View Full Version : Republican voters who refuse to vote hurt everyone else!!

09-16-2022, 08:08 AM
Some food for thought.

https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2022/09/republican_voters_who_refuse_to_vote_hurt_everyone _else.html

There has been a creeping meme among some Republican voters indicating that they will refuse to vote because they are fed up with congressional Republicans. They are telling everyone who will listen how horrible congressional Republicans are and are asking, "Why vote when our representatives do nothing and get nothing done?"

People who advocate not voting are advocating surrender to the leftist mob and surrender to Democrats who have ruined a perfectly good country. They are recommending surrender to the leftists who are persecuting Republican conservatives. There is no other way to read this: If you won't vote, you turn the reins of what power you have over to Democrats.

There is no good that can come from Republicans not voting. The only thing that can come from not voting is certain defeat. Not voting is an unacceptable response to what ails America. The people who advocate not voting are the same people saying, essentially, that there is no hope for America under Republican control of Congress and the White House. That is patently false and frankly, distasteful.

More and more, those who advocate not voting for Republicans in November are deliberately attempting to demoralize voters, saying things like, "No matter how I vote, Republicans never do anything,” or "I have been voting for Republicans all my life and they still don’t get things done. It’s useless to vote." No, it isn't.

While the Republican party in Congress has been largely disappointing in their unasked-for moderation, the alternative, not voting for them, is a malodorous solution. Not a conspiracist here but I often wonder if these demoralizers are plants, deliberately trying to lessen the red wave of November. Ideally, they would win, but the winds of political war are against them at the moment, so they will settle for a less egregious loss. These cowards can be articulate and persuasive in convincing some to stay home in November. Such people should not be listened to. They are misguided at best, subversive at worst. And they are dead wrong.

For the sake of argument, let’s say ten Republicans can be persuaded not to vote. Those ten will talk to their friends, who will talk to their families and coworkers, and before you know it, dozens of people are refusing to vote because they are demoralized. Don’t they know that the tactics of demoralizing Republican voters through phony polling and through people who keep saying “it’s useless to vote” are the very means by which Democrats win? (And cheating, of course, but that isn’t new.)

Those dozens of people who have been persuaded not to vote by the round-heeled squishes may be the very margins by which a Republican conservative wins over a "progressive” Democrat, the very people who are destroying our economy and our culture. And with Republicans in office, conservatives stand a far better chance of replacing RINOs with real conservatives. With Democrats in charge, there is zero chance of things getting better.

Surrender or fight back? Americans don’t surrender. They fight for what is right and good and decent. It is indecent to advocate not voting. "Surrender” is not a word in the American Right's lexicon, especially now, when the country teeters on a knife’s edge of socialism and communism.

Vote-avoiders seem eager to surrender the country for their own petty snit. Get over it. No one can afford to stay away from the polls in November. All that does is to thoughtlessly hand over the keys to the country without even trying to protect what is inside our doors.

Vote-avoiders are angry and perhaps they have a right to be. But anger is no reason for capitulation. Is it better to lose and feel virtuous in your righteous anger, or to win and have a chance to right this ship? Certain defeat or possible victory, what a choice.

We cannot win if we don’t fight back. Ignore the self-righteous "don’t vote" types. They believe their anger is more important than fighting back. They will sacrifice your freedom for their comfort, much like Democrats. They have not yet learned the lesson that you don't foul your nest, then complain about the stench.

09-16-2022, 08:14 AM
Back to the "lesser of 2 evils" when voting. It's a horrible feeling to be stuck in, but I think the long term consequences from the left and lack of opposition from the right, make it a necessary evil at times.

09-16-2022, 04:34 PM
We need a 3rd party for normal people.

09-16-2022, 06:39 PM
We need a 3rd party for normal people.

I said same in 2016.

Black Diamond
09-16-2022, 07:12 PM
We need a 3rd party for normal people.

Andrew Yang is your man.

09-16-2022, 07:27 PM
The establishment would never let a viable 3rd party happen. The filth on both sides of the aisle are making too much money.

We need a 3rd party for normal people.

09-16-2022, 07:27 PM
I said same in 2016.

Andrew Yang is your man.Want to see some Dem/Republican't bipartisanship? Look at the meltdown over Trump by the establishment D's and R's. Politicians and voters. Trump is an outsider who came out of nowhere claiming to be conservative and running as a Republican't. He was chosen by the left and the media as the R candidate and was NEVER supposed to win.

And look what has happened because he did. Chaos and fascism, and ho-hum from establishment Republican'ts about the midterms because Trump got some people in as candidates.

A true 3rd party that would sake this crap up would have to be not just a President, but enough Congress critters to tie up the Dems and GOP. We'll see martial law declared and the election cancelled before that'll happen.

Black Diamond
09-16-2022, 09:55 PM
Want to see some Dem/Republican't bipartisanship? Look at the meltdown over Trump by the establishment D's and R's. Politicians and voters. Trump is an outsider who came out of nowhere claiming to be conservative and running as a Republican't. He was chosen by the left and the media as the R candidate and was NEVER supposed to win.

And look what has happened because he did. Chaos and fascism, and ho-hum from establishment Republican'ts about the midterms because Trump got some people in as candidates.

A true 3rd party that would sake this crap up would have to be not just a President, but enough Congress critters to tie up the Dems and GOP. We'll see martial law declared and the election cancelled before that'll happen.

Maybe they really did threaten Ross Perot's daughter.

09-17-2022, 12:58 AM
Term Limits.

People tend to vote along party lines. Term limits will at least get someone new in... not the same old lame ducks for 40-50 years.

09-17-2022, 10:19 AM
Want to see some Dem/Republican't bipartisanship? Look at the meltdown over Trump by the establishment D's and R's. Politicians and voters. Trump is an outsider who came out of nowhere claiming to be conservative and running as a Republican't. He was chosen by the left and the media as the R candidate and was NEVER supposed to win.

And look what has happened because he did. Chaos and fascism, and ho-hum from establishment Republican'ts about the midterms because Trump got some people in as candidates.

A true 3rd party that would sake this crap up would have to be not just a President, but enough Congress critters to tie up the Dems and GOP. We'll see martial law declared and the election cancelled before that'll happen.

I said same in 2016.
Been saying it since this guy

Missed opportunities
Ross Perot
and Ron Paul

but that was "crazy"!

09-17-2022, 06:29 PM
Term Limits.

People tend to vote along party lines. Term limits will at least get someone new in... not the same old lame ducks for 40-50 years. What are term limits going to do? Make the bureaucracy work harder having to replace its D's and R's more often? It chews up anything that even thinks of meddling with its existence and control. The Republicans are allowed to exist only as a focal point for distraction from who the real enemy is. Democrats currently exist to give the bureaucracy a white wash of "legitimacy", and a scapegoat in case the People and the truth get too close.

Only Trump went after the real enemy of this nation and its people and look where that has gotten him and us.

Only the people can save this Nation and its core values, and they're too brainwashed, stupid and/or scared. There's no "savior" going to come along and deliver us from the bureaucracy WE, through our laziness and apathy, have allowed to take control of every facet of our lives. Limiting how long a puppet gets to take the stage isn't going to do much.

09-18-2022, 12:56 PM
What are term limits going to do? Make the bureaucracy work harder having to replace its D's and R's more often? It chews up anything that even thinks of meddling with its existence and control. The Republicans are allowed to exist only as a focal point for distraction from who the real enemy is. Democrats currently exist to give the bureaucracy a white wash of "legitimacy", and a scapegoat in case the People and the truth get too close.

Only Trump went after the real enemy of this nation and its people and look where that has gotten him and us.

Only the people can save this Nation and its core values, and they're too brainwashed, stupid and/or scared. There's no "savior" going to come along and deliver us from the bureaucracy WE, through our laziness and apathy, have allowed to take control of every facet of our lives. Limiting how long a puppet gets to take the stage isn't going to do much.

