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10-26-2022, 01:05 PM

Not Night Train ... just makes me admire people who do this!

10-26-2022, 01:15 PM

10-26-2022, 01:20 PM
That's not NT ... just wanted him to see it.

10-26-2022, 01:36 PM
Looks like Kodiak icing, but the microwave dish is too small... maybe northern Europe?

I have a bunch of pics like that from around AK, but Kodiak gets top honors.

It's a cool pic, but that guy is really rolling the dice there... if he causes the tower to suddenly shed that ice load, he'd be wrapped up in many tons of ice.

In my world, I'd be the guy taking the pic! I don't like climbing.

10-26-2022, 01:38 PM
Maybe he's not a worker .. just a thrill seeker?

10-26-2022, 01:45 PM
That's not NT ... just wanted him to see it.

I knew that! LOL!

10-26-2022, 04:59 PM
Maybe he's not a worker .. just a thrill seeker?

Pretty sure he's up there chipping away the ice with a handpick.. you can see where it's cleared away around him. That dish was probably covered and microwave won't work when it's encased like that.

I wouldn't do it!

10-26-2022, 06:12 PM
Looks like Kodiak icing, but the microwave dish is too small... maybe northern Europe?

I have a bunch of pics like that from around AK, but Kodiak gets top honors.

It's a cool pic, but that guy is really rolling the dice there... if he causes the tower to suddenly shed that ice load, he'd be wrapped up in many tons of ice.

In my world, I'd be the guy taking the pic! I don't like climbing.Interesting. I loved climbing. I was all over everything. I was getting paid to have fun :)

I don't know that I would be willing to chance the situation in that pic though. I suck working in the cold to begin with :laugh:

10-27-2022, 07:38 PM
Hey NT .... any comment? I'm thinking he should have a parachute!


10-28-2022, 12:28 AM
Hey NT .... any comment? I'm thinking he should have a parachute!

I doubt he's getting paid that much. Pretty sure he's getting paid union scale, or a little less... maybe $55 / $58 per hour like any tower guy.

He's not in any real danger, if you look at his harness he's strapped in and he's never not strapped to the ladder. There's a cable that runs between the rails of the ladder all the way down, and his harness clips to that. If he slips, his harness clips cinch and stop him from falling more than a few feet. Scary as hell, sure, but he's pretty safe.

Most tower guys love climbing the big ones. They get a kick out of it, and there's no shortage of guys wanting to climb that to change out the light.

10-28-2022, 01:00 PM
Looks like Kodiak icing, but the microwave dish is too small... maybe northern Europe?

I have a bunch of pics like that from around AK, but Kodiak gets top honors.

It's a cool pic, but that guy is really rolling the dice there... if he causes the tower to suddenly shed that ice load, he'd be wrapped up in many tons of ice.

In my world, I'd be the guy taking the pic! I don't like climbing.

Damn, and I thought it sucks when I have to climb my ladder with a broom to get the snow off my DirecTV dish which stops working when covered!

If me, and I saw that much ice - I would just send an email to everyone that they are fu**ed until summer! :laugh:

10-28-2022, 01:02 PM
Hey NT .... any comment? I'm thinking he should have a parachute!

They are all nuts! Same as the guys that hang off the side of the Burj Kalifa by rope to clean windows!

They should stick some huge ass LED bulbs in there. Couldn't pay me any amount to climb something like that.

Abbey Marie
10-28-2022, 01:04 PM
Adrenaline junkies!

10-28-2022, 05:16 PM
I doubt he's getting paid that much. Pretty sure he's getting paid union scale, or a little less... maybe $55 / $58 per hour like any tower guy.

He's not in any real danger, if you look at his harness he's strapped in and he's never not strapped to the ladder. There's a cable that runs between the rails of the ladder all the way down, and his harness clips to that. If he slips, his harness clips cinch and stop him from falling more than a few feet. Scary as hell, sure, but he's pretty safe.

Most tower guys love climbing the big ones. They get a kick out of it, and there's no shortage of guys wanting to climb that to change out the light.Just had to spoil it with facts :slap:

For $20k per climb? Where do I sign up? Hell, I can still climb :laugh:

10-28-2022, 06:21 PM
Just had to spoil it with facts :slap:

For $20k per climb? Where do I sign up? Hell, I can still climb :laugh:

Yeah, some embellishments there on that pic. The lights last more than 6 months, but when they do burn out, the FAA will hammer the tower owners hard with fines. I don't remember exactly, but I think the fines start after 48 hours because of the threat to aviation.

Airplanes and unlit towers with some clouds makes for an unpleasant flight, roger!