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View Full Version : Pakistan summons US ambassador after Biden calls country ‘dangerous’ for having nucle

10-15-2022, 08:04 PM
I honestly can say, I can't come up with the slightest notion on why he pulled this dumb shit out of his empty head.

Biden in 2024? He isn't going to make it to 2024. And I have *faith*:rolleyes: in the Republican'ts. If they take both Houses, they will be just the dimwits to get rid of Biden for the Dems. They will be rid of him AND can drum our heads 24-7 that they are the victims :rolleyes:


10-16-2022, 01:29 AM
I honestly can say, I can't come up with the slightest notion on why he pulled this dumb shit out of his empty head.

Biden in 2024? He isn't going to make it to 2024. And I have *faith*:rolleyes: in the Republican'ts. If they take both Houses, they will be just the dimwits to get rid of Biden for the Dems. They will be rid of him AND can drum our heads 24-7 that they are the victims :rolleyes:


Pakistan has had nukes basically since India has-no brainer. Why now are they suddenly 'dangerous?' No more so than Russia, etc.

10-16-2022, 10:18 AM
Pakistan has had nukes basically since India has-no brainer. Why now are they suddenly 'dangerous?' No more so than Russia, etc.That's two questions in one: Why is Pakistan dangerous? Why is Biden calling Pakistan dangerous at this particular point in time? As you point out, why now "suddenly"?

Second question first: Biden was left untethered by his handlers. Can't wait to see what the WH comes up with to "walk back" this one :rolleyes: At some point in time, somebody filled the empty head/loose lips with TMI. I DO honestly believe he was stating what he "thinks" rather than what he is supposed to.

As far as being a nuclear power, Pakistan is no more dangerous than it has been since the 70s. Pakistan is however a shithole, and uncooperative/reluctant, selective "ally". More hinderance than help giving the Taliban safe haven across its border when we were after bin Laden.

Pakistan currently has a "forever" border dispute with India over Kashmir. Pakistan has a border settlement with China that India has deemed illegal.

Could be a lame attempt to choose a side hoping to curry favor with India who is still doing business with Russia? Thinking any gain from such a fall off the fence isn't worth the effort or bad blood.

This something like Trump goading that little commie toad in NK. Why? We are allegedly a superpower. Why are we bullying peons? Only answer I can come up with is just to stir up some shit they feel relatively safe in coming out on top of. All the power in the World and it still comes down to petty little people and their egos.