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View Full Version : Reparations: The US town paying its black residents

10-12-2022, 04:54 PM
Typical, stupid, leftwingnut BS. Who do the rest of us go to for "reparations"? My ancestors were completely displaced to escape slavery by any other name. So were most everyone else's. Just another handout catering to Dem votes at taxpayer expense. I certainly hope it follows the path easy money always does.


Black Diamond
10-12-2022, 05:12 PM
Typical, stupid, leftwingnut BS. Who do the rest of us go to for "reparations"? My ancestors were completely displaced to escape slavery by any other name. So were most everyone else's. Just another handout catering to Dem votes at taxpayer expense. I certainly hope it follows the path easy money always does.


This is divisive stuff.

10-12-2022, 05:41 PM
This is divisive stuff.
Who's the slave? The person being handed money they didn't earn for an institution that hasn't existed since 1865? Or the taxpayer being forced to pay for crybabies who have made an industry out of their ancestors being "victims"? As bad, as a means for the unscrupulous left to pander to minority votes?

I really resent paying for crybabies who have had every opportunity I have and then some. I can't claim discrimination the second I'm told I'm unqualified.

10-12-2022, 06:15 PM
When are the Asians going to start asking for reparations for being slaves? Or decendants of indentured servants. I'm thinking at some point in time those who've worked for minimum wage will ask for reparations because they felt like slaves.

10-12-2022, 07:02 PM
When are the Asians going to start asking for reparations for being slaves? Or decendants of indentured servants. I'm thinking at some point in time those who've worked for minimum wage will ask for reparations because they felt like slaves.

We're all slaves. We just have different labels for the slavery, and the masses are brainwashed to believe they are not.

10-12-2022, 08:29 PM
I have ancestors who fought for the North in the Civil War. Will I be getting some percentage of the "reparations"?

10-12-2022, 10:11 PM
seems to me that reparations are due to a lot of folks... of all kinds.
I don't think it very workable but...
if so
at some point there's should be statute of limitations.
I'm thinking 1 - 2.5 generations

And it'd have to be limited.
I know of some towns in the the 1940s that literally ran ALL the black people out of their homes and off the lands they owned.
I can see families there getting compensation ... if not the lands back.

If cities and states started going back further than 125 years most of the country would have to return back to the Native Americans.
Fact is the country was built, in great part, by land theft & slavery.
(obligatory comment here: as well built on a lot of honest hard work, ingenuity
and good principles.... applied selectively but progressively more broadly)

10-13-2022, 07:52 AM
If there is a tangible item like land that was stolen from someone, I'd say it should go back to the victim or victim's family, for as long as there is a clear 'victim's family'. It's like the art works stolen by the Nazis. Whenever the art works are found, they go back to the owner before the Nazis took them.

When there are no tangible stolen items involved, then it is virtually impossible to identify who deserves to receive anything and how much reparations each person deserves. And with so much time passed, it is totally impossible to determine who deserves to pay anything.

It kind of devolves into looking at the government budget as bottomless and thinking we can pay out any amount until we run out of people asking.

10-13-2022, 11:01 AM
seems to me that reparations are due to a lot of folks... of all kinds.
I don't think it very workable but...
if so
at some point there's should be statute of limitations.
I'm thinking 1 - 2.5 generations

And it'd have to be limited.
I know of some towns in the the 1940s that literally ran ALL the black people out of their homes and off the lands they owned.
I can see families there getting compensation ... if not the lands back.

If cities and states started going back further than 125 years most of the country would have to return back to the Native Americans.
Fact is the country was built, in great part, by land theft & slavery.
(obligatory comment here: as well built on a lot of honest hard work, ingenuity
and good principles.... applied selectively but progressively more broadly)Obligatory response: EVERY country that has and currently exists has been built on theft and slavery, if that's how you choose to put it. Not to mention slavery still exists all over the World. It's either been legitimized by legal label, or(and) is underground.

Why stop at giving the land back to those we call "native Americans"? What about they people they ran or killed off that where here before them? There were whole civilizations here that were destroyed by the modern version of "native American" long before we got here. Then there is the fact I consider myself a native American. I wasn't born and raised anywhere else :rolleyes:

Slavery being outlawed by Western society/law is a rather young/modern notion in the big picture of history. No one wants to look at the good side: it shows that we had developed as humans/societies before we started our current backward slide.

My question has always been this: What is the EXACT location of THE spot on Earth we ALL need to be standing on simultaneously so we can negate the expansion of the human virus as it has grown and spread?

10-13-2022, 11:09 AM
If there is a tangible item like land that was stolen from someone, I'd say it should go back to the victim or victim's family, for as long as there is a clear 'victim's family'. It's like the art works stolen by the Nazis. Whenever the art works are found, they go back to the owner before the Nazis took them.

When there are no tangible stolen items involved, then it is virtually impossible to identify who deserves to receive anything and how much reparations each person deserves. And with so much time passed, it is totally impossible to determine who deserves to pay anything.

It kind of devolves into looking at the government budget as bottomless and thinking we can pay out any amount until we run out of people asking.Tricky question. Pulling no punches, I would say racial minorities have been victimized (and victimized themselves) by racial discrimination. The left has treated them like children, promising them candy for votes, since when-the-f--ever. They have created a class of people sitting around waiting on handouts rather than excel.

There's no reality to this reparation crap. It's a way for the left keep people divided. Not so sure lately the right isn't complicit. The government needs us watching each other rather than the government. A LOT of things keep coming back to that.

10-13-2022, 11:14 AM
Obligatory response: EVERY country that has and currently exists has been built on theft and slavery, if that's how you choose to put it. Not to mention slavery still exists all over the World. It's either been legitimized by legal label, or(and) is underground.

Why stop at giving the land back to those we call "native Americans"? What about they people they ran or killed off that where here before them? There were whole civilizations here that were destroyed by the modern version of "native American" long before we got here. Then there is the fact I consider myself a native American. I wasn't born and raised anywhere else :rolleyes:

Slavery being outlawed by Western society/law is a rather young/modern notion in the big picture of history. No one wants to look at the good side: it shows that we had developed as humans/societies before we started our current backward slide.

My question has always been this: What is the EXACT location of THE spot on Earth we ALL need to be standing on simultaneously so we can negate the expansion of the human virus as it has grown and spread?

...(obligatory comment here: as well built on a lot of honest hard work, ingenuity
and good principles.... applied selectively but progressively more broadly)

no one want to look at the good side:poke:

10-13-2022, 11:44 AM
no one want to look at the good side[/I][/COLOR]:poke:I repeatedly have and look at the good side. Politicians backed by the MSM feeding lies to the people control the public narrative.

For me? I have known some very good people of all ethnicities and genders. I have also known some really stupid, ugly and mean people of all ethnicities and genders. I haven't noticed ethnicity or gender being the deciding factor.

There are the have's and have not's. The former are usually using the latter to their own ends. The last thing they want or need is for the latter to start comparing notes in any really thoughtful way, looking past superficial, contrived divisions to what the REAL problem is.

It's not new. That even makes it even worse. At some point in history one would think the people would learn.

10-13-2022, 06:18 PM


And WHO decides WHICH Black American "SLAVE" will get HOW MUCH?

This is nothing but more STUPIDITY, and IGNORANCE on display!