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View Full Version : GOP megadonor Peter Thiel hits Republicans for lacking positive message ahead of midt

09-11-2022, 04:41 PM
It's about damned time. Maybe Republican't's will listen to the damned money since they're short on ideals:rolleyes:


09-12-2022, 03:02 AM
It's about damned time. Maybe Republican't's will listen to the damned money since they're short on ideals:rolleyes:


He's backing Blake Masters running against Mark Kelley in Arizona.

09-12-2022, 07:27 PM
He's backing Blake Masters running against Mark Kelley in Arizona.He also backs Trump. I'm trying to hot hold that against his money.

The fact is, he is correct in that the Republican't's need to get out there with a message and hammer it home at every turn. Even if it only gets out the people that follow conservative/rightwing media, that's more than doing and saying nothing is going to.

09-12-2022, 09:56 PM
He also backs Trump. I'm trying to hot hold that against his money.

The fact is, he is correct in that the Republican't's need to get out there with a message and hammer it home at every turn. Even if it only gets out the people that follow conservative/rightwing media, that's more than doing and saying nothing is going to.
The trouble is that the conservative media can't compete with air time or breadth of reach like left wing media.

09-12-2022, 09:56 PM
It isn't going to be enough to just try and make the case that Biden and the Democrats are destroying the country. Republicans have GOT to coalesce around a positive message. When we see candidates like John Fetterman running with a real chance of taking a seat we have BIG problems.

It's about damned time. Maybe Republican't's will listen to the damned money since they're short on ideals:rolleyes:


09-14-2022, 05:04 PM
It isn't going to be enough to just try and make the case that Biden and the Democrats are destroying the country. Republicans have GOT to coalesce around a positive message. When we see candidates like John Fetterman running with a real chance of taking a seat we have BIG problems.I think most everyone agrees. I felt the same when Trump didn't bother campaigning for reelection. I was just sitting and waiting because surely he was going to come out with a message to the people.

I can't even begin to fathom what these idiot Republicans are thinking. One theory is they don't want to release a message for the Dems to attack. Must be some message to have that much confidence :rolleyes:

First thing that needs to happen is the GOP needs to grab the GOP by the horns and tell Trumpies and Trump-haters both: THIS is how we are going forward and with what message and anybody not on board is off the damned train. You can get off or be thrown off.

I'm tired of this spineless shit.

09-14-2022, 08:13 PM
A lot of democrats are refusing to debate their opponents. Especially the MAGA candidates.