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View Full Version : Football again.................

10-07-2007, 10:41 AM
Brag time sorry..............My 11 year old son started on defense yesterday and played defense till the second half of the game, then they switched him to offense he played fullback for the rest of the game............... he ran the ball 3 times with a 6 yard gain on the first run, and a touchdown on the second run, it was sweet he was so pumped up! Final score was 50-0........ they are now 6-0 with 3 games left till playoffs.

These boys have been working so hard, and playing so well this year. I can only imagine what they will look like on the field when they hit high school! They have been pulling off some crazy NFL shit on the field which is great to watch since they are all 11 and 12 year olds.