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View Full Version : Majority of Americans worried midterms will result in government gridlock: poll

10-01-2022, 06:51 PM
Most interesting thing about this is I'm pretty sure gridlock is exactly what the Republicans are after. It's not like there's a chance in Hell they're going to take 2/3s majorities of the House and Senate.

Americans should be more worried about Biden and his handlers running around unchecked for 2 more years.


10-01-2022, 08:40 PM
Fingers crossed for gridlock. Do no more damage.

10-02-2022, 09:53 AM
Fingers crossed for gridlock. Do no more damage.I'm tired of watching the same old rerun. The Dems come in and trash the place. The Republican't's come in and accomplish nothing. Nothing more than a chance to catch your breath between Dem destruction.

The Republicans will come in and open a bunch of investigations into a bunch of flavor of the day buzzwords that will be dragged out until the next Dem admin, then quietly disappear. Not to mention Republicans will spend a majority of their time defending themselves against leftist, false allegations. What was the last meaningful, lasting law Republicans put on the books?

A respite from the downhill slide:rolleyes:

10-02-2022, 11:02 AM
I'm tired of watching the same old rerun. The Dems come in and trash the place. The Republican't's come in and accomplish nothing. Nothing more than a chance to catch your breath between Dem destruction.

The Republicans will come in and open a bunch of investigations into a bunch of flavor of the day buzzwords that will be dragged out until the next Dem admin, then quietly disappear. Not to mention Republicans will spend a majority of their time defending themselves against leftist, false allegations. What was the last meaningful, lasting law Republicans put on the books?

A respite from the downhill slide:rolleyes:

So this is a sequel? :eek:

I guess I'm also crossing my fingers for some '94 Congressional Republicans. If I'm going to be picky and all.

10-08-2022, 08:44 AM

10-08-2022, 10:08 AM
So this is a sequel? :eek:

I guess I'm also crossing my fingers for some '94 Congressional Republicans. If I'm going to be picky and all.Those 94 Congressional Republicans that did nothing? They are the ones that started the trail of empty, broken Republican't promises.

I seem to recall also that the Dems went after each and every one that was a threat to their power and ousted them one at a time for far worse things than they themselves were doing. Worse, they got the Republican't's themselves to oust their own just by pointing fingers and didn't even have to do their own dirty work.

Bu they DID impeach the lame duck President for lying about screwing an intern. The Dems have been no holds barred after Republicans since. That sure was worth it.:rolleyes:

10-08-2022, 04:11 PM
Those 94 Congressional Republicans that did nothing? They are the ones that started the trail of empty, broken Republican't promises.

They're the ones who actually kept promises. Downhill from there.

10-08-2022, 04:29 PM
They're the ones who actually kept promises. Downhill from there.You must be remembering something I don't. Unless the bar is so low that simply holding the majority on a lame duck President is "keeping promises". Coincidentally, that was when I was "rewarded" for a successful tour on the drill field with a stateside post in DC :( So I was sitting right there until I could escape back to the Fleet.

You'll have to point to something specific. What I recall of 94 is being completely soured to the Republican't's for not doing a damned thing worth a crap.

10-08-2022, 04:35 PM
You must be remembering something I don't. Unless the bar is so low that simply holding the majority on a lame duck President is "keeping promises". Coincidentally, that was when I was "rewarded" for a successful tour on the drill field with a stateside post in DC :( So I was sitting right there until I could escape back to the Fleet.

You'll have to point to something specific. What I recall of 94 is being completely soured to the Republican't's for not doing a damned thing worth a crap.

Contract with America. Did what they said they would do. Held spending in check while cutting cap gain taxes. The real reason for the budget surpluses of the later 90s.

10-08-2022, 04:44 PM
Contract with America. Did what they said they would do. Held spending in check while cutting cap gain taxes. The real reason for the budget surpluses of the later 90s.

They got the majority and voted against the Dem President. Oddly enough, I thought there was more to the Contract with America. If that's all there was to it the bar was even lower than I recall. Pretty-much a foolproof default by numbers.

I suppose on technicality you are correct. I sure wouldn't be using that as an example of accomplishment though. None of Clinton's damage was reversed.

10-09-2022, 07:13 AM
They got the majority and voted against the Dem President. Oddly enough, I thought there was more to the Contract with America. If that's all there was to it the bar was even lower than I recall. Pretty-much a foolproof default by numbers.

I suppose on technicality you are correct. I sure wouldn't be using that as an example of accomplishment though. None of Clinton's damage was reversed.

