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View Full Version : Europe holds its breath as Italy expected to vote in far-right leader

09-25-2022, 06:00 PM
The first time these folks have voted for and Italian for Italy candidate in a long time. Someone that is not a socialist. Someone looking to do things for her country. Of course the leftists in America and Europe are starting the rabid chorus of "she's a fascist." The EU has already been threatening her before she was elected. :/


Italians are voting in an election that is forecast to deliver the country’s most radical rightwing government since the end of the second world war, and a prime minister ready to become a model for nationalist parties across Europe.

A coalition led by Giorgia Meloni’s Brothers of Italy, a party with neofascist origins, is expected by polls ahead of the vote to secure a comfortable victory in both houses of parliament while taking between 44 and 47% of the vote.

Meloni’s party is also set to scoop the biggest share of the votes within the coalition, which includes the far-right League, led by Matteo Salvini, and Forza Italia, headed by Silvio Berlusconi, meaning she could become Italy’s first female prime minister...

09-25-2022, 06:17 PM
The first time these folks have voted for and Italian for Italy candidate in a long time. Someone that is not a socialist. Someone looking to do things for her country. Of course the leftists in America and Europe are starting the rabid chorus of "she's a fascist." The EU has already been threatening her before she was elected. :/


I thought I remembered Berlusconi being "Italian for Italy" type PM.

09-25-2022, 06:48 PM
How about a new rule for journalists worldwide: For every time they post a news article calling one politican "far-right" they have to list another politician as "far-left". And for every time they post an article calling some right-leaning person or group "fascist" they have to list a left-leaning person or group as "communist".

09-25-2022, 07:13 PM
The first time these folks have voted for and Italian for Italy candidate in a long time. Someone that is not a socialist. Someone looking to do things for her country. Of course the leftists in America and Europe are starting the rabid chorus of "she's a fascist." The EU has already been threatening her before she was elected. :/

https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/sep/25/europe-holds-its-breath-as-italy-prepares-to-vote-in-far-right-leader-giorgia-meloniAlready another thread on this where I pointed out using the "far right" label. My source was the BBC so I pointed out European, leftist journalists do the labeling. It's pretty well established that the fascist left has superimposed its label on the right while still practicing its leftist ideology themselves.

I forget the exact name, but Meloni is a member of Mussolini's party.

Arguing with uneducated and/or purposefully blind or lying morons is a waste of time. They have to be out-shouted to which they then accuse you of shouting as deflection :rolleyes:

09-25-2022, 07:14 PM
How about a new rule for journalists worldwide: For every time they post a news article calling one politican "far-right" they have to list another politician as "far-left". And for every time they post an article calling some right-leaning person or group "fascist" they have to list a left-leaning person or group as "communist".

Constant and consistent stupid trumps the dictionary every time with these f-tards:rolleyes:

09-25-2022, 07:17 PM
How about a new rule for journalists worldwide: For every time they post a news article calling one politican "far-right" they have to list another politician as "far-left". And for every time they post an article calling some right-leaning person or group "fascist" they have to list a left-leaning person or group as "communist".

That's about as likely as them learning the actual definitions of words that they use.

09-25-2022, 09:37 PM
Mussolini founded the National Fascist Party (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Fascist_Party) in Italy. Meloni is a member of the Brothers of Italy (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brothers_of_Italy) party.

The media and the left are making associations based on stupidity and hate.

Already another thread on this where I pointed out using the "far right" label. My source was the BBC so I pointed out European, leftist journalists do the labeling. It's pretty well established that the fascist left has superimposed its label on the right while still practicing its leftist ideology themselves.

I forget the exact name, but Meloni is a member of Mussolini's party.

Arguing with uneducated and/or purposefully blind or lying morons is a waste of time. They have to be out-shouted to which they then accuse you of shouting as deflection :rolleyes:

09-26-2022, 06:18 PM
Mussolini founded the National Fascist Party (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Fascist_Party) in Italy. Meloni is a member of the Brothers of Italy (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brothers_of_Italy) party.

The media and the left are making associations based on stupidity and hate.

Unfortunately, "fascism" has been redefined by the left to the point that "far right" = fascism. It isn't right, but it is how it is. It's not the only word they've redefined by misuse. They have done it in an attempt to distance themselves from the socialists/commies that they are. It's worked with the dummies.

Far-right is more inclined to authoritarianism and/or theocracy.

Here's another one to digest that I've stated for years and years to deaf ears (not working on poetry, just turned out that way :)): Right and left politically in Europe do not equal right and left in the US. Most of Europe's right is still to the left of our right. Results vary by country/region.

And ... confusing the meanings of words to confuse the public is a leftist/fascist ploy.

09-26-2022, 08:08 PM
Yep, and they are completely wrong with regard to that one too. Georgia Meloni is considered a centrist in Italy. The only people calling her a far-right political figure are those in the media, the radical leftists, and the EU radicals that want to paint her as a fascist to do political damage.