For the same reasons the president has term limits. So the bureaucracy doesn't feed off itself. Two six year terms for senators should give them plenty of time to do something or get out and let new blood step in. Same with reps. Maximum 8 years.

SCOTUS should also have a term limit ... not a lifetime position. Maximum retirement at some age? Everyone in government has mandatory retirement but not the government? Talk about self serving bureaucracy.

09-19-2022, 08:35 PM
For the same reasons the president has term limits. So the bureaucracy doesn't feed off itself. Two six year terms for senators should give them plenty of time to do something or get out and let new blood step in. Same with reps. Maximum 8 years.

SCOTUS should also have a term limit ... not a lifetime position. Maximum retirement at some age? Everyone in government has mandatory retirement but not the government? Talk about self serving bureaucracy.You need to move forward. You're stuck WAY back there. The bureaucracy does, and has for a long time, feed itself. We get to foot the bill.

In all honesty, except for things like tell us what to do, when to do it, and how we can do it, what exactly anytime lately has the US Government done for the People of the United States that actually was good, meant something, and has lasted.

I'm sure there's something ....

09-20-2022, 12:43 AM
You need to move forward. You're stuck WAY back there. The bureaucracy does, and has for a long time, feed itself. We get to foot the bill.

In all honesty, except for things like tell us what to do, when to do it, and how we can do it, what exactly anytime lately has the US Government done for the People of the United States that actually was good, meant something, and has lasted.

I'm sure there's something ....

Are we disagreeing here? I'm confused.

09-20-2022, 05:54 PM
Are we disagreeing here? I'm confused.You stated the reason for term limits is to keep the bureaucracy from feeding off itself. It already does and it doesn't matter who voters put in chairs in the Capitol.

The idea that term limits will control doesn't take into account the DC infrastructure which has none. Some of those people are in civil service jobs their parents got for them, and they in turn got jobs for their kids. They're not going anywhere.

There is no simple solution. You can't just "clean the Swamp". It controls everything from border to border. The whole thing would have to go, then you have to replace it or the country doesn't function, and what do you replace it with? People dependent of the US government for their existence.

09-20-2022, 08:18 PM
I don't know. We have to take a stand at some point and start somewhere. I am not sure that term limits wouldn't be a good place to start.

I keep hearing about a constitutional convention, but that is what REALLY scares me the most because the communists get to play just as much in that arena as the institutionalized meat sacks in DC do now and would have no qualms with destroying every bit of liberty we have using every cheap and cheesy trick up their blousy sleeves.

What are term limits going to do? Make the bureaucracy work harder having to replace its D's and R's more often? It chews up anything that even thinks of meddling with its existence and control. The Republicans are allowed to exist only as a focal point for distraction from who the real enemy is. Democrats currently exist to give the bureaucracy a white wash of "legitimacy", and a scapegoat in case the People and the truth get too close.

Only Trump went after the real enemy of this nation and its people and look where that has gotten him and us.

Only the people can save this Nation and its core values, and they're too brainwashed, stupid and/or scared. There's no "savior" going to come along and deliver us from the bureaucracy WE, through our laziness and apathy, have allowed to take control of every facet of our lives. Limiting how long a puppet gets to take the stage isn't going to do much.

Black Diamond
09-20-2022, 09:04 PM
Doesn't it take a constitutional amendment to get term limits in place? If so, it's not happening. Neither is a balanced budget amendment.

09-21-2022, 07:43 AM
I don't know. We have to take a stand at some point and start somewhere. I am not sure that term limits wouldn't be a good place to start.

I keep hearing about a constitutional convention, but that is what REALLY scares me the most because the communists get to play just as much in that arena as the institutionalized meat sacks in DC do now and would have no qualms with destroying every bit of liberty we have using every cheap and cheesy trick up their blousy sleeves.

But the ideas on the left would have no chance. Then again neither would rightist dogma but a reasonable amendment would be possible IMO. Not that I think term limits is a panacea. Repeal the 17th I say.

