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View Full Version : European nations shift right as economic woes grip continent

09-25-2022, 11:08 AM
I never would have thought I would see the day Europe would start leaning back to the right while we have an Admin hell bent on not acknowledging nor learning from Europe's and plunging us over the cliff. We need a SERIOUS dose of suddenly having to survive around here. That'd jolt some woke, climate change idiots into reality really waking their asses up.


09-25-2022, 01:10 PM
I never would have thought I would see the day Europe would start leaning back to the right while we have an Admin hell bent on not acknowledging nor learning from Europe's and plunging us over the cliff. We need a SERIOUS dose of suddenly having to survive around here. That'd jolt some woke, climate change idiots into reality really waking their asses up.


Indeed. It's what I've been noting since Ukraine War. First with the war/weapons themselves, then with 'green agenda.' Now there's Britain with the economic policy, at least in part with what's needed.

09-27-2022, 10:29 AM
Indeed. It's what I've been noting since Ukraine War. First with the war/weapons themselves, then with 'green agenda.' Now there's Britain with the economic policy, at least in part with what's needed.Wishful thinking is great until reality comes knocking at the door. The reality is Europe has had to backstep its lofty idealism because it needs energy and it took a boot in the face from Putin to wake them up to the fact they could be blackmailed into turning a blind eye to ruthless, naked aggression.

Biden is playing a fool's hand. Nothing wrong with pursuing alternate energy sources. In the meantime, we have enough for us without imports, and to export and ease some of Europe's pain. It doesn't have to be an either/or deal. The leftists have made it that way over politics and power.

If we have a hard winter, which is forecast for the N/NE, those chickens are going to come home to roost.

09-27-2022, 10:55 AM
Wishful thinking is great until reality comes knocking at the door. The reality is Europe has had to backstep its lofty idealism because it needs energy and it took a boot in the face from Putin to wake them up to the fact they could be blackmailed into turning a blind eye to ruthless, naked aggression.

Biden is playing a fool's hand. Nothing wrong with pursuing alternate energy sources. In the meantime, we have enough for us without imports, and to export and ease some of Europe's pain. It doesn't have to be an either/or deal. The leftists have made it that way over politics and power.

If we have a hard winter, which is forecast for the N/NE, those chickens are going to come home to roost.

I agree that Europe is changing out of necessity, which is fine with me. Suddenly seeing that cozy with Russia was not a good idea. Shutting down all nuclear, (FR) being the exception, was foolhardy. They are working on fixing the issue.

Meanwhile, even after our seeing TX and grid problems awhile ago. Even with CA requiring electric vehicles by 2035 I think, with this summer saying 'not to charge' during peaks or the system will collapse, green still being pushed via Kerry and Gore and the mega billions they are gathering. This is not 'government for and by the people...'