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View Full Version : Facts come to the rescue in the age of gaslighting

10-02-2022, 10:19 AM

Have to take this for what it's worth, and a grain of salt coming from NPR. In contrast to what NPR is selling, there are "truths" in the "facts" NPR presents.

NPR tries to put journalism above the fray, when journalism is the elephant in the room. Most any and everything presented as "news" and/or "facts" starts with alleged journalists sticking info into the heads of people. the word "Lie" didn't work so the mostly left journalisms decided on "misinformation". Never one to be original, someone coined the term gaslighting and the left has absconded with it and bending it to its own use.

What NPR doesn't address is that cherry picked facts presented to lead the reader to the conclusion the journalist wishes is as much gaslighting as flat out lies and NPR is as guilty as anyone else.