The world in which we now live is one where the truth is entirely subjugated to the narrative the media is able to build.

Unfortunately, "fascism" has been redefined by the left to the point that "far right" = fascism. It isn't right, but it is how it is. It's not the only word they've redefined by misuse. They have done it in an attempt to distance themselves from the socialists/commies that they are. It's worked with the dummies.

Far-right is more inclined to authoritarianism and/or theocracy.

Here's another one to digest that I've stated for years and years to deaf ears (not working on poetry, just turned out that way :)): Right and left politically in Europe do not equal right and left in the US. Most of Europe's right is still to the left of our right. Results vary by country/region.

And ... confusing the meanings of words to confuse the public is a leftist/fascist ploy.

09-27-2022, 09:14 AM
Yep, and they are completely wrong with regard to that one too. Georgia Meloni is considered a centrist in Italy. The only people calling her a far-right political figure are those in the media, the radical leftists, and the EU radicals that want to paint her as a fascist to do political damage.

The world in which we now live is one where the truth is entirely subjugated to the narrative the media is able to build.Sort of beat me to it. Never give a Gunny a bone to chew on :)

Just casually checking around, NYT, WaPo, Politico, CNN BBC to name just the ones I caught, are pushing the narrative "far-right" and "fascism" as one and the same. Politico and BBC are the ones that invoked Mussolini's name, stating words to the effect: "Italy hasn't been this far right since WWII/Mussolini". They have pushed this narrative long enough that ignorant people who get their education from the MSM believe it.

I find this concerning, coupled with Biden's "MAGA Republicans are enemies of the state" rhetoric. As an aside, I AM an enemy of Biden's unconstitutional state. You bet. They're doubling down at every turn. Add rewriting history, fact, and political ideology to vilify the right while pushing their police state as "Constitutional" and I see a BIG problem for the right in the future.

What's missing from this picture? NOT A SINGLE voice from the right. Fox News, RNC. Republicans, conservatives, nothing. Not one single voice with media access calling bullshit. It's as simple as asking " How is collective labor parties right wing? and which party supports labor unions, a tyrannical central government for all and taxing the crap out of everyone to support the machine's out of control spending? Hitler, Mussolini and Lenin/Stalin all 3 started out as labor organizers turned into roving bands of thugs intimidating, beating, and/or killing any oppositional voices. Yet another leftist "virtue".

No one's saying any of that.

09-28-2022, 11:40 AM
YouTube has now decided that a speech that Meloni gave in 2019 to the World Congress of Families violates their Terms of Service. It has been up since 2019 and just now violates their TOS.


09-28-2022, 07:01 PM
YouTube has now decided that a speech that Meloni gave in 2019 to the World Congress of Families violates their Terms of Service. It has been up since 2019 and just now violates their TOS.

https://www.bitchute.com/video/B4HI7De3Igc5/Big tech being a bunch of leftards has been a problem that appears to be getting dangerous.

09-28-2022, 07:12 PM
Big tech being a bunch of leftards has been a problem that appears to be getting dangerous.

One of the two trends that truly disturb me. This first, controlling speech. Second, which I see as an outgrowth of the semi-acceptance of the first is the growing police force and its use by executive branch. FBI, IRS, DEA, ICE, Military branches, etc. Too many to list and seems to be growing by hour.

09-28-2022, 07:23 PM
It sounds cliché, but it seems like 1984 is being used as a how-to manual instead of being seen as the dystopian fiction it is.

One of the two trends that truly disturb me. This first, controlling speech. Second, which I see as an outgrowth of the semi-acceptance of the first is the growing police force and its use by executive branch. FBI, IRS, DEA, ICE, Military branches, etc. Too many to list and seems to be growing by hour.

09-28-2022, 07:30 PM
One of the two trends that truly disturb me. This first, controlling speech. Second, which I see as an outgrowth of the semi-acceptance of the first is the growing police force and its use by executive branch. FBI, IRS, DEA, ICE, Military branches, etc. Too many to list and seems to be growing by hour.I'm sitting and watching the same thing. Since I have to analyze crap to death and then some, I keep looking for a possible way out and I'm not finding one.

The government has made everyone too dependent on it in order to survive. Going against the government is putting yourself and your family on the curb. Literally.

09-28-2022, 08:03 PM
One real noticeable, repetitive thing:

Parents concerned with their children's educations: Far-right wing, fascist enemies of the state

Refuse to take COVID vaccine: Far-right wing, fascist enemies of the state

MAGA Republicans: Far-right wing fascist enemies of the state

Recurring theme being incessantly drummed into everyone's heads, in all venues, 24-7. Feds need to investigate.

Meanwhile, this administration is just sticking to us, to our faces. The right is too afraid to act and the left is too stupid to realize they're getting screwed right alongside us.

I'd bet even odds the Italian government is to the left of the Republican't's alleged conservatism.