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View Full Version : DOJ Refuses to Release Biden Administration Plan to Intervene in 2022 Election

09-13-2022, 12:33 PM
Nothing to see here, just move along. My blood is boiling over this one. These people are acting on two fronts. They know this will create MORE distrust and are hoping that it will generate violence IMHO, and they know that they can get away with anything because the media will cover for them. America is screwed.


The Department of Justice (DOJ) is refusing to release 15 pages of documents explaining the Biden administration’s strategy to implement a “voter access” policy that is being coordinated with left-wing groups just weeks before the 2022 election.

In March 2021, President Joe Biden signed Executive Order 14019, “Promoting Access to Voting.” As Breitbart News noted:

President Joe Biden issued an executive order on “access to voting” on Sunday that instructs federal government agencies to promote voter registration, help Americans apply to vote by mail, and “combat misinformation,” among other measures.

The “Executive Order on Promoting Access to Voting” reads like a Democratic Party wish-list of “reforms” that enshrines many of the practices that were adopted on a temporary basis during the pandemic-affected 2020 election. Its provisions include:

* using federal agencies to promote voter registration;
* using federal agencies to inform Americans about voting;
* linking federal agency websites to state voter registration websites;
* providing voter registration and vote-by-mail applications;
* using “approved, nonpartisan third-party organizations” to register voters at federal agencies;
* using identification documents issued by the agency to help people register to vote;
* providing more multilingual services to potential voters;
* giving public employees “time off to vote in Federal, State, local, Tribal, and territorial elections”; and
* promoting voter registration for federal prisoners.

One provision states: “It is the responsibility of the Federal Government to expand access to, and education about, voter registration and election information, and to combat misinformation, in order to enable all eligible Americans to participate in our democracy.”

Under the U.S. Constitution, elections are largely administered by the states. But critics of Biden’s executive order noted that it amounts to an attempt to federalize elections, and to do so without authority from Congress, never mind the Constitution.

As Mollie Hemingway of The Federalist noted in June, Biden was elected in 2020 after Democrats and their donors, such as billionaire Mark Zuckerberg, funded and commandeered local election administration in key counties in crucial swing states...

Make sure to read the whole article.


09-14-2022, 04:59 PM
Nothing to see here, just move along. My blood is boiling over this one. These people are acting on two fronts. They know this will create MORE distrust and are hoping that it will generate violence IMHO, and they know that they can get away with anything because the media will cover for them. America is screwed.


Make sure to read the whole article.


But the Dems would never steal an election :rolleyes:

09-21-2022, 01:09 AM
https://icansayit.com/icsi/biden bragged.jpg

09-21-2022, 04:19 PM
I don't get it. This isn't about Trump's allegations either. The left is doing whatever it wants, right out in the open, and using supposedly non-political Federal agencies to do it and nobody cares.

The President does not have the authority to issue instructions since voting is left to the states. Pretty-sure only blue states will try. I suppose when Federal, partisan interference is proven, that won't be voter fraud either :rolleyes: