View Full Version : Finally! Some push back on climate change issues

09-12-2022, 11:37 PM
Leaders are starting to challenge the "settled science" of climate change. Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts


10-17-2022, 07:21 AM

10-17-2022, 08:18 AM

The people pushing this message are insulated from reality, and/or their mindless followers. Assuming the climate is changing which hardly sets a precedent for Mother Earth, pursuing policies that enrich and empower opportunists less interested in the problem than they are their personal wealth and power is spitting into the wind.

How many trillions spent trying with mere mortal people claiming they can to stop what (theoretically) is a cyclical change in the Earth's climate ? Not a dime that I have seen spent on how to actually deal with it.

The UN, as any other bureaucracy, is trying to justify its existence any way it can, because nothing it does justifies its existence. They do nothing but blow hot air and cancel each other out.

10-17-2022, 08:22 AM
THIS is some pushback. The greenies won't hear it. Not in their game plan to use fact and logic to address a problem. I've been saying this same thing for decades. Had an earnest and honest effort been made "then" to find alternative sources of fuel we'd probably be a lot farther down the path now instead of killing economies and people ramming it down everyone's throats.


10-17-2022, 08:57 AM
THIS is some pushback. The greenies won't hear it. Not in their game plan to use fact and logic to address a problem. I've been saying this same thing for decades. Had an earnest and honest effort been made "then" to find alternative sources of fuel we'd probably be a lot farther down the path now instead of killing economies and people ramming it down everyone's throats.


I think there's been many voices calling for a realistic approach to energy. Pollution from fossil fuels has been diminishing in advanced countries for years, but the finite nature of fossil fuel is not something that can be ignored. Thus developing alternatives is a necessity, but wishful thinking will not make it so. Thus that has been the road most greenies have been taking, ignoring both the side effects of their chosen pet alternatives, as well as the limitations of each.

Even the problems developing with each new approach are dwarfed by the insanity of the 'greenies.' Doesn't matter if we are addressing the effectiveness or the problems caused by unintended consequences which are ignored. Bottom line, never acknowledged by the followers is the money being made by the Gores, Kerrys, and governments behind the scenes.

That many may die due to lack of heat/ac may actually be a feature and not a bug to their plans.

10-17-2022, 09:04 AM
I think there's been many voices calling for a realistic approach to energy. Pollution from fossil fuels has been diminishing in advanced countries for years, but the finite nature of fossil fuel is not something that can be ignored. Thus developing alternatives is a necessity, but wishful thinking will not make it so. Thus that has been the road most greenies have been taking, ignoring both the side effects of their chosen pet alternatives, as well as the limitations of each.

Even the problems developing with each new approach are dwarfed by the insanity of the 'greenies.' Doesn't matter if we are addressing the effectiveness or the problems caused by unintended consequences which are ignored. Bottom line, never acknowledged by the followers is the money being made by the Gores, Kerrys, and governments behind the scenes.

That many may die due to lack of heat/ac may actually be a feature and not a bug to their plans.I suspect people are going to have to die to snap the silent go-along's awake and calling BS. This winter in Europe and the Northern US/Canada is looking like a probable start.

Europe shifted gears too late, IMO, but better late then never. I suspect even a disaster here in the US won't get the current idiot to change course. We could be helping ourselves AND Europe. Waiting to hear THAT voice from the crowd in an accusatory tone (most likely from Europe).

10-17-2022, 09:42 AM
I suspect people are going to have to die to snap the silent go-along's awake and calling BS. This winter in Europe and the Northern US/Canada is looking like a probable start.

Europe shifted gears too late, IMO, but better late then never. I suspect even a disaster here in the US won't get the current idiot to change course. We could be helping ourselves AND Europe. Waiting to hear THAT voice from the crowd in an accusatory tone (most likely from Europe).

Not just here, though individual European nations appear to be changing course PDQ.


10-18-2022, 09:22 PM
For as long as I have been able to understand words, feelings, sounds, smells, and recognize people (about two or three years old). WE...the human race living on Earth, every year. Have had FOUR seasons. Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter.
In all of my 75 years...(that I can remember). The CLIMATES on Earth have been changing, or gotten worse, or better. Depending on the year, and where the reports of WEATHER CONDITIONS came from (BEFORE THE WEATHER CHANNEL AND 24/7/365 REPORTING.)
The One, and Only thing that has changed the Weather, Climate, Global Temps, has been the access to MORE INFORMATION that Human beings use to PAD THEIR BANK ACCOUNTS through SELFISHNESS and IGNORANCE.


08-09-2023, 08:16 PM

the world is heating up 2-3 times faster than the rest of the world?

08-09-2023, 09:16 PM
I learned, when I was pretty young in school about the ICE AGE.
That was supposed to be a scientific fact BY HUMANS, who told us
The ICE AGE took place, Oh, around a billion or so years ago...LONG BEFORE AL GORE & THE WEATHER CHANNEL.
Now they are saying the World is getting Hotter...just like those same scientists told us about.
NOBODY wants to be certain...Because...Too many Idiots have TOO MUCH MONEY TO LOSE!
All of the dangerous products the Human Race has invented, produced, and SOLD since anyone
started making stuff other than STICKS and ARROWS, THEN GUNS.

IS THE BOTTOM LINE. How many politicians are PUSHING IT?

08-10-2023, 08:51 AM

the world is heating up 2-3 times faster than the rest of the world?

that's how bad the climate crisis really is... twice as bad everywhere as everywhere.

it's extremely urgent that we kill most people.