09-21-2022, 10:16 AM
But the ideas on the left would have no chance. Then again neither would rightist dogma but a reasonable amendment would be possible IMO. Not that I think term limits is a panacea. Repeal the 17th I say.
I'm with repealing the 17th, been saying the same, with little encouragement for years. ;)

09-21-2022, 12:19 PM
I'm with repealing the 17th, been saying the same, with little encouragement for years. ;)

I'm right there with ya.
http://www.debatepolicy.com/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBxISEBUSEhITFRUXFhUYFxgWGBgVFRcVFRUXGBcZFx gaHSgsGBslGxUaITEhJSkrLi4uGB8zODMuNygtLisBCgoKDg0O GxAQGy0lICYtLS0uLS4vLS0tLy8tLS0tLzItLS0tLS0tLS0tLS 0tLS0tLS0vLS0tLS0uLS0tLS0tLf/AABEIAOEA4QMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAEAAQUBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAABwEEBQYIAwL/xABTEAABAwICBgQFDwgIBQUAAAABAAIDBBEFMQYHEiFBUSJhcY ETMkKRoRQjM1JTYnJzgpKxsrPB0QgVNXSTwtLwFhc0Q1RjouFE VZTDxCQlg4Sj/8QAGwEBAAIDAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQFAwYHAgH/xAA9EQABAwEEBwYEAwYHAAAAAAABAAIDBAURITESQVFhcZHRBi KBobHBEzJC8BQzUiM0Q6LS8RZTYoKSsuH/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/AJxRERERERERERERFQoiqi1LHdPKSmuGu8M8eTGRYH3z8h3XPU o/xjWLWTXEbhC3kzxrdbzvv1iyjyVUbNd53K3o7DrKnEN0RtdhyG Z5KZKusjjF5JGRjm9waPStdrdPqCMkeGMhHBjST3F1ge4qEqir e9xc97nOOZJJJ7yvAqI6veflF3mthg7KQj82Qk7rh63 ylyr1pwD2OCR3wnNZ9G0rJ2tnlSj9of4FGCLCauXb5BWLezlnt GLL Jd7EKTv62T/hR 0P8ACvqHWwPKpfNJ9xaovRfPxUu3yHRev8PWf/l/zO6qZabWdRnc5srOvokfWv6FnaDSuilsGVEd TyYzfkNsC/cufVVriMiQsra2QZ3FQ5eytI4dxzmnwI9PddONcDvC lznhePVNMfWZpGcbX3d7TuPeFu 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Y3LJFDJMdGNpcdwJWxK0rq2OJhkke1jRmXGw7Os9SjXGdaTjdt NGG /f0ndzRuB7SVoeKYvPUO25pXPPWdw7OAHUAFEkrWD5cVf0fZqpl xm7g5u5ZDxPgpB0o1l5x0Y7ZHDf8gcO13mGajSeZz3FznFxvcl xJJPMk5lea 2MLiAASSbADebngFXySukN7ludHZ1PRs0Ym8TrPE 2W5fC2/QnQ11W4SPuyEHeci4jNrb k8O1ZvQ7V4XbM1WC0ZiLJzuW37Ue9z524ydDC1jQ1rQ1oFgALA AZAAZBSqekJ7z8ti1 2O0LWgw0pvOt2ocNp35DevmkpWRMbHG0NY0Wa0ZAK5RFZrSSST eURERERERERERERERERERF4TwNe0seGua4WLXC7SORBzUfaS6t GPJkpTsHefBuJ2fku4dhuOsKSEWOSJsgucFLpK6ekdpQuu2jUe I zvXN2KYTNTv2Jo3MPJw3HrByI6wVZLpSspY5WlkjGvafJcA4eY rTcY1aU0lzC58J9r47O4HePP3KvkoXD5MVt1H2phdhUNLTtGI5 ZjgL1Di g8jIlbfimrmti8RrZhv3scL94NjfsutarcLmiNpY5Iz75rm/SFEfG5vzC5bFBW08/wCU8HgceWa9qTHqqIARzytA4Ne4DzXsr9um1eMqh/edr6Vr5CIHuGRPNfZKKnkxfG08Wg y2V2nuIH/AIg9zWD6ArabTCvcN9TL8l5Z9Flg0X34jzrPNeG2fStN4ib/AMW9FcVVdLIdqSR7jzLiT6Vbk3zVQw8isvh i1ZPbYp5N/FzdlvzjYeleACclmfJHC295DRvIAWGVWtJyCkLC9VszrGeVsY9 q3pu 4Dzlbvg2hlHTb2xB7vbS9M35gWsO0BSmUcjs8OKpavtJRwi5h0 zuy55cr1FmjuhNVVWcG DjPlvu0Ee9Fru3ct3WFKWjmh1NR2LR4STjI 1x8AZM7t/WtmRT4qZkeOZ29Ni1Gvtqpq72k6Lf0j3OZ9NyIiKQqhERERERE RERERERERERERERERERERERERF41XiHsVUQL7rC5 0p9nP88Vh0RUMvzldXs791j4BERFjU5SlqryP88VJZRFe035YX Kba/fH8T6lVREWVV6IiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIiIi//2Q==

09-22-2022, 05:35 PM
I don't know. We have to take a stand at some point and start somewhere. I am not sure that term limits wouldn't be a good place to start.

I keep hearing about a constitutional convention, but that is what REALLY scares me the most because the communists get to play just as much in that arena as the institutionalized meat sacks in DC do now and would have no qualms with destroying every bit of liberty we have using every cheap and cheesy trick up their blousy sleeves.As I understand it, they are shy some red states to call for a Constitutional Convention. One never knows in this country anymore, but I am going to assume "red" severely limits commies.

The bureaucracy would never allow it. Anyone involved in such a Constitutionally legal move would be hunted down like they have hunted down Jan 6th people right down to the clerk that sold a rioter bubble gum before the riot.

I predict this does not end well, and only time will tell what comes out of the ashes. The odds right now are with a fascist police state.

09-22-2022, 05:40 PM
But the ideas on the left would have no chance. Then again neither would rightist dogma but a reasonable amendment would be possible IMO. Not that I think term limits is a panacea. Repeal the 17th I say.

I'm with repealing the 17th, been saying the same, with little encouragement for years. ;)I'm not sure what repealing the 17th would accomplish. Seems like it would work for "us" only in the red states.

As it stands here, right now, great idea. All our Senators would be Republicans. For whatever that's worth:rolleyes:

The Republican Party isn't high on my list as being much worth a crap these days.

09-22-2022, 06:53 PM
Upon further review ... Seems to me the same reason to be for the 17th Amendment also works for being against it: The advantage to repealing it is it would definitely go a long way in ensuring voter fraud was kept to a minimum. That assuming the election to put the State government in power was free and fair.

Disadvantage is it just takes power away from the people and gives it to government.

I'm not real keen on government at any level right now.

09-22-2022, 08:46 PM
I'm not sure what repealing the 17th would accomplish. Seems like it would work for "us" only in the red states.

As it stands here, right now, great idea. All our Senators would be Republicans. For whatever that's worth:rolleyes:

The Republican Party isn't high on my list as being much worth a crap these days.

It would restore the constitutionality of the states being represented in DC.

Upon further review ... Seems to me the same reason to be for the 17th Amendment also works for being against it: The advantage to repealing it is it would definitely go a long way in ensuring voter fraud was kept to a minimum. That assuming the election to put the State government in power was free and fair.

Disadvantage is it just takes power away from the people and gives it to government.

I'm not real keen on government at any level right now.

I think they need a little less power at the moment. The original design was another check and balance that's been absent for a century or so.

09-22-2022, 09:08 PM
It would restore the constitutionality of the states being represented in DC.

I think they need a little less power at the moment. The original design was another check and balance that's been absent for a century or so.

Okay. I see your point. I guess it could possibly somehow play at different in the wash. Lord help Texas if they ever repeal the 17th. If the power behind Abbott got to choose our Senators?

We would look like our abortion laws.