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View Full Version : Ukraine has retaken 1,000 square kilometres in a week - Zelensky

09-09-2022, 07:59 PM
President Volodymyr Zelensky said that more than 30 settlements had been "liberated" in the Kharkiv region.Russia's top occupation official in Kharkiv region conceded Ukrainian forces had won a "significant victory".

Vitaly Ganchev told Russian TV that the Ukrainians had broken through the Russian defence line.

full article: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-62849235

09-10-2022, 10:41 AM
I wonder if Putin is realizing yet that he stepped in it with this one. But I'm sure he couldn't care less about his own casualties and losses.

09-10-2022, 11:02 AM


Has a Russian collapse along its eastern line begun? When it became clear that Russia’s attempt to decapitate Ukraine’s government by taking Kyiv failed, analysts noted that the clock had started on Russian stamina for its invasion. Some predicted that Vladimir Putin would have to either achieve victory in some overwhelming fashion as early as September or face ruin as the invasion exhausted its resources.




]Six months into “a very tough slog of a war,” Ukraine has begun to mount a counteroffensive and Russia’s invasion can only be seen as a failure, the director of the C.I.A., William J. Burns, said Thursday.

Citing the counterattacks in the south and around Kharkiv in the northeast, Mr. Burns said that Russia’s president, Vladimir V. Putin, had badly underestimated Ukraine’s courage and capacity for combat.

While the final chapter of the war is yet to be written, Mr. Burns said it was “hard to see Putin’s record in the war as anything but a failure.”

Mr. Burns said that Mr. Putin was surrounded by advisers who are unwilling to challenge him and that the Russian leader mistakenly believed that European resolve will waver and American attention will wander the longer the conflict drags on.


09-10-2022, 11:04 AM

https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/08/world/europe/putin-russia-ukraine-cia.htmlThey got one thing right: American attention has wandered. Fortunately for Ukraine, our government's interest in the matter has not.

09-10-2022, 11:07 AM
They got one thing right: American attention has wandered. Fortunately for Ukraine, our government's interest in the matter has not.

Double the retaken land? Most in last 72 hours.


09-10-2022, 11:13 AM
Double the retaken land? Most in last 72 hours.

https://pjmedia.com/vodkapundit/2022/09/10/russia-routed-in-kharkiv-counteroffensive-n1628328I caught a blurb on that earlier but haven't had a chance to look. For some reason (:rolleyes:) "fair and balanced" Fox News is almost completely silent on the topic. I have to go to CNN or overseas to find anything.

I wonder how Putin feels having seemingly put his country in the same position Hitler put Germany with Operation Barbarossa?

09-10-2022, 11:22 AM
I caught a blurb on that earlier but haven't had a chance to look. For some reason (:rolleyes:) "fair and balanced" Fox News is almost completely silent on the topic. I have to go to CNN or overseas to find anything.

I wonder how Putin feels having seemingly put his country in the same position Hitler put Germany with Operation Barbarossa?

FOX seems fixated on Queen and 911 Anniversary. They prep in advance and no 'news.'

09-10-2022, 11:27 AM
FOX seems fixated on Queen and 911 Anniversary. They prep in advance and no 'news.'IMO, Fox spends most of it's time being the CNN for the right -- Dem bashing. I'm fine with it and they are usually factually correct, but they should spend more time on news than editorialized Dem bashing.

Their actual "news" stories are less than inspiring and/or noteworthy.

We all know Trump fanboy Carlson has clout, but he shouldn't be making his politics Fox's. Nor should Fox be making Trump's theirs.

I suspect it'll eventually blow up in their faces the same as it has CNN.

09-10-2022, 11:36 AM
Update on earlier link:



Update: If this is true, then the Russians are in real trouble:

Ukrainian forces entered the key Russian military stronghold of Izium on Saturday, continuing their rapid advance across the northeast and igniting a dramatic new phase in the more than six-month war.

“Izium was liberated today,” the city’s mayor, Valeriy Marchenko, said in an interview. While he was not yet in the city himself, he said that he was in contact with the police and that emergency services were working to clear it of possible hazards before residents could return.

Russia’s Ministry of Defense — which a day earlier had said that it was moving to reinforce its defensive positions in the region — confirmed on Saturday that it had pulled its forces out of Izium, six months after its forces laid siege to and then seized the city. In a statement, it presented the retreat as a preplanned move, intended to strengthen its efforts in the east where its army has been bogged down for weeks.

This NYT report goes farther than CNN’s earlier flash update, which only implied that Ukrainian troops had gotten close to Izyum. If Ukraine has already taken it back, the collapse may be unstoppable.

09-10-2022, 11:54 AM
Update on earlier link:

https://pjmedia.com/vodkapundit/2022/09/10/russia-routed-in-kharkiv-counteroffensive-n1628328This is the report I saw earlier. As mentioned in a previous article, Ukraine needs to be careful of overextending its lines. Unsupported lines can be just as easily routed as they can rout. They also need to be wary of a surprise flanking attack from Belarus.

I'm not ruling out the UN suddenly trying to step in and call a halt and cease-fire and drawing an arbitrary line in the sand as it did in Georgia. It is infamous for turning victory into stalemate going all the way back to Korea.

I have to wonder who is doing the thinking in Ukraine. This appears a bit more sophisticated than it has shown itself to be to date.

09-10-2022, 11:58 AM
This is the report I saw earlier. As mentioned in a previous article, Ukraine needs to be careful of overextending its lines. Unsupported lines can be just as easily routed as they can rout.


09-10-2022, 12:26 PM
This is what I was looking for. There's a map for those of us that like to see things explained in pictures :)


09-10-2022, 02:35 PM
I'm not even going to look it up. MSNBC's take? "Russia Pulls Out Troops from Areas of Ukranie's Kharkiv Region".

Who needs enemies?:rolleyes: