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View Full Version : Putin is the best contender for the presidency

Alik Bahshi
10-24-2022, 10:34 PM
In 2017, before the presidential elections in Russia, I wrote an article in which I suggested that in 6 years Putin, if he is re-elected, will completely destroy the Russian Empire, that is, in 2023. Let's see, there's only one year left.

Alik Bakhshi

Putin is the best contender for the presidency

"Carthage must be destroyed"
Cato the Elder

So, Putin, as expected, again intends to continue his work as a "slave in the galleys." And this is good! Good, because slave labor is not only ineffective, but even harmful. The results of such work are clearly demonstrated by Russian reality. Another 6 years of such work and the Russian Empire will finally fall apart and this time completely, freeing the World from an amazingly surviving monster from the era of lizards. The world community is simply obliged, together with the Kremlin propaganda, to support the CEC (Central Electoral Commission) to fulfill the main task - to protect Putin from other contenders for the presidency and not to allow a certain Navalny, as the chairman of the CEC Panfilova said, to fool the youth of Russia. It is impossible to give Russian youth a chance for a future in the Empire of Evil, and no one will do it better than Putin, especially since for the past 18 years he has been successfully doing just that. (1)

1. https://alikbahshi.livejournal.com/37226.html
