View Full Version : Obama's inglorious departure

Alik Bahshi
10-22-2022, 01:02 AM
The problem that the world has today because of Russia's war with Ukraine lies also on Obama's conscience.

Alik Bakhshi

Obama's inglorious departure

In the conclusion of the article "America Needs Change" (1), which I wrote on the eve of the 2008 presidential election and in which I predicted the victory of Barack Obama, were the following words:
“The future president of America will traditionally get the problem of the Arab-Israeli conflict, and its solution primarily depends on how ready the new owner of the White House is to fight the Jewish lobby of the American Congress. Of the two candidates, in my opinion, Barack Obama is more suitable for this task, as a young and ambitious politician, less bound by any obligations.
On the other hand, John McCain understands better what today's Russia is, whose imperial policy should not close one's eyes and condescendingly treat the curtailment of the institutions of Democracy. However, it should be noted that an experienced Joseph Biden as vice president may well complement the political baggage of a Democratic candidate.”

I was not mistaken, the American President really intended to end the Palestinian problem and bring peace to the Jewish and Palestinian peoples. Thus, in his famous Cairo speech, Obama expressed his vision of the political situation in the Middle East, and the first of all American presidents expressed support for the Palestinian people in their desire to achieve freedom, saying: "The United States will not turn its back on the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people to live in dignity in their own state" .

Unfortunately, I must admit that my hopes were not justified, Obama, in his good intentions, suffered a complete fiasco (2), and further on proclaiming the slogan “two states for two peoples”, he did not take any effective steps for all 8 years of his stay in the White House. He did not have the courage to fight the Jewish lobby in Congress (3), and the fact that even before the departure of Barack Obama from the presidency, America abstained, yes, just abstained, in the vote in the Security Council on a resolution condemning the settlement Israeli policy in the occupied territories highlights Obama's cowardice. How can one not recall the words of Yeshua Ha-Nozri:

"cowardice, no doubt
one of the worst vices"
M. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita"

Clever, but cowardly, and therefore from his mind there was no use. He was given the Nobel only because he outlined the right path, but, alas, he did not make effective efforts to achieve the goal, the words remained words.

During the long two terms of his presidency, Barack Obama did not understand what Russia is and who Putin is. He missed every chance to stop the revanchist Putin in his aggressive plans to revive the empire within its former borders. Of course, a dictator, and Putin is undoubtedly one, has an advantage both in the idea of ​​the decisions he makes and in the speed of their execution. However, Obama, instead of actually helping Ukraine with the supply of weapons, limited himself to timid sanctions against Russia. Yes, Barack Obama is far from Ronald Reagan, who stopped Moscow's military expansion. Reagan went beyond words, boldly calling the Soviet Union the Evil Empire, he organized military support, providing weapons to the freedom-loving people of Afghanistan. It was thanks to Reagan that the Evil Empire collapsed, it’s a pity that all subsequent presidents of America, including Barack Obama, misunderstood, here I repeat, what Russia is and who Putin is (4.5) reduced Reagan’s achievements to zero. Outgoing President Barack Obama spoke beautifully and correctly, but ...
After all, people are judged by their deeds, not their words. I think Obama will have a serious conversation with his conscience in the future.

1. America needs change. http://www.proza.ru/2008/11/03/621
2. The fiasco of President Obama.https://alikbahshi.livejournal.com/25423.html
3. Obama, restore America's conscience and save Israel. https://alikbahshi.livejournal.com/7628.html
4. The state-forming people and its Fuhrer, or Ukraine and further down the list. https://alikbahshi.livejournal.com/21749.html
5. Great Russian chauvinism and Putin is his Fuhrer. https://alikbahshi.livejournal.com/21133.html


10-22-2022, 01:06 PM
Supporting bad guys is not an acceptable solution. Obama sucked and his foreign policy sucked. You got one thing right: his inaction in Ukraine has led us to where we are now.