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09-01-2022, 04:32 PM
Truth is that while this example is a democrat criticizing democrats, both sides are doing their utmost to silence others and the consequences may well be catastrophic:


Jason Furman: It's too bad so many people tried to shout down those who wanted schools to reopen (Update)

JOHN SEXTON (https://hotair.com/author/john-s-2)Sep 01, 2022 3:26 PM ET

If you don’t remember Jason Furman, he was the chair of President Obama’s Council of Economic Advisors. Just a few days ago he offered some criticism (https://hotair.com/john-s-2/2022/08/29/jason-furman-who-led-obamas-council-of-economic-advisors-says-student-debt-relief-is-a-bad-idea-n493134) of President Biden’s student debt forgiveness plan. And at the end of that particular interview, he made a broader point about the heat surrounding the debate (https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2022/08/an-economists-case-against-biden-student-loan-forgiveness-plan/671259/):

I will say, of all the policy issues I’ve ever discussed, the level of vitriol directed against anyone who disagrees [with the debt-relief plan] is incredibly high. There is something that is so emotive for people. It has made it harder for analytic people to enter the conversation. And I think the odds of bad unintended consequences, imposed on people paying for the policy now or imposed on students in the future, have gone up a lot.

That idea, that the personally vicious nature of these debates keeps people who are trying to be analytic from joining in, is something that Furman brought up again today in a Twitter thread on another topic. Withthe release (https://hotair.com/ed-morrissey/2022/09/01/the-kids-are-not-all-right-post-pandemic-4th-grade-test-scores-suffer-worst-drop-in-decades-n493779) today of testing data showing that pandemic learning loss is very significant Furman made the same point with regard to the school reopening debate.

Emily Oster is an economist at Brown University who was one of the most vocal people pushing for school reopening. In July 2020 she wrote a piece for the Atlantic titled “Parents Can’t Wait Around Forever (https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/07/parents-need-facts-kids-covid-19/613744/).” Here’s her conclusion.

The fact is, parents can’t wait around forever. As long as they have to stay home with children, they cannot truly participate in the workforce. The facts right now suggest that reopening schools would not lead to disaster, but more information shouldn’t be so hard to come by.

And as she collected more data, Oster became more confident and attracted both support and a lot of critics. The NY Times wrote about the dynamic (https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/22/us/emily-oster-school-reopening.html) in June 2021:


09-02-2022, 08:09 AM
Truth is that while this example is a democrat criticizing democrats, both sides are doing their utmost to silence others and the consequences may well be catastrophic:


A great argument for why the right should be looking for allies that advance a position based on analytical reasoning rather than boots on the ground emotion. Whether it's a covid response, debt forgiveness, and schools reopening like in the article, or Larry Summers making an argument about spending fueling inflation. Across the board we need to make rational arguments for the positions that conservatives have. Not just railing against CRT or BLM but here's why disagree with the current narrative on those things. It will advance credibility when we can say minimum wage laws are bad because... or CRT is bad because... or school choice is good because... or gun laws are good because... I'm sure that there are folks in the Democrat party who agree with those positions and it will be incumbent on us to build bridges to those folks.

Many Democrat voters aren't stupid, they have strongly held beliefs, and it's easy for them to seethe at a trump which will help them ignore a Kemp.

09-03-2022, 12:44 PM
Any way you look at it, if Trump would bow out by the end of this month, he would clear the field for the Republican and independent voters while taking away both Cheney's and the current Congress's purpose for existing. That one act by Trump would do more for this Nation/the People, and actually Donald Trump than anything he will ever accomplish besides the division of the right and Republican party and weakening of its strength in DC.

Sad that so many on both sides of the aisle have all their money on what one megalomaniac is going to do.

09-03-2022, 01:13 PM
Any way you look at it, if Trump would bow out by the end of this month, he would clear the field for the Republican and independent voters while taking away both Cheney's and the current Congress's purpose for existing. That one act by Trump would do more for this Nation/the People, and actually Donald Trump than anything he will ever accomplish besides the division of the right and Republican party and weakening of its strength in DC.

Sad that so many on both sides of the aisle have all their money on what one megalomaniac is going to do.

The problem for him then? He'd lose the megaphone to keep screaming about 2020 AND the ability to call any lawsuits brought against him as political hatchet attempts. Without a doubt the nonsense on Russia has given a well earned STOP persecuting sign, though the handling of a true threat-Jan 6th, only added to the perceived/real unfairness of judicial system, by over charging participants, while continuing to ignore the left's arson, murder, and looting spree for 2 years prior.

09-03-2022, 07:39 PM
The problem for him then? He'd lose the megaphone to keep screaming about 2020 AND the ability to call any lawsuits brought against him as political hatchet attempts. Without a doubt the nonsense on Russia has given a well earned STOP persecuting sign, though the handling of a true threat-Jan 6th, only added to the perceived/real unfairness of judicial system, by over charging participants, while continuing to ignore the left's arson, murder, and looting spree for 2 years prior.It honestly doesn't concern me as much that he's doing this crap; rather, it concerns me greatly that his supporters refuse to see the results of his antics.

In the "preview" he cost Republicans the Senate majority. Now they want a repeat? No lessons learned. In the last week(?) or so, he's gone after McConnell, McConnell's wife, and now he's spewing hate at Bill Barr for stating there was no reason for Trump to have the documents he did.

I have no idea why Biden is even saying a word what with Trump doing all their dividing and hate mongering for them :rolleyes: