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09-23-2022, 06:02 PM
It is pretty well established in our society that pedophilia is a reprehensible abomination by BOTH sides. Child molesters once even accused can't run far enough away from the stench of the label. If convicted, they are required to register most places they move to in the US. The vicious mob is relentless and it has nothing to do but stay on the internet just looking for a ped to expose. Not judging, just saying.

As a society and Nation, not minding our own business, we sit and judge other Nations/religions who practice genital mutilation, mostly in the name of religion. Especially the left rants and raves about "human rights" and all that every time a deal with one of these Nations is announced.

History has declared Josef Mengele, among others, the vilest of vile and evilest of evil for his inhuman medical experiments on not limited to but mostly children.

In our society, in the US, the faux medical and scientific communities backed by retards and politicians brainwash children as early as elementary with their "gender assignment" BS, drugging and genital mutilation all in the name of "choice". We pretty much don't allow children the Right to choose anything else until to they're 18.

But it's okay here because the woke crowd and politicians seeking its approval say so.

I'm having a hard time seeing the difference between the first 3 examples and the last. These people are monsters, IMO.

Black Diamond
09-23-2022, 06:56 PM
It is pretty well established in our society that pedophilia is a reprehensible abomination by BOTH sides. Child molesters once even accused can't run far enough away from the stench of the label. If convicted, they are required to register most places they move to in the US. The vicious mob is relentless and it has nothing to do but stay on the internet just looking for a ped to expose. Not judging, just saying.

As a society and Nation, not minding our own business, we sit and judge other Nations/religions who practice genital mutilation, mostly in the name of religion. Especially the left rants and raves about "human rights" and all that every time a deal with one of these Nations is announced.

History has declared Josef Mengele, among others, the vilest of vile and evilest of evil for his inhuman medical experiments on not limited to but mostly children.

In our society, in the US, the faux medical and scientific communities backed by retards and politicians brainwash children as early as elementary with their "gender assignment" BS, drugging and genital mutilation all in the name of "choice". We pretty much don't allow children the Right to choose anything else until to they're 18.

But it's okay here because the woke crowd and politicians seeking its approval say so.

I'm having a hard time seeing the difference between the first 3 examples and the last. These people are monsters, IMO.
Many feel we will end up paying for this moral depravity down the pike. I don't know how.

09-23-2022, 07:16 PM
Yes ... monsters.

09-23-2022, 09:08 PM
It is pretty well established in our society that pedophilia is a reprehensible abomination by BOTH sides. Child molesters once even accused can't run far enough away from the stench of the label. If convicted, they are required to register most places they move to in the US. The vicious mob is relentless and it has nothing to do but stay on the internet just looking for a ped to expose. Not judging, just saying.

As a society and Nation, not minding our own business, we sit and judge other Nations/religions who practice genital mutilation, mostly in the name of religion. Especially the left rants and raves about "human rights" and all that every time a deal with one of these Nations is announced.

History has declared Josef Mengele, among others, the vilest of vile and evilest of evil for his inhuman medical experiments on not limited to but mostly children.

In our society, in the US, the faux medical and scientific communities backed by retards and politicians brainwash children as early as elementary with their "gender assignment" BS, drugging and genital mutilation all in the name of "choice". We pretty much don't allow children the Right to choose anything else until to they're 18.

But it's okay here because the woke crowd and politicians seeking its approval say so.

I'm having a hard time seeing the difference between the first 3 examples and the last. These people are monsters, IMO.
all perfect examples. this is ammo. thanks for posting.

It really does seem a combo of all 3.
I don't know how history will judge this horror, but God will judge this Sh1t.

09-23-2022, 09:22 PM
Can any one of us deny most of what breaks down society today isn't MENTAL ILLNESS of some sort?
Look at the constant, endless flow of Pharma Advertisements everywhere you turn.
Not only have we become a nation of Victims. But a growing society of Hypochondriacs
who need some sort of pill for almost everything ANY HUMAN feels a pain for, uncomfortable, disturbed, miserable, or just plain CRAZY.
Even the DRUG CARTELS use hidden CURES for people who are addicted to offshoots of the thousands of Drugs being distributed on every street corner...or DR.s OFFICE.
If there can be something to complain about. Somebody will find it, and Pharma will present a NEW REMEDY...despite all of the symptoms that may come from the NEW remedy.

So...can anyone Honestly deny how mental illness has become the cause?

09-24-2022, 05:08 PM
all perfect examples. this is ammo. thanks for posting.

It really does seem a combo of all 3.
I don't know how history will judge this horror, but God will judge this Sh1t.Seems to me the only real difference is who is doing it. The US has a history of said hypocrisy, but it's usually screwing over some other country, not our own children.

A question I used to ask myself when I was on active duty is: What happens if we lose and someone else gets to judge us and our above the law selves? Not a comforting thought as an active duty Marine. Don't have to look that far for an answer either. That kangaroo court called the Nuremburg Trials is a pretty good example of the victor(s) doing the judging.

We should live to the same standards we hold others to. And it ain't "different" because it's us:rolleyes: