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View Full Version : Joe's 'Battle For The Soul' Speech Gets Some Surprising Criticism

09-01-2022, 10:25 PM

09-02-2022, 09:13 AM
look, a terrorist is ANYONE who the U.S. Government says is a THREAT.

If you're a threat or POTENTIAL Threat to the safety of the gov't or the vaguery called "democracy" then you're fair game under the new rules.
Not under the Constitution or Bill of Rights.
But the "legal" "War on Terror!!" rules that pissed on the Constitution & Bill of Rights.... for our safety.

I mean Biden is just trying to keep us all safe, these MAGA domestic terrorist are everywhere and need to be rooted out. You never know when they going to perpetrate another 911!-cough- I mean JAN6!!!. Those MAGAs are all planning it behind the scenes, the FBI says so! "And they all hate AMERICA!" .
The gov't needs to wire tape, infiltrate moqu-cough-..."places of worship", drone strike! enhance interogate, whatever it takes... to keep the homeland safe.

09-02-2022, 01:24 PM
Has anyone done any looking at that backdrop besides the obvious threat implied? I didn't watch the whole thing. I've been sick enough without listening to that unamerican wretch spew hatred and divisiveness.

What I DID see of it doesn't look real to me. Staged? Anyone see one of those Marine so much as bat an eyelash? Contrary to popular belief, that's impossible, even for Marines. Maybe if I feel better I'll look at it again.

I stated the first year of Trump's administration, after seeing the behavior of the left, if they ever got back in power they wouldn't give it up and they would have all the alphabet agencies to choose from to wage war on the American people. Something the Dems have never shied away from.

09-02-2022, 01:34 PM
look, a terrorist is ANYONE who the U.S. Government says is a THREAT.

If you're a threat or POTENTIAL Threat to the safety of the gov't or the vaguery called "democracy" then you're fair game under the new rules.
Not under the Constitution or Bill of Rights.
But the "legal" "War on Terror!!" rules that pissed on the Constitution & Bill of Rights.... for our safety.

I mean Biden is just trying to keep us all safe, these MAGA domestic terrorist are everywhere and need to be rooted out. You never know when they going to perpetrate another 911!-cough- I mean JAN6!!!. Those MAGAs are all planning it behind the scenes, the FBI says so! "And they all hate AMERICA!" .
The gov't needs to wire tape, infiltrate moqu-cough-..."places of worship", drone strike! enhance interogate, whatever it takes... to keep the homeland safe.Any word can be misused and left excels at it far better than the right who are usually trying to play catch-up to leftists re-defining them.

Terror is one such word. It's been misused by our enemies, and now apparently this Administration which IS for the time being the US Government. Most every wrong thing the left does is based on a misinterpretation of something that was intended to be for good. For all the intended good of your smartassery, you're as bad as they are with your "blame America first" attitude.

At some point you're going to have to climb down off that high horse and choose a side. Or get swallowed by one. Whichever comes first.

Here's the thing: EVEN IF the Republicans take back Congress and Presidency, for how long? They'll play by the rules, the Dems won't and nothing will be done to stop the Dems from pulling this same shit again and compounding their evil.

09-02-2022, 02:46 PM

09-02-2022, 03:41 PM

This appears to be what he actually said...

“It should be clear to everyone that there is no means and no force which can halt this struggle of the peoples for their liberation, for it’s a great historic process, one of ever-growing and invincible power. It may be possible to prolong the dominion of one state over another for a year or two, but just as in the past the bourgeois order of things came to replace feudalism and as, now, socialism is replacing capitalism, so colonial slavery is giving place to freedom. Such are the rules of human development, and only adventurers can believe that mountains of corpses and millions of victims will delay the advent of a radiant future.”

But he was wrong then so I'm not sure why we give his words credence today.

09-02-2022, 04:28 PM
I have never seen anything like it and the fact that he put the military into his staging was particularly disgusting as I have never seen a US president make a concerted effort to politicize our forces like this.

Biden, it seems to me, is building the premise for violent action against American civilians who don’t bow down to Dear Leader.


09-03-2022, 12:26 PM
I have never seen anything like it and the fact that he put the military into his staging was particularly disgusting as I have never seen a US president make a concerted effort to politicize our forces like this.

Biden, it seems to me, is building the premise for violent action against American civilians who don’t bow down to Dear Leader.

14096Wouldn't want to be called a conspiracy theorist, but it would not catch me completely off guard if we don't have a mid-term election, or it is postponed until it can be held under Biden Admin in the guise of the US Federal Government control during an "emergency" declared for (insert lameass reason here).

Ironic yet pointlessly so at this point is the fact the Admin and it's bobblehead voicebox calling half of us threats to democracy and fascists are following the fascist handbook by the numbers. The result of the burning of the Reichstag, a staged event, was ....?
