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10-25-2022, 07:11 AM
Yet the funding has dried up thanks to Covid:


10-25-2022, 10:17 AM
I've been rooting for TB to take the top spot. Go team.

Actually covid sucked the life out of so much including monkey pox. Red states, blue states, nobody was wanting to deal with the CDC over monkey pox and all the reporting.

10-25-2022, 11:01 AM
Yet the funding has dried up thanks to Covid:

https://www.sciencealert.com/the-worlds-biggest-infectious-killer-regains-its-deadly-leadTB never went away. It was under control. Arrogance, complacency and the emergence of the anti-vax peeps brought it back.

10-26-2022, 06:53 AM
TB never went away. It was under control. Arrogance, complacency and the emergence of the anti-vax peeps brought it back.

Why the knee jerk assumption that "anti-Vaxers" are causing the problem Gunny?
that's BS.

The tuberculosis (TB) vaccine is rarely used in the United States. It is only recommended for children living with someone who is actively infected with TB who either
(1) cannot take antibiotics to treat the infection or
(2) is infected with a strain of TB that is highly resistant to all antibiotics. Decisions regarding this vaccine are typically made in consultation with a local TB control program. The TB vaccine is given as a single shot.
In most other countries, the vaccine for tuberculosis, known as the BCG vaccine, is used more commonly because of the frequency of tuberculosis.

Was it you that claimed in another thread that the uptick in Polio was also due to "anti-vaxxers"?
when it's actually caused by the vaccine itself (https://apnews.com/article/health-united-nations-ap-top-news-pakistan-international-news-7d8b0e32efd0480fbd12acf27729f6a5).

Look, I know some people have an unrestrained, whole hearted FAITH in the beneficences of health granted us by anything called a "vaccine".
But please, it's not productive or honest to just ASSUME that every outbreak/uptick of disease is the fault of those heretical, unclean, disease ridden, trouble makin', antivaxers.

10-26-2022, 11:14 AM
Why the knee jerk assumption that "anti-Vaxers" are causing the problem Gunny?
that's BS.

The tuberculosis (TB) vaccine is rarely used in the United States. It is only recommended for children living with someone who is actively infected with TB who either
(1) cannot take antibiotics to treat the infection or
(2) is infected with a strain of TB that is highly resistant to all antibiotics. Decisions regarding this vaccine are typically made in consultation with a local TB control program. The TB vaccine is given as a single shot.
In most other countries, the vaccine for tuberculosis, known as the BCG vaccine, is used more commonly because of the frequency of tuberculosis.

Was it you that claimed in another thread that the uptick in Polio was also due to "anti-vaxxers"?
when it's actually caused by the vaccine itself (https://apnews.com/article/health-united-nations-ap-top-news-pakistan-international-news-7d8b0e32efd0480fbd12acf27729f6a5).

Look, I know some people have an unrestrained, whole hearted FAITH in the beneficences of health granted us by anything called a "vaccine".
But please, it's not productive or honest to just ASSUME that every outbreak/uptick of disease is the fault of those heretical, unclean, disease ridden, trouble makin', antivaxers.WHO is assuming? I will take proven, factual science of paranoid superstition every time. Your assumption that the science is wrong and always performed by nefarious people with evil ulterior motives is the incorrect one. Nothing knee jerk about that and definitely no blind faith.

Case in point would be your misrepresentation of the polio vaccine, presenting exception as rule. It is one of the most successful vaccines we have almost eradicating the disease.



When first tested, one of the vaccines did give the test group polio. They were injected with the live virus rather than the dead one. That was human error, not the vaccine's.

And yes, anit-vaxxers ARE part of the problem. No matter what you wish to claim, it is a simple fact that those vaccinated against polio and other infectious diseases are infinitely less susceptible to those diseases than the unvaccinated. Simple math.

Yes, there is a chance of side effects and/or death in rare exceptions. And yep, they're still dead. So let's throw out the vaccines that have benefitted billions because someone died. There's no common sense, logic nor science in your paranoid fear that you are an exception to the rule.

Besides the science, I'm going to go with personal experience. I know that doesn't count with you but it works just fine and dandy for me. I have not once caught anything I have been vaccinated against and I HAVE been exposed more than a couple of times. Coincidence?

I've never told you nor anyone else on this board to get vaccinated for anything. Doesn't make your emotion-based argument correct, nor in any way change mine. I'll wait to die of something off the wall and weird, or old age, instead of something I can prevent.

10-26-2022, 04:18 PM
TB never went away. It was under control. Arrogance, complacency and the emergence of the anti-vax peeps brought it back.

Ok you say.
"TB never went away."

"It was under control."
the article says that before covid it was number 1 and now it's back in that spot since covid has waned.


"complacency "
Since Covid sucked all the air out of the house. ok, yes neglect for sure.

"and the emergence of the anti-vax peeps brought it back."
Nothing in the article about this AT ALL.
You simply assumed it.. made it Up! Unless you want to post your link connecting TB and anti-vaxers.
If not, sorry man. it's not facts, it's your Belief.
In fact the TB Vaccine is not even really mentioned in the article. Instead the focus is on the lack of use and research into other drugs & treatments for TB.
And the TB strains that antibiotics ... not the TB vaccine ... can't deal with.

Your statements that "Anti-vax peeps brought it back", because THEY are full of EMOTIONS with "paranoid superstition" spin is just your personal opinion.
But Anti-vaxers are an easy boggie-man. But there's NO evidence that the unvaxxed are the cause of the continued prevalence of TB.

BTW I don't discount vaccines out of hand, it seems each one has various levels of benefit to risk factors.
seems to me we all should pay close attention to the available science.

As far as your personal experience is concerned, i don't discount it.
I'm very glad you're OK. But it's not what I'm going base my decision on.

I've had most vaccines as a kid, and i'm boarder-line autistic, I don't know if they were a factor or not.
By the same tokin I can't say that they've protected you or not either.
Also, if we're using anecdotal evidence, The Amish have had very few vaccines, but somehow they haven't been wiped off the face of the earth over the pass 75 years of exposer ethier.

So look, If you think the evidence leans in any particular vaccines favor please help yourself.
I'll look at the same evidence AND at other evidence that you may not, and make my own choices.... and pronouncements.

But don't pretend that your statement about anti-vaxers being a part of the cause of the return of TB to it's #1 spot is based on ANY facts.
It's just spitballing your opinion based on your bias FOR vaccines.

10-26-2022, 06:27 PM
Ok you say.
"TB never went away."

"It was under control."
the article says that before covid it was number 1 and now it's back in that spot since covid has waned.


"complacency "
Since Covid sucked all the air out of the house. ok, yes neglect for sure.

"and the emergence of the anti-vax peeps brought it back."
Nothing in the article about this AT ALL.
You simply assumed it.. made it Up! Unless you want to post your link connecting TB and anti-vaxers.
If not, sorry man. it's not facts, it's your Belief.
In fact the TB Vaccine is not even really mentioned in the article. Instead the focus is on the lack of use and research into other drugs & treatments for TB.
And the TB strains that antibiotics ... not the TB vaccine ... can't deal with.

Your statements that "Anti-vax peeps brought it back", because THEY are full of EMOTIONS with "paranoid superstition" spin is just your personal opinion.
But Anti-vaxers are an easy boggie-man. But there's NO evidence that the unvaxxed are the cause of the continued prevalence of TB.

BTW I don't discount vaccines out of hand, it seems each one has various levels of benefit to risk factors.
seems to me we all should pay close attention to the available science.

As far as your personal experience is concerned, i don't discount it.
I'm very glad you're OK. But it's not what I'm going base my decision on.

I've had most vaccines as a kid, and i'm boarder-line autistic, I don't know if they were a factor or not.
By the same tokin I can't say that they've protected you or not either.
Also, if we're using anecdotal evidence, The Amish have had very few vaccines, but somehow they haven't been wiped off the face of the earth over the pass 75 years of exposer ethier.

So look, If you think the evidence leans in any particular vaccines favor please help yourself.
I'll look at the same evidence AND at other evidence that you may not, and make my own choices.... and pronouncements.

But don't pretend that your statement about anti-vaxers being a part of the cause of the return of TB to it's #1 spot is based on ANY facts.
It's just spitballing your opinion based on your bias FOR vaccines.

A personal opinion backed by the science and facts and not based on emotion and fear. Yep, that's what it is. Emotion/fear-based opinions cause errors in judgement and can get people killed. That wasn't okay in either of my past vocations.

I shouldn't, BUT ... you're just spitballing your opinion on your bias AGAINST vaccines :rolleyes:

I'll stick with what is proven and works.