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View Full Version : US lab 'playing with fire' as it creates hybrid super-covid 'with an 80% kill rate'

10-18-2022, 03:33 PM
Do the benefits outweigh the potential risks? I say hell no! Yes, there may be knowledge to be learned, but the risk is millions+ of deaths.

Although I'm confident that lying Fauci would support this.


US lab 'playing with fire' as it creates hybrid super-covid 'with an 80% kill rate'

A US lab has been accused of "playing with fire" after it created a hybrid super-covid that killed 80% of the mice it was tested on.

Boston University scientists combined Omicron and the original Wuhan strain, despite the fact that sort of research is what is thought to be behind the Covid pandemic.

Gain-of-function research improves the ability of a pathogen to cause disease in a bid to inform public health and preparedness efforts, but it can also expose people to the virus inadvertently.

Professor Shmuel Shapira, a leading scientist in the Israeli Government, said: "This should be totally forbidden, it's playing with fire."

Rest - https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/world-news/lab-playing-fire-creates-hybrid-28271214

10-18-2022, 09:31 PM
I'm telling you.
It really seems like we're living in a slow motion bad Sci-Fi film.

Who the H3ll authorized this crap?
Who designed the experiment?
Who paid for it?
& Who "followed orders" and DID the work?
They all need to be made examples of.

maybe given the virus they made then burned.

10-18-2022, 09:56 PM
These folks are really quick with the "yes we can" but never seem to get to the "should we" part.

10-19-2022, 12:00 PM
I'm telling you.
It really seems like we're living in a slow motion bad Sci-Fi film.

Who the H3ll authorized this crap?
Who designed the experiment?
Who paid for it?
& Who "followed orders" and DID the work?
They all need to be made examples of.

maybe given the virus they made then burned.More than likely it's authorized by "defense". That's the usual excuse the government uses when it wants as few questions as possible and needs an authority. A legit debatable topic because there ARE things the people don't need to know in order for progress to be made.

In order to kill a virus, you have to have the virus. It's that simple. If we don't do it first, the other side will and we will be defenseless. See what you can learn from all those years working for Uncle Semantics?

Unfortunately, there is that pesky little kernel of truth to it and it is on that our Government authorizes itself to protect us.

Whether or not you or anyone else likes it, the results, or anything else to do with it, COVID-19 happened. It happened in one of our enemy's labs, with the collusion and partial funding of one of OUR own whose job ironically is to protect us :rolleyes:

Like anything else, another "necessary evil" taken to extreme. There's nothing wrong with biological medical science. It has done plenty of good. Once you introduce the virus "Name your Country" Government into the equation something evil usually comes of it.

10-19-2022, 01:57 PM
File this under: Who the fuck thought this was a good idea...

Seriously. Did no one read The Stand?

10-19-2022, 03:53 PM
I'm telling you.
It really seems like we're living in a slow motion bad Sci-Fi film.

Who the H3ll authorized this crap?
Who designed the experiment?
Who paid for it?
& Who "followed orders" and DID the work?
They all need to be made examples of.

maybe given the virus they made then burned.

I'd have to check again but I thought the gain of function was banned in the USA and why Fauci went to China.

10-19-2022, 08:57 PM
More than likely it's authorized by "defense". That's the usual excuse the government uses when it wants as few questions as possible and needs an authority. A legit debatable topic because there ARE things the people don't need to know in order for progress to be made.

In order to kill a virus, you have to have the virus. It's that simple. If we don't do it first, the other side will and we will be defenseless. See what you can learn from all those years working for Uncle Semantics?

Unfortunately, there is that pesky little kernel of truth to it and it is on that our Government authorizes itself to protect us.

Whether or not you or anyone else likes it, the results, or anything else to do with it, COVID-19 happened. It happened in one of our enemy's labs, with the collusion and partial funding of one of OUR own whose job ironically is to protect us :rolleyes:

Like anything else, another "necessary evil" taken to extreme. There's nothing wrong with biological medical science. It has done plenty of good. Once you introduce the virus "Name your Country" Government into the equation something evil usually comes of it.

you've learned well.

I still say it's BS. this 'lil bit of necessary evil" crap seems to always bite us in the arse.

here's my general POV on that.
we've already got the basics for this virus. it's not so different that it can't be killed or neutralized by the same things that do it now.
Which is FAR MORE than "vaccines".

in their wisdom, what they changed was only meant to make it a better KILLER. Not make it a harder to kill.

The old protocols for bio-hazards (that where chucked in the trash for this pandemic) are still are our best options.
Quarantine the SICK who have the real virus.
And have doctors, scientist, student researchers, naturopaths, nurses, veterinarians and Grandmas throw the kitchen sink at it and DO NOT suppress or censor ANYTHING that even looks like it works.
Stop pretending that ONLY big Pharma, vaccines and Top down controls are the only way to stop bugs.
(BTW in the case of a real outbreak you've got real human patients not animals or cell cultures. So the experiments are REAL world.)

the U.S., U.K. NATO & Israel have ears (if not fingers) on everyone in the world capable of doing this crap.
They scan/read every email, phone or text that deals with this crap world wide.
Sadly I trust that The CIA NSA DIA Mosad, MI6 and all of our contractors don't mind dealing with those they think may be a problem.
I seem to remember several Iranian nuclear scientist dying suddenly... in Iran no less.
I suspect that most, if not all, of the gain of function capable people & places are already on a short list.

