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View Full Version : Turkey Bests Russia

11-07-2022, 01:21 PM
Gunny just don't know which you can root for? https://www.battleswarmblog.com/?p=53161

11-07-2022, 06:13 PM
@Gunny (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=30) just don't know which you can root for? https://www.battleswarmblog.com/?p=53161As I have stated many, many times in the past, Turkey is on no one's side but what's best for Turkey. I guess I can get that even if I don't agree with most things Erdogan does past the end of that statement.

Erdogan's no fool. I think he, like the rest of the World greatly overestimated Russia's military might. As the author points out, Turkey and Russia have been enemies more than friends for quite a few centuries. (I had to backspace off devolving into a history class :))

As an aside, but related: Saw WSJ headline yesterday (won't pay for it) that said China "rebuked" Russia's threat of using nukes. Pooh needs to have a word with his little fat twin in N Korea on the matter.

Turkey joined the UN as a self-preservation move. The UN allowed Turkey to join as a containment move. Not sure Russia's imperialism is any worse that the Ottoman's. But they do counter balance one another nicely :)