The CwA promised at least votes on 10? items which they delivered on. Everything passed? I don't think so. Did they control all of government in the 90s? No. Did they fall away from the best version of conservative governing? Yes. That's why the '94 Congress was the best version.

10-09-2022, 04:32 PM
The CwA promised at least votes on 10? items which they delivered on. Everything passed? I don't think so. Did they control all of government in the 90s? No. Did they fall away from the best version of conservative governing? Yes. That's why the '94 Congress was the best version.I'm thinking promises not delivered on are promises not delivered on, regardless the reason/excuse. I'm more than willing to bet promises not delivered on never had a chance to be.

Not too sure why it is, but you and I appear to see the "event" from two very different points on the spectrum. I see the CwA as the beginning of the downhill slide for the Republican party as far as doing anything that means anything. The culminating event being GWB and a Republican Congress not hammering it to Dems and getting things codified in law when they had the chance. I haven't forgotten because I was quite beside myself every damned time GWB good ol boy hemmed and hawed instead of acting. The Congress he had for his 1st 2 years was the CwA Republicans.

Just holding the line is a defensive posture that doesn't move forward a single inch. That's an easy promise to make if all you need is numbers and don't have to do anything.

While the Republicans have played "hold the line" for the most part since the 90s, the Dems have been sticking it to us each and every time they get the opportunity.

While I have tried to keep that "T" word out of this, there's no ignoring the elephant in the room. The upcoming midterm elections were going to be a slaughter for the left. All this Admin has done is f*ck things up right and left. But Trump couldn't keep his ass out of it. He's divided conservative voters who are already always divided enough on their own. He's bullied less electable candidates to the top of the GOP. Not to leave out Mitch McConnell being so kind as to point that out to the MSM and give them something more to run with and promote:rolleyes:

So now the Republicans should take the House and the Senate is up in the air. So they can obstruct Biden, minus him doing as he pleases anyway just as Obama did. All they can really obstruct is actual, Constitutional law which apparently doesn't apply to Dem EOs.

So they obstruct/gridlock Congress for 2 more years, THEN WHAT? The elephant in the room hasn't left.

I don't want just a break from the Dems. I want laws that stop Dem nonsense. Not getting them started with 90s Republicans.

10-09-2022, 04:52 PM
I'm thinking promises not delivered on are promises not delivered on, regardless the reason/excuse. I'm more than willing to bet promises not delivered on never had a chance to be.

Not too sure why it is, but you and I appear to see the "event" from two very different points on the spectrum. I see the CwA as the beginning of the downhill slide for the Republican party as far as doing anything that means anything. The culminating event being GWB and a Republican Congress not hammering it to Dems and getting things codified in law when they had the chance. I haven't forgotten because I was quite beside myself every damned time GWB good ol boy hemmed and hawed instead of acting. The Congress he had for his 1st 2 years was the CwA Republicans.

Just holding the line is a defensive posture that doesn't move forward a single inch. That's an easy promise to make if all you need is numbers and don't have to do anything.

While the Republicans have played "hold the line" for the most part since the 90s, the Dems have been sticking it to us each and every time they get the opportunity.

While I have tried to keep that "T" word out of this, there's no ignoring the elephant in the room. The upcoming midterm elections were going to be a slaughter for the left. All this Admin has done is f*ck things up right and left. But Trump couldn't keep his ass out of it. He's divided conservative voters who are already always divided enough on their own. He's bullied less electable candidates to the top of the GOP. Not to leave out Mitch McConnell being so kind as to point that out to the MSM and give them something more to run with and promote:rolleyes:

So now the Republicans should take the House and the Senate is up in the air. So they can obstruct Biden, minus him doing as he pleases anyway just as Obama did. All they can really obstruct is actual, Constitutional law which apparently doesn't apply to Dem EOs.

So they obstruct/gridlock Congress for 2 more years, THEN WHAT? The elephant in the room hasn't left.

I don't want just a break from the Dems. I want laws that stop Dem nonsense. Not getting them started with 90s Republicans.

The problem is every two years is different. '94 was the peak and their successes lasted through 2000 economically speaking but they obviously got off track on the BJ Clinton business. But, they were a success with what they could do. And as I've said multiple times before there were plenty of Congresses to the left of the '94 Congress. Point being is that they strayed and "we" didn't keep them in line. It's as much a failure on their part as ours to hold them accountable.

And all of that is why states are more important than the Federal.