View Full Version : Progressives go on damage control after Ukraine diplomacy letter

10-25-2022, 07:18 PM
Dem progressives, going into business for themselves again without engaging whatever brain cell they have first. The Dems are attacking Republicans who are calling for accountability instead of a blank check on the Ukraine War as not supporting democracy and voila! The progressives just stuck a knife in the WH's back (not that it bothers me :)).

Leadership (if you want to call it that), Jayapal, accepts token responsibility while blaming staffers. Dems get to do that :rolleyes:


10-25-2022, 07:21 PM
I feel like a 70's K-TEL commercial: "WAIT! There's more!"


10-26-2022, 06:34 AM
many of the same folks on the left cried for "No war" & claimed to be Anti-war during the Bush era.
But that was different:rolleyes:

Very few people have a consistent view on war policy.
But it seems to me that the same folks that have benefited from the last half dozen "conflicts" are the same folks that are benefiting now.
And again our national debt & economy is NOT being helped, just the opposite. inflation & less access to goods. And Billions in tax dollars down a rat hole.
And AGAIN the safety of the U.S. IS NOT being enhanced, just the opposite. To the point of an ever increasing chance of nuclear war.

The letter was step in the right direction.
Sadly, too many politicians & people are far more loyal to party (or other influences) than to principals or common sense.

10-26-2022, 10:24 AM
many of the same folks on the left cried for "No war" & claimed to be Anti-war during the Bush era.
But that was different:rolleyes:

Very few people have a consistent view on war policy.
But it seems to me that the same folks that have benefited from the last half dozen "conflicts" are the same folks that are benefiting now.
And again our national debt & economy is NOT being helped, just the opposite. inflation & less access to goods. And Billions in tax dollars down a rat hole.
And AGAIN the safety of the U.S. IS NOT being enhanced, just the opposite. To the point of an ever increasing chance of nuclear war.

The letter was step in the right direction.
Sadly, too many politicians & people are far more loyal to party (or other influences) than to principals or common sense.Something I have known, but made no real conscious effort to consider for awhile is that when it comes to who is for and against war based on political party has gone full circle and then some during my lifetime.

When I was a kid, the Dems were ready to attack anything they didn't like while the right was isolationist leaning. With the exception of Clinton's war in the Balkans that was none of our business, the Republicans during the 80s-early 2000s were the armchair warriors. Now we're back where I came in. The Dems are taking their usual, "Vietnam approach" to Ukraine. Load the lesser of two evils up with technology and goods they cannot create and maintain themselves and cheer them on :rolleyes:

On the other hand, I consider a "f*ck 'em, they're not hurting me now" POV pretty much playing "ostrich", as people like to call it. None of my business. "Good guys and bad guys" are relative. It justifies (in the minds of those selling it to themselves) doing nothing while evil destroys good. How personally inconvenient it is to put your money where your mouth is and at least support good defending itself against evil:rolleyes:

The people of Ukraine deserve the same opportunities as you. Maybe more. Eastern Europeans live a harder life on a good day than you can imagine. They're not spoiled little babies crying their asses off. They were attacked and they're fighting back for their existence which is more than I can say for more than half of our current society. I know history is inconvenient for you, but this is what Stalin did to Ukraine, and what Putin is trying to do again:

https://www.google.com/search?q=holodomor+genocide&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS750US750&oq=holdom&aqs=chrome.3.69i57j0i10i131i433i512j0i10i512j0i10i 131i433i512j0i512j0i10i512l2j0i10i131i433i512j46i1 75i199i512j0i10i512.13956j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

The systematic starvation and attempted genocide of a people. If you are willing to allow that history to repeat itself because you are unwilling to do anything to help, there's nothing more you need say.

Doesn't enhance the US? You remind me of Marines whining and bitching about how bad the Marines suck. I would always tell them to remember what they thought of Marines BEFORE they joined, when they were on the outside looking in.

When you're on the outside looking in, the US represents hope to the people of Ukraine.

If it comes to nuclear war, so be it. Would you rather be a live slave to that Mongol Putin? Because that's exactly what the side that backs down is going to be.