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View Full Version : Maher: Media Engaged in ‘Conspiracy’ Against Trump on Hunter Biden Story

08-28-2022, 12:10 PM
Sure, speak to the masses about it now. I couldn't find anything showing him doing the same back then, so he's not a ton different.

And Reiner, he's just an ignorant hack who is trying his best to make his nickname a real description of his idiotic meathead.


Maher: Media Engaged in ‘Conspiracy’ Against Trump on Hunter Biden Story

On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher said there was “a conspiracy to get rid of” former President Donald Trump by the media, who buried the Hunter Biden story “because they were like, we can’t risk having the election thrown to Trump, we’ll tell them after the election.”

Maher said, “[M]y friend Sam Harris was on a podcast…they were talking about Hunter Biden’s laptop, which was a story and now all the mainstream press has finally admitted it was a real story, it was a real laptop — now look, let’s not pussyfoot around this, he was selling the influence of his father, Joe Biden. I mean, most political sons do. … Hunter Biden’s laptop was buried by the press, even the head of Twitter, Jack Dorsey, said that was a mistake. They buried the story because they remembered what happened with James Comey and the letter eleven days before the 2016 election. … Sam Harris says it was appropriate for Twitter and the heads of big tech and the heads of journalistic organizations to feel that they were in the presence of something that is a once-in-a-lifetime moral emergency, meaning Trump. So, he’s saying it’s okay to have a conspiracy to get rid of somebody as bad as Trump.”

Maher added, “He’s saying that’s what they did, and that is what they did. They buried the Hunter Biden story before the election because they were like, we can’t risk having the election thrown to Trump, we’ll tell them after the election.”

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/clips/2022/08/26/maher-media-engaged-in-conspiracy-against-trump-on-hunter-biden-story/

Maher Argues With Reiner Over Press Covering Up Hunter Biden's Laptop

HBO Real Time host Bill Maher condemned the media for suppressing the story about Hunter Biden’s laptop in the runup to the 2020 presidential election and grew frustrated with actor, filmmaker, and left-wing activist Rob Reiner tried to deflect the conversation to January 6 and defend the media.

Maher introduced the story by asking, “is it okay to have a conspiracy to get rid of Trump. This came up this week because my friend Sam Harris was on a podcast … They were talking about Hunter Biden's laptop which was a story and now all the mainstream press has finally admitted it was a real story, it was a real laptop with, now look, let's not pussyfoot around this, he was selling the influence of his father, Joe Biden.”

After mocking the idea that “some guy from China” would give Hunter Biden “an $80,000 diamond” purely out of the goodness of his heart, Maher asserted:

Even the head of Twitter, Jack Dorsey, said that was a mistake. They buried this story because they remembered what happened with James Comey and the letter 11 days before the 2016 election. Comey said we have to reopen this email investigation with Hillary Clinton and it probably was—I mean, she ran a horrible campaign, didn't go to Wisconsin, we know all that. This is probably the last thing that sunk her.

Quoting Harris, Maher continued “‘it was appropriate for Twitter and the heads of big tech and the heads of journalistic organizations to feel that they were in the presence of something that is a once-in-a-lifetime moral emergency,’ meaning Trump.”

Maher then returned to is original question if the ends justify the means, “because once you go down this road, this is sort of where we are in this country, the other side is so evil, anything is justified in preventing them from taking office, is it?”

Reiner replied, “No, no, you know it's not justified? Using armed violence to try to kill people in the Capital. That's not justified.”

Frustrated that Reiner didn’t answer the question, Maher shot back, “Answer this question.”

Continuing to play dumb, Reiner asked “what is the question.” Amid more cross talk with Reiner, Maher repeated himself yet again, “[Harris’s] saying that's what they did and that is what they did, they buried the Hunter Biden story before the election because they were like we can't risk having the election thrown to Trump, we'll tell them after the election.”

Reiner refused to believe the press would do such a thing, “and we know for a fact that that’s what they did?” Maher held his ground and questioned if Reiner was even aware of this story.

Continuing to suggest the media did nothing wrong, Reiner declared, No, but, I’ve been saying that you know for a fact that’s what they did, I don't know what they did.”

Maher then declared that is because Reiner only watches MSNBC, which Reiner said was not true as he still couldn’t bring himself to consider that the press preferred Trump lose.

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/alex-christy/2022/08/27/maher-argues-reiner-over-press-covering-hunter-bidens-laptop

08-28-2022, 06:29 PM
Archie Bunker was right about Meathead back in 71. Some things never change.

08-28-2022, 06:30 PM
Meathead is real piece of garbage. His hatred for conservatives started way before Trump came onto the scene. The man is without fail the dumbest of the voices coming out of Hollywood.

08-28-2022, 07:53 PM
Meathead is real piece of garbage. His hatred for conservatives started way before Trump came onto the scene. The man is without fail the dumbest of the voices coming out of Hollywood.I did say 71 :poke:

That pretty-much has to put him right up there with the longest running windbags on the left :)