So as far as scary foreign lab threats go I'm not buying the type of hype that you repeated... It's same ol fear mongering BS.. "do you wanta die?" "if they have it we have to be prepared!"
All said as we sit on a thousand times more of the crap than anyone in the world.

plus Remember where Wuhan got the virus and info to upgrade the virus.
From the U.S., a North Carolina University, through projects from U.S. gov't contractors, grants and U.S. authorizations.
BTW, Where'd the Anthrax letters of super high grade Anthrax come from after 911?
Oh yeah, Fort Detrix Maryland U.S.of A.
not some scary far off Foreign boggy man labs that might get us one day maybe.

10-19-2022, 09:03 PM
I'd have to check again but I thought the gain of function was banned in the USA and why Fauci went to China.

I think you're correct.

AND i believe we are already on treaties that would ban us & others from doing it as well.
If not On the treaties treaties of that kind have been sent our way and we refused to sign.
I'd have to check which.

10-20-2022, 12:23 PM
you've learned well.

I still say it's BS. this 'lil bit of necessary evil" crap seems to always bite us in the arse.

here's my general POV on that.
we've already got the basics for this virus. it's not so different that it can't be killed or neutralized by the same things that do it now.
Which is FAR MORE than "vaccines".

in their wisdom, what they changed was only meant to make it a better KILLER. Not make it a harder to kill.

The old protocols for bio-hazards (that where chucked in the trash for this pandemic) are still are our best options.
Quarantine the SICK who have the real virus.
And have doctors, scientist, student researchers, naturopaths, nurses, veterinarians and Grandmas throw the kitchen sink at it and DO NOT suppress or censor ANYTHING that even looks like it works.
Stop pretending that ONLY big Pharma, vaccines and Top down controls are the only way to stop bugs.
(BTW in the case of a real outbreak you've got real human patients not animals or cell cultures. So the experiments are REAL world.)

the U.S., U.K. NATO & Israel have ears (if not fingers) on everyone in the world capable of doing this crap.
They scan/read every email, phone or text that deals with this crap world wide.
Sadly I trust that The CIA NSA DIA Mosad, MI6 and all of our contractors don't mind dealing with those they think may be a problem.
I seem to remember several Iranian nuclear scientist dying suddenly... in Iran no less.
I suspect that most, if not all, of the gain of function capable people & places are already on a short list.

So as far as scary foreign lab threats go I'm not buying the type of hype that you repeated... It's same ol fear mongering BS.. "do you wanta die?" "if they have it we have to be prepared!"
All said as we sit on a thousand times more of the crap than anyone in the world.

plus Remember where Wuhan got the virus and info to upgrade the virus.
From the U.S., a North Carolina University, through projects from U.S. gov't contractors, grants and U.S. authorizations.
BTW, Where'd the Anthrax letters of super high grade Anthrax come from after 911?
Oh yeah, Fort Detrix Maryland U.S.of A.
not some scary far off Foreign boggy man labs that might get us one day maybe.Swing, miss and FAIL. I'm not selling anything. I am stating an opinion based on observation, fact and personal experience. The fact that it is inconvenient to your narrative makes it no less correct and/or "how it is".

Let's see if we can move past being a typical, American civilian. How many times have I stated, on this board, I'd like to see all these f*ckers hanged or worse? Too numerous to recall. You keep wanting to impose your idealism on everyone without regard to reality OR the fact that everyone else has their own ideals same as you. Just in case you've missed the left trying to shove its woke crap up all our asses. There's no difference in you doing it and they doing it because you think you are right.

Big difference between you and me is I don't confuse the reality of the evil out there with how I wish things were. Everybody'd be shutting their whining, busybody-ass mouths and minding their own business and taking care of/protecting their children was it up to me.

There are evil people out there. You say so yourself. How far has telling them to stop gotten you? Not an inch I can see from my porch. Wanting inhuman assholes to quit being inhuman assholes because it's inconvenient and not nice is all fine and dandy. Except they don't care and being inhuman assholes is getting them what they want.

The Germans introduced chlorine and mustard gas in WWI and it's been on since. Hitler used Xyklon B on the Jews and other persons deemed undesirable because carbon monoxide took too long.

What does the other side have and what do we have to protect ourselves from it? I carried ZERO NBC weapons. I carried a pack full of countermeasures and was inoculated against anything we think the enemy has.

You want to REALLY hate this shit? Try sitting for days, weeks in all that MOPP gear in the freakin desert because the enemy doesn't give a rat's ass what you think about his weapons, a situation you cannot control.

Guess what? On paper, it's against the law. You be sure and try quoting that paper while you're choking to death on your own body fluids from a chem agent.

Also inconvenient to you is that there ARE people out there trying to do good. Or do you think you're the only one?