than I could toss Brian Stelter.

I don't care if Trump shouts into the wind all day, the country cannot and must not fall because people are annoyed at the former president running his mouth. If Americans let the country go to the leftists because of annoyance or "overload" then we deserve what we get. I don't think that is going to happen but we need to soldier on with making sure people consistently hear about what a complete and total failure the Democrats are and the generational damage they have already done.

08-24-2022, 04:36 PM
The DNC is running a tried and true information overload campaign. I hear people are getting sick of the constant wave of garbage but I also don't trust the media any farther than I could toss Brian Stelter.

I don't care if Trump shouts into the wind all day, the country cannot and must not fall because people are annoyed at the former president running his mouth. If Americans let the country go to the leftists because of annoyance or "overload" then we deserve what we get. I don't think that is going to happen but we need to soldier on with making sure people consistently hear about what a complete and total failure the Democrats are and the generational damage they have already done.

I would never vote for Biden or any of his acolytes, this does not make what is being offered by the right any better. Sometimes all offerings suck. I'm likely to just pass on the elections at this rate.

08-24-2022, 04:45 PM
Don't think I could ever do that. We are definitely being asked to choose the lesser of two weasels based on what we have before us but I am thinking the lesser weasel will do much less long lasting damage.

I would never vote for Biden or any of his acolytes, this does not make what is being offered by the right any better. Sometimes all offerings suck. I'm likely to just pass on the elections at this rate.

08-24-2022, 05:21 PM
Don't think I could ever do that. We are definitely being asked to choose the lesser of two weasels based on what we have before us but I am thinking the lesser weasel will do much less long lasting damage.I've always preached the exact same thing. Now? Not so much.

The "lesser of two weasels" in 2016 is what is doing the damage now. We're suffering through a 6-years and still ongoing titty tantrum from the left and the bureaucracy because we Proles dared choose other than the DC system and all it's done for us.

08-25-2022, 02:16 AM
Don't think I could ever do that. We are definitely being asked to choose the lesser of two weasels based on what we have before us but I am thinking the lesser weasel will do much less long lasting damage.
Actually it's possible that your 'lesser weasel' could certainly mitigate the current disasters, but as already evidenced by what's happening post 2020, the long term damage from the 'lesser' could be much worse than you predict.

08-25-2022, 01:01 PM
If we are looking for a moral compass from DC, we are looking in the wrong place. Not "my" lesser weasel, just stating a fact that has been a truism for over a century.

Actually it's possible that your 'lesser weasel' could certainly mitigate the current disasters, but as already evidenced by what's happening post 2020, the long term damage from the 'lesser' could be much worse than you predict.

08-25-2022, 01:03 PM
Then there's this:

Who needs the price of gas "mysteriously" going down? Votes for cancelled loans? Overturning Roe? The Dems have Donald Trump, the great divider, right on time for midterms.

Fact is, McConnell is right about less-electable GOP candidates, and Trump has bullied most of them into position. Heaven forbid McConnell point out the facts. Now we have to watch Trump try to get him bullied out.

This is getting as old as the Dems taking away any liberty we may have thought we had.


08-25-2022, 01:58 PM
I pointed the same out on Twitter recently and Trump's flying monkeys lost their minds.

Then there's this:

Who needs the price of gas "mysteriously" going down? Votes for cancelled loans? Overturning Roe? The Dems have Donald Trump, the great divider, right on time for midterms.

Fact is, McConnell is right about less-electable GOP candidates, and Trump has bullied most of them into position. Heaven forbid McConnell point out the facts. Now we have to watch Trump try to get him bullied out.

This is getting as old as the Dems taking away any liberty we may have thought we had.


08-25-2022, 04:54 PM
If we are looking for a moral compass from DC, we are looking in the wrong place. Not "my" lesser weasel, just stating a fact that has been a truism for over a century.

Not disagreeing at all regarding morality. It seems to me though, we should aspire to have someone who can differentiate between right and wrong, nominally at leadt.

08-25-2022, 04:59 PM
Then there's this:

Who needs the price of gas "mysteriously" going down? Votes for cancelled loans? Overturning Roe? The Dems have Donald Trump, the great divider, right on time for midterms.

Fact is, McConnell is right about less-electable GOP candidates, and Trump has bullied most of them into position. Heaven forbid McConnell point out the facts. Now we have to watch Trump try to get him bullied out.

This is getting as old as the Dems taking away any liberty we may have thought we had.


I've already stated I see little hope from anywhere. However, if not for McConnell Trump wouldn't have done much at all in the term he got. In spite of the open hatred Trump held him in, McConnell got things through and prevented as much blowback as he could.

It's McConnell that has tried to keep and gain seats, in spite of some on the right.

08-25-2022, 05:15 PM
I've already stated I see little hope from anywhere. However, if not for McConnell Trump wouldn't have done much at all in the term he got. In spite of the open hatred Trump held him in, McConnell got things through and prevented as much blowback as he could.

It's McConnell that has tried to keep and gain seats, in spite of some on the right.

Cue the flying monkeys. :laugh:

08-25-2022, 06:00 PM
It increasingly looks as though the GOP is going to drop the ball when it comes to the predicted "red wave."

Does anyone else think they could screw up a wet dream?

Then again, if one is a conservative who does not support Trump or his acolytes, does it really matter?

08-25-2022, 06:49 PM
It increasingly looks as though the GOP is going to drop the ball when it comes to the predicted "red wave."

Does anyone else think they could screw up a wet dream?

Then again, if one is a conservative who does not support Trump or his acolytes, does it really matter?I keep likening the GOP to the Dallas Cowboys with Danny White and Tony Romo at QB. If there's a way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory ....

As to your last question, I too wonder. What's next? No party? That's the way the Dems are pushing and the result Trump is achieving, intended or not.

We're between a rock in a hard place. If there is more than a token GOP left, what will be left in 2024; and, will there even be two parties left if the Dems win the midterms and 2024.

I guess we can all illegally emigrate to Mexico :rolleyes:

08-26-2022, 02:10 AM
Here's the thing I was trying to say earlier; Biden is simply awful-not just to 'us' but also to Dems, however for all Dems and too many of those traditional conservatives, Trump is also simply awful. So who has the least 'simply awful' no votes? That truly is now the question emerging, not just for 2024, but also for November in a bit over 2 months:


08-26-2022, 12:59 PM
It looks like my father's warnings from back in the 1950's to me have finally become WORDS OF WISDOM everybody should remember, as in: