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Alik Bahshi
10-17-2022, 11:41 PM
Alik Bakhshi

Empire of Lies and its main liar

"You are to blame for
what do I want to eat?"
I. Krylov

These words of Krylov's remarkably accurately reflect the predatory essence of the Russian Empire, as evidenced by the current dangerous situation around Ukraine created by the Kremlin. Needless to say, the acquisition of freedom by the Ukrainian people, the most ethnically close of all the numerous peoples of the empire, is a very painful blow to the pride of the state-forming people (1) with its imperial worldview. The loss of Ukraine and Crimea as a result of the collapse of the Soviet Union also affected the geostrategic situation in the southwestern part of the Russian Empire. However, all this does not give the Kremlin any right to a military invasion of Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea, which, by the way, has never been the original territory of Russia at all, however, like the entire Black Sea coast, and the numerically predominant Russian population of Crimea is a consequence of Russia's genocide of the indigenous Tatar people and settlement by Russians.
Turning to the recent past, an identical situation led to the Second World War, when England and France, following their obligations, declared war on Germany for the invasion of German troops in Poland. Strictly speaking, the aggression of Russia should have been followed by a declaration of war on it by the United States and Great Britain, which, in accordance with the Budapest Memorandum, are the guarantors of the security and integrity of Ukraine. However, this did not happen, either they were puzzled by the extremely blatant lie of President Putin about the non-involvement of Russian troops in the military events in Ukraine, or, again, a blatant documented lie of an international scale - after all, Russia also signed in the same Budapest memorandum to be the guarantor of security Ukraine. It is clear that between the nuclear powers, when every second is precious, no declaration of war should be expected, but it must be said that the West perceived such unexpectedly monstrous arrogance of Moscow, bordering on some dense savagery, was rather restrained.

It would seem that the times of Hitler's fascism have sunk into oblivion, but no, the aggressive actions of Putin's Russia have returned Western politicians, scratching their heads, to reality. Of course, they didn’t read Krylov’s fables “The Wolf and the Lamb”, but I hope they know that calling the wolf to justice is a hopeless business. Maybe, finally, they realize that “friend Putin”, who loudly declared his regret about the collapse of the USSR and compared what happened with a catastrophe of a universal scale, intends to recreate the Soviet Union and is not much different from Hitler, who started to build a “great Reich”. I want to note that Putin's intentions even have an advantage over Hitler, because, unlike Hitler, Putin relies on the imperial worldview and Great Russian chauvinism present among the people (2). Putin does not need to build a party, create an ideology, it is enough to throw the cry “wet Chechnya” or “give Crimea” and he is provided with the support and full understanding of the Russian people. It is simply amazing with what popular unanimity Putin's lie was perceived and supported, about the innocence of Russian troops, the so-called "green men", without identification marks, during the annexation of Crimea. This is exactly the case when, in the words of Fazil Iskander, "the general stench is taken for the unanimity of the people."

It should be noted the unique feature of the Russian people, namely, its acceptance of lies. In the mind of a Russian, without causing any damage, truth and lies coexist perfectly. Once, when she was in the Soviet Union, in a student company, a Swede who was an intern at Moscow State University told about her important, as she presented, discovery - "in your country everyone says one thing, but thinks another." This state of ambiguity, habitual for our consciousness, aroused bewilderment in her. She, who grew up in a free society, could not understand how it could happen that everyone has one opinion on any issue. What we, accustomed to universal lies, seemed to be taken for granted, seemed to her unnatural, and perhaps herd savagery, which she, of course, kept silent about. From this it is clear how easily the lies of the Russian president, which correspond to the imperial worldview of the people, are instantly accepted by the consciousness of every Russian without hesitation, regardless of which country he lives in. The latter says that even the changed circumstances are not able to change the imperial outlook of the Russian people.

Maybe I'm wrong, but in my opinion, Russian society, accustomed to Lies during the existence of the Soviet Union, plus the pathological inability of the Russian people to live in a democracy (3), combined with its imperial worldview, is in itself a kind of embodiment of Universal Evil , bearing the threat to the world. And the point here is not Putin, Putin serves only as a successful conductor, the organizer of the outburst of this Evil. Thus, to the generally accepted, well-known definition of Russia as the "Empire of Evil", one can equally add the "Empire of Lies", because "lie" and "evil" are related concepts and do not exist one without the other. Thus, Russia's aggression against Ukraine was accompanied by a mass-scale stuffing by the Russian media of an incredible amount of disinformation and outright lies on the part of the Kremlin and President Putin personally - the main, I would say, Russia's unsurpassed liar today. It makes no sense to cite a long track record of the Russian president's lies, because every word he says is a lie. Probably, after Putin has dealt with Ukraine, it is difficult to find a diplomat who would take the responsibility of negotiating with Putin. It is not for nothing that Putin's friends are the entire world rabble in the person of the Belarusian father Lukoshenko, the bloody Syrian dictator Assad, the former Iranian Prime Minister Ahmadinijat and Hugo Chavez, who left this world.

The Empire of Lies today has one strategic ally - Armenia, which has annexed 20% of the territory of Azerbaijan with the support of Moscow and is waiting for Moscow's signal to resume aggression, with the undisguised goal of creating a "Great Armenia" from sea to sea in accordance with the historical lie, which does not contain any no place for Azerbaijan or its people (4). There is no Turkey, no part of Georgia. Entirely Armenia with numerous Armenian enclaves in the North Caucasus, Kuban, Crimea, Ukraine, Syria, Libya, possibly now in California, which may form part of “Great Armenia” in the future.

In his territorial claims to the South-East of Ukraine and the Crimea, where there is a Russian diaspora - a consequence of the forced eviction of the indigenous people and settlement by Great Russians, Putin unwittingly copies the ideology of the Dashnaktsutyun party of Armenian Nazis, created in 1890, that is, long before Hitler's ideology of the superiority of the German nation. All Nazi ideologies, in which national superiority and “greatness” are heard, give rise, first of all, to historical lies about “Great Germany”, then about “Great Armenia”, which serves as the basis for territorial claims and, as a result, military aggression. A very accurate picture of the national "superiority" of the Armenians is presented by Vasily Grossman ("Banner", n. 11, 1988.):

“With insidious ease, the nationalism of the people loses its noble foundation, it does not become formidable, it becomes pitiful, does not provoke, but humiliates. So trying to prove some kind of inferiority, a person discovers his own. Some of my interlocutors in all areas of human creativity, first of all, emphasized the Armenian national priority in architecture, science, and poetry. They emphasized the superiority of the architectural merits of the temple in Garni over the primitive architecture of the Acropolis that seemed to them: speaking of the poet Tumanyan, they persistently convinced me that the genius of Tumanyan was higher than the genius of Pushkin. The point, of course, is not that the architecture of Garni is not more perfect than the architecture of the Acropolis, is Tumanyan more brilliant than Pushkin, the essence, and the essence of course is sad, is that poetry, and architecture, and science, and history in itself, according to their essence in the conversations of some of my interlocutors cease to mean. They only mean to reveal the superiority of the Armenian national character over the national character of other peoples. It is not poetry that is important, but it is only important to prove that the Armenian national poet is higher than, say, a Russian or French poet. My interlocutors, without noticing it themselves, impoverished their souls and hearts by ceasing to rejoice in poetry, the perfection of architecture, the greatness of science, and saw in poetry and science only a means to assert their national superiority. This desire can be so fanatical, narrow, that for a moment it seems like a manifestation of madness".

A look at national superiority gives rise to Nazism and Lies, and ultimately results in Evil. Thus, the ideology of the Dashnak party contained a clause in which terror was presented as a method to achieve the creation of "Great Armenia". Following this program point, the Armenian Nazis subjected the civilian population of Turkey and Azerbaijan to cruel terror, literally clearing the territory under "Great Armenia", which brought innumerable disasters to the peoples of Turkey and Azerbaijan, and to the Armenian people themselves. The Nazi ideology of the German fascists also led to a global catastrophe, from which the German people themselves suffered first of all.

Today, Putin has opened the floodgates to Great Russian chauvinism, and the essentially fascist rhetoric “Great Russian people”, “Great Russian language” is heard more and more often, when the word “great” means not so much quantity, but rather quality. It is interesting that in Russian sources of all the peoples of the World, only the Russian people are defined as "great", even the Chinese people are not given to be such. With such an approach, how a Great Russian will allow himself to speak Ukrainian in Ukraine! How dare the Ukrainians neglect the great Russian language without making it the state language! Remember what a smile and disdain among Russians living, for example, in Baku, caused by an Azerbaijani who knows Russian poorly or speaks Russian with an accent, and this despite the fact that the Great Russians themselves did not even bother to study the language of the indigenous people. They had no idea how tactless they were in their ridicule. Only an underlying sense of inferiority and insufficient culture leads to self-aggrandizement. By the way, if we are to be honest about the richness of the language, there are a lot of borrowed Turkic words in the Russian language, while, for example, there is not a single word of Russian origin in the Azerbaijani language, and this despite the policy of Russification pursued by Moscow. Here it is appropriate to note that the Russians forcibly deprived the Azerbaijani people of the alphabet, overnight making them illiterate by introducing the Cyrillic alphabet. Imagine that Russia is suddenly transferred to the Chinese alphabet. I would like to see Russians reading Pushkin in Chinese characters.

Supporting the chauvinistic frenzy of Russian separatists in Ukraine, Putin is throwing in yet another historical lie that Ukraine as a state did not exist. In such a time, how should one treat the treaty on the reunification of Ukraine with Russia, signed by Bohdan Khmelnitsky? If there was no Ukraine, as Putin claims, then with what country is the agreement? It seems that Bohdan Khmelnitsky alone, without the Ukrainian people, became a Russian subject in a single copy, so to speak. Thus, President Putin in his historical digressions completely denies the Ukrainian people the right to their own country, thereby motivating the actions of Russian separatists in Ukraine.
In general, with the separatists, Putin, culturally speaking, “complete Albats!” (5). So, the Chechens, who fought with the Russians for the freedom of their homeland, are all bandits, robbers, in a word - separatists, worthy of pissing in the toilet according to Putin. In that case, what to call the Russians who settled in Ukraine and who now want to tear away the part of Ukraine where they live and annex it to Russia? Or there are bad separatists, and there are good separatists who should be helped by secretly transferring Russian fascists to Ukraine, equipped with the latest weapons, up to anti-aircraft installations and tanks. In short, returning to the same Krylov's fable:

“With the strong, the weak is always to blame:
That is why we hear a lot of examples in History,”

By handing over nuclear weapons to Russia, Ukraine turned out to be defenseless against the Evil Empire. The question involuntarily arises, would Putin dare to attack Ukraine if it had missiles with nuclear warheads? Of course not. The Empire of Evil, promising to be the guarantor of the integrity and independence of Ukraine, in fact, deceived both Ukraine and America and Great Britain, which gives the right to call Russia the "Empire of Lies". Therefore, all countries, especially the former colonies of the Russian Empire, must be extremely careful about treaties, allied obligations and other agreements with Moscow, dooming themselves to become a victim of deception. This explains the fears of Finland, which has been peacefully neutral until today, and the sudden desire to join NATO.

Without any doubt, it can be assumed that if it were not for NATO, then Fuhrer Putin would not hesitate to revive the Russian Empire in its former borders, including Poland and Finland.

1. "The state-forming people and its Fuhrer, or - Ukraine and further down the list", https://alikbahshi.livejournal.com/21749.html
2. "Great Russian chauvinism, and Putin is his Fuhrer", http://samlib.ru/b/bahshi_a/alikbahshi-38.shtml
3. "People's fate, or each candle has its own hearth", https://alikbahshi.livejournal.com/28564.html
4. "Armenia, and the Moscow-Tehran Axis", http://www.proza.ru/2008/03/22/521
5. "Word, fornication or complete Albats", https://alikbahshi.livejournal.com/